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whats the best mf items for a sorc - Printable Version

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whats the best mf items for a sorc - PrismOfRedLight - 07-20-2005

ive got a blizz sorc and wanna know what the best mf items are so i can be optimal at mfing

whats the best mf items for a sorc - jedimaster86 - 07-20-2005

Just know that you should still have some items that can still help you do damage, so that you can DO to runs to get yourself items. Technically, even without any mf items, any character has 100% mf because they have a 100% chance of finding items, it is sometimes just luck. But here is something; dunno how good it is (i'm not too great at this stuff, so it's a guess)

Shako (w/ptopaz)
Tals Ammy
Oculus (w/ist)
Tal Armor (ptopaz)
4-socketed isted shield (for mf), or Spirit (for +2 skills, fcr, mana), or Splendor (mf, skill)
2x nagels
Tal Belt
war travs
gheeds/mf charms/anni

Alternatively, instead of using the three Tals pieces (which as a set bonus adds mf), you could try an eth upped skullders (topaz), a mf ammy (mf/skills is even better), and upped goldwrap (or snowclash if you want some more dmg).

My blizz sorc uses these following items- she does like 5.2-5.5k dmg, and has around 470% mf:

Shako (topaz)
+3 cold skill ammy
Oculus (wizzy on switch for tele)
eth upped skullders (topaz)
splendor (spirit on switch for tele)
2x nagels
war travs
gheeds/mf charms

whats the best mf items for a sorc - l33t Sauce - 07-28-2005

ok, this is my build before i stoped playing and started again:

Shako w/ ptopaz
magic ammy w/ 33 mf
skulders w/ ptopaz
Ali Baba with 2 ists
4 isted monarch
up'd chancies
up'd gold wrap
war travs
2x 30% nagels or magic rings with more than 30
28x 7mfscs
1 gheeds gc
1 anni

and i had this all on an old-school static field-orb sorc, it had somewhere around 1k mf, it should be able to use all of the gear by lvl 75

whats the best mf items for a sorc - hellsing293 - 08-02-2005

heres my mf sorc build eventhough i wont be playing and i'm selling my mf items if ne1 is interested

HELM:Shako with p topaz= 74mf
BODYConfusedkulders or eth skulders with p topaz=max(lvl99)147 i think
Weapon:ali baba 99mf max i have 10mf added with jewels
Shield: a set shield gives 20mf
Ring1:nagel perfect 30mf
Ring2:nagel 21mf
Boots:war travs 44mf
gloves:chance guards 38mf
AMULET: 35mf

that come to around 500-600mf thats what i wear i not lvl99 so i dont know mine exactly but thats stuff i will trade for sojs or a sword or 2 for my barb so wisper me if u want.

whats the best mf items for a sorc - Dark.Zero - 08-02-2005

ok heres for u rich people

shako w/ ist
tals armor w/ ist
tals belt (15mf)
tals ammy (those 3 give 65 mf)
perf war travs
perf chancies
30 mf ring
30 mf ring
occy w/ ist
and lastly a 4 soceted shield w/ 4 ists

add a perf gheeds and some mf sc's