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town tele - Printable Version

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town tele - ICP_OvErLorD - 05-10-2005

hey, i need the hack that lets a paladin charge in town and a barb ww in town

can any1 help me i NEED this Big Grin

town tele - DarkAllianceNMM - 05-11-2005

idk but i need this shit too man help him out

town tele - ICP_OvErLorD - 05-11-2005

i used to have it Sad

plz, if n e 1 knows Smile

town tele - DJ_MUTTA - 05-11-2005

öhhh never heard of it.....
try search the blizzhackers forum

town tele - EpiQ - 05-11-2005

It doesnt work perhaps? :S

town tele - Violence - 05-11-2005

What do you mean like through the wall? I think thats only possible with teleport.

town tele - ICP_OvErLorD - 05-11-2005

no... hmm (i got all my shit when i used to play from this hack alone)

it lets your pally or barb use charge or ww in town, but the people in game with u cant see u use it so if u do it rite youll appear rite next to them and they be like wtf and u be like ha i got ur shit peace

it just lets u use the charge or ww skill in town

town tele - ICP_OvErLorD - 05-11-2005

SWEET... found it

download the 1 that says "snargs link"

thank you bh Big Grin

gonna get godly again... i can feel it

town tele - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 05-11-2005

if its ftele every time you trade with some one make sure u use d2hackit to unload it ftele has a backdoor


town tele - Diabloster - 05-22-2005

Yo Icp_Overload, the link that you gave isnt working right now, i think its beacuse blizzhackers is down, can you please find it again and give us another link?! Thanks soo much

town tele - Lopty - 05-23-2005

Yeah, I need this. I made a second topic about it so maybe that will get a new link. Also, I searched around a bit on the phrozen keep, but I couldn't find many things that weren't mods.

town tele - The Orgasmatron - 05-23-2005

May I ask why you would want to WW or charge in town?

town tele - DaRK_IMMoRTAL - 05-23-2005

go to - d2hackpack download that.. it includes tons of f%$#%# great hacks..

town tele - The Orgasmatron - 05-23-2005

Hello? Can someone answer my question?

town tele - Skyclad - 05-23-2005

MidgetJediYoda Wrote:May I ask why you would want to WW or charge in town?

Scamming Anni traders. They drop their item(s) on the other side of a wall, you charge/ww around it and grab it.

That, and the ftele bug, are just more reasons not to ever trade annis/gheeds with anyone using a char over level 1.

If someone refuses to use a level 1 char for trading he's trying to scam you.
If someone refuses to trade in a different place than act 2 Palace he's trying to scam you (Palace drop hack).
If someone sits there for ages then quits or calls you a noob he tried to scam you (drop5 hack).

Same with people who ask to see your equipment or wait for you to put an item in trade, then don't react a while and quit, they tried to use the backdoor in ftele to scam you.

town tele - Criticize - 05-23-2005

Quote:Scamming Anni traders. They drop their item(s) on the other side of a wall, you charge/ww around it and grab it.

If someone refuses to trade in a different place than act 2 Palace he's trying to scam you (Palace drop hack).

That happened to me before, I wasn't smart enough to know anything about the Anni. Therefore, I traded a 90 Spider sash for it. He wanted to do it at the palace, but then we went to Act 3. We did as you explained, he dropped anni and I dropped my sash. As we made our move, he teled and picked both items up. Then he told me to come to act 2 palace, which I was "Dropped" and "Quit" from D2.

He jacked me for my sash, so worries, he got it right up the *** when he lost his account with all his chars to me. I just practly dumped all his items onto my mules, and deleted all his chars. Created lvl 1's saying "CriticizeJust, PwNeDTHa***, OuttaYaBiotCH"

He had some decent shit, none was much useful, but he has 3 anni's =)

town tele - Skyclad - 05-23-2005

Ah yes, the old 'tele from out of town to the item that was just dropped' trick.
There are a few variations on this too.

- Do not trust any high character outside of town, as they can use teleport.
- Do not stand outside of town if you have a 'chicken on hostile' set.
- Do not stand outside of town if they might be able to kill you.
- Do not stand outside of town in act 1 unless there is a bridge. Otherwise it is possible for him to get his merc on your side of the wall while still being in town himself, and when he then hostiles you you will be attacked by his merc.

town tele - The Orgasmatron - 05-23-2005

Ohhh, ok. Got it, thanks.