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D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Printable Version

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D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - A|fzZz - 05-01-2005

I think this was kind of lost in the walkthrough so I decided to move and sticky it.....

REMEMBER!! D2jsp/YAMB is a hack! You're not going to get perfection. Glitches WILL occur!

Common Problems:

* 1. When I start the game, I get 'unknown game version'
* 2. When I click 'start' in autod2jsp, I get js32.dll/d2jsp.dll not found.
* 3. When I start the bot, it goes to the login screen and sits there.....
* 4. Game starts but I get 'no character config file found.....etc.'
* 5. Game starts and I get this error:
DC_loadinclude(): Failed to load library: BotOs/Pathing/BotOs.Pathing.d2j
DC_loadinclude(): There are errors in libs/BotOs/Pathing/BotOs.Pathing.d2j
* 6. Game starts and I get a 'reference error', 'xxx' not defined', 'script error' etc.
* 7. When I start the bot, I get error5/6/998....
* 8. I get this 'pathing error', 'we seem to be stuck', 'failed to interact', 'pathing exception' message and bot quits game
* 9. Snagit picks up a lot of junk. What do I do? or OMG!! My bot jus solt a unik!! Was rong?
* 10. My character keeps switching weapons. Wasup wid dat?
* 11. My character is an alcoholic and keeps saying 'Lets get a beer before the fight!'
* 12. My character seems to chicken a lot.
* 13. I get a lot of 'realm downs' or my character idles in game a lot (stalling for xx seconds).
* 14. When I do a trav run, my character gets stuck when teleporting

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You click 'START' in the autod2jsp.
Game starts to load and you get:
You have not generated a key file.
See the 'Creating a Keyfile' section of the walkthrough.

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You click 'START' in the autod2jsp.

Suddenly you get this warning....
js32.dll/d2jsp.dll not found.....

You missed this step:
Open your new d2jsp folder. You will see a file called js32.dll. Cut and paste
this file to to your C:\WINDOWS\system and C:\WINDOWS\system32 folders.

EDIT: APR 7 The latest version from the walkthrough will autoinstall js32 to the appropriate folders so this should no longer be a problem...

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Bot goes to login screen but doesn't enter password.

Make sure you have your acctname and password entered correctly in autod2jsp.

If you are using version .45 or earlier, you need to upgrade.

If you are using version 47.45 or 48.41, this seems to be an intermittent problem.
Shut down the game by clicking 'Kill' in the autod2jsp window, and retry.
Could also try rebooting your system.

EDIT March 9th.
I've seen reports indicating that deleting or moving the butt-crack .exe (or crackwhore.exe depending on version) file from your d2jsp folder might solve this... Doesn't hurt to try....
EDIT APR 7 Moving the file Defintely solves that problem
Butt_crack in 47.45, crackwhore in 48.41 and later

Also check that the two scripts listed in the autod2jsp edit screen are default.d2j and autostarter.d2j

You could also try NOT using d2loader.exe when running the bot

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Game starts. Character is selected and game created.
Bot starts to load and you see this: screenshot

This is by far the MOST common problem.
There are three possible reasons for this error

* 1. Wrong character location selected in the autod2jsp page
(wrong character would load so scripts wouldn't match.)
* 2. YAM_Config_(YourCharacter) file not in configs folder
Verify that it is in the correct location.
* 3. Character name not correct in your YAM_Config_ file.
It's case sensitive and MUST be an exact match

Of the three possibilities, #3 is the most common source.
If your character name is 'Iwanna-Bot', the file should read


These are some of the ways it could be WRONG


Verify your character name.

EDIT April 27 Latest versions using YAMB 9.6.0 can autoconfigure files with your character name. This should solve this problem once and for all

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Game starts and you get a BOTOS pathing error message

This seems to be a problem that has cropped up with version 47.42/YAMB 9.5.9. and continues with 48.41

For some, deleting and reinstalling the bot seems to cure the problem.

Other than that there does not seem to be a solution. It's been driving me nuts as there is no pattern or consistency to the types of systems it occurs on. Only thing I can think of is some sort of hardware/software conflict

If reinstalling the bot doesn't work, you will have to use d2jsp 46.42.
A link is included in the second post in the walkthrough

EDIT: Still seems to be the case. Version 49.42 is now out and hopefully that may fix the BotOS path

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Game starts and you get a reference error, script error, something not defined... etc.

In your configuring, you most likely made a typo. Typed something incorrectly or entered an extra character.

For instance, typing


/YAMXXP.push("Countess"); //YAMXXP.push("Andy"); YAMXXP.push("Meph");

Instead of


//YAMXXP.push("Countess"); //YAMXXP.push("Andy"); YAMXXP.push("Meph");

Will cause a script error. Check the files you edited for typos. If you can't find anything obvious, and its in one of the config files, just delete your file and start a new one (from your 'originals folder) Otherwise you will have to reinstall the bot.

If its not one of the character files, but something else, if you can't find it, you will have to try reinstalling the bot.

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When the bot starts I get error 5, error 6, or error 998.

Error 998 refers to the fact that you have a plugin folder in your Diablo II folder. You will have to rename or move it.

Error 5 and error 6 refer to problems with the d2jsp core.
I have been unable to find out precisely what they are.
Answers can be found on d2jsp.orgs site BUT you have to have PAID for d2jsp to get the info.

These problems mainly occur with version 46.42. Very rare with later versions

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I get a 'pathing error', 'failed to interact', 'move exception' error.

Pathing errors will occur as the pathing is rather arcane programming.... However some times these problems are caused by a slow computer/internet connection.

Open your character config file and scroll about 1/5th of the way down to here:


YAM_MinGameLength = 220; YAM_MaxGameLength = 680; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone ! YAM_GameCatchup = 1000; DC_Verbose = true; YAM_AbortNoMerc = true; YAM_StopFullInv = true;

Try increasing this number upwards by increments of 500 and see if it helps.

EDIT: April 7 in the latest version this has already been tweaked a bit as well as another setting changed as well. Pathing arrays have also been improved a little. You will still get these sort of errors but they shouldn't be TOO common..

EDIT: April 27. This setting and another have been tweaked a little more in veriosn 49.42

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Snagit is picking up and selling/keeping a lot of junk or Snagit just ignored/sold a unique

Snagit is mainly configued to keep only the more 'elite' uniques. Also many of the uniques will also be id'd and sold if of a poor quality.
It is also configured to pick up many rares and id them for good mods as well as items good for socketing/runewods.

See kwitcher's thread here for a good explanation of Snagit or see this thread here for more info and a 'stripped' version of Snagit

EDIT April 27 . Ive used YAMB 9.6.0 with d2jsp 48.45 and later.
YAMB 9.6.0 uses NJIP for its grabbing. supposedly faster, easier to edit and far better at NOT getting junk. See the 2nd post in the download/walkthrough for more info.

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By default, your character is configured to switch to whatever weapon has the most MF just before the boss dies. If you do not want to switch either:
A: remove your second weapon/shield or
B: open your character config file, scroll 3/4s of the way to here


XP_UntimedRepeat = 3; XP_MaxAttacks = 50; XP_SwitchOnKill = true; XP_StallSkipPhys = true; XP_MephDodge = true;

Change it to false

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Character chickens to town a lot.

A few things you can do here

Open your char config file, scroll almost halfway to here


DT_BeltColMin[0] = 2; DT_BeltColMin[1] = 2; DT_BeltColMin[2] = 2; DT_BeltColMin[3] = 2;

Default is 3. Make it two like it is here. Your character wont hurry off as much to load belt.

Open your lifewatch config file and check your settings.
These are what I use for a sorc with @ 860 life and 850 mana


var LW_UseTownChicken = true; var LW_ChickenLife = 420; var LW_ChickenTownLife = 470; var LW_ChickenMana = 0; var LW_LifeThresh = 650; var LW_ManaThresh = 50; var LW_LifeRejuvThresh = 500; var LW_ManaRejuvThresh = 0; var LW_QuitOnNoDrink = 440;

Dont have LifeThresh too close to your actual life or you will use a lot of potions.
Keep ChickenTown life a bit above chicken life

Or if it really bugs you, change this var LW_UseTownChicken = true; to false.

Also in your charcter config file, you could change thses to false

CountessSafeCheck = true;
MephSafeCheck = true;
AndySafeCheck = true;
ShenkSafeCheck = true;
PitSafeCheck = true;

EDIT potion management is improved in version 48.41 so bot shouldn't run too town as much to fill belt. Will still go there to remove curses and heal

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Character seems to chicken a lot

Two causes for this. One is your lifewatch settings. If your character chickens a lot because of damage being taken, try lowering your ChickenLife setting. (see answer 12 above)

It may also be caused by internet lag/slow connection IE High ping.
In your Lifewatch config file scroll to the bottom to this:


var LW_QuitOnHostile = false; var LW_MaxPing = 2500; var LW_MaxSpamFailed = 1;

You can try adjusting max ping upwards.

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I get a lot of Realm Downs or
My character waits in the game after finishing its run.

Back in August 04, Bnet changed its settings so that you would get Realm Down if you created/joined games too quickly.
This was done to nerf many of the bots that were on the go, especially pindlebots.
A pindlebot could do a run in as little as 30 seconds and start a new one. This caused a lot of strain on Bnets servers (and ticked them off).

To avoid frequent (and sometimes LONG) RD's its best to keep games over 3 minutes in length

The purpose of a multibot is to kill several bosses in sequence and so have a fairly long game.

The D2jsp/YAMB combo is set for a minimum game length of 220 seconds. If your character finishes its run before the time is up, it will idle in game for a while.

You can:
Reduce the min game length but run a greater risk of RD,
Add a boss or two to increase game duration, or
Live with it.

EDIT April 7 With the newest version, (48.41) I have set it so that the bot will pause 1-15 seconds before making a game. Also every 12-17 games, bot will pause 30-60 seconds. This adds more randomness and help make the bot less noticeable.

Also, randomness helps avoid detection. Assuming you have a fairly long game, keep mingame length a fair bit below it (but not below 220) Random differnces in the runs would cause variations in game length.
IE min game length 220
average run 270
run length may vary from 240-300. Provides a good range of randomness.
If min game was 270, you would lose much of this variation

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[This is not written by me, I take no credits]
Thanks Shogun for this!

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - lynchmob - 05-03-2005

nice sticky, many erors could probably be found in the other sticky along with the solutions, very nice job tho, al-in-one error troubleshooting

EI: i dont se the solution to prob. 14

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - cfp_man - 05-23-2005

hello everyone. i am helping friend set up is bot i did all the nitty gritty of the configurations and all for him and walked him trow the prosses but... he gets error message" cannot finddiablo2.exe".
but he just reformated and reinstalled d2 and assures me he his using the right cd key.
plz help

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - backwardsmn5 - 05-24-2005

I have the common error of "unknown game version" but i have made a key and copied and pasted it...i don't have crackwhore, but I do have butt-crack instead. I am not sure what to do. i checked the faq but i don't really understand what it says to do. help would be very appreciated!

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - mastadon-dx - 05-31-2005

now it all makes sence....good help

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Origamy - 05-31-2005

wow, iv removed every hack pack folder in there, and i still get error 998, any suggestions? only other folders in there are save and support.

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Shadowjester13 - 06-04-2005

Yeah i'm with him, I still get 998. I have done the best i can on it, and get 998. Plus 998 also even if you get going still make you not able to log in with password on bot.

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Repazentin_269 - 06-27-2005

ok i log in get char get into lobby go to chat lobby btu then i get a error like this
(Null):Line121:ErrorSad22) is not a function pl zhelp me out ty

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - neounk - 06-27-2005

My bot logs in makes a game then says dumping inventory item data (or somthing) then sits there and does nothing. also somtimes i get error 0 :S

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Grave - 06-28-2005

Hmm i get a problem wich says something like: Error: YAM_Exception: name =DSN_LoadNIPFiles(), message= No nip file patch found!

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - yes.interesting - 07-02-2005

lol u forgot to explain number 14... which really sucks b/c im having that problem right now.

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - Koolaid_dude - 07-06-2005

Thanx 4 the help.

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - kujo_x - 07-11-2005

uh...i keep getting error 193 error 193 everytime i try and start up the bot..and help?

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - DemonKiLLa - 07-12-2005

hwo do u define the xp_pally type

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - discohadestwo - 07-13-2005

I'm getting the 998 Error & I couldn't find a plugin folder in my Diablo II folder.
So, I don't think that's the problem. Any other solutions in mind?

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - gerente - 07-19-2005

I am having a problem similar to #2,

2. When I click 'start' in autod2jsp, I get d2jsp.dll not found.

however, for me, I get the warning

"D2JSP.DLL is missing, extract ALL the files from the ZIP"

I have extrated everything...
I have put js32.dll in the diablo 2 folder, in the windows/system and windows/system32 folders.

Little help please?

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - ludin - 07-19-2005

i click start in autod2jsp after setting it up and i get an error saying Diablo II not loaded, run game before installing

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - DaggothUr - 07-20-2005

I keep getting error 998. Please give some help on it. I have no plug in folders, I just have support ans save.

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - konaguy.jr - 07-21-2005

i keep geting on the cracker when i try to put the key string i paste and it says *** ERROR :- Invalid keyfile format *** can any1 help or tell me the format

D2jsp Errors? Check here first! - -gts- - 07-23-2005

I get error number 5...

But, if i received d2jsp from a friend how do i re-install it :confused: