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big east free list - Printable Version

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big east free list - skidude - 07-29-2005

if u post without 30 posts asken for items u will not get any at all


if u need a item that is listed post here do not spam in my thread cause i will be
watchen it alot

only nl items for now


17/14 wisp ring
32 resis metalgrid (lost for now)
15% ias jewel
25resis metalgrid
1/12/17 marrowwalks
176% gores (gone)
28 resis mara (gone)
33% ed jewel
29resis mara (gone)
25resis mara (lost item for now)
3x ko
3x mal
1x um
6x gul
3x pul
5x lum
3x 3% BK RING
tals ammy (gone)
2x fal
20/17 wisp
15/10 wisp ring
18/13 wisp ring
cats eye
3x 30% nagelring 1x 22%
5/4 psn lvl facet (gone)
4/4 fire lvl facet
5/3 cold lvl facet
2x 5/3 psn die facet
2x 5/3 psn lvl facet
4/5 fire lvl facet
3/5 psn die facet
4/4 psn die facet (gone)
4/5 lightning lvl facet
4/4 fire die facet
3/3 psn die facet

117d unid shako (gone)
2/16/17 marrowwalks
7/14/9 dracs (gone)
skulders (gone)
39% chances (gone)
unid tals armor (gone)
100% arach (gone)
veil of steel
134 D SHAKO (gone)
95% arach (gone)
190% eth gbane
3lightning/14% orums
186/6 arreats face (gone)
gull dagger (gone)
191% eth homunculus
2x 3socket head hunters glory
p shaft (gone)
p gbane (gone)
4socket monarch (gone)
511d archon plate (no sockets) (gone)
245% dc (gone)
2/15/17 marrowwalks (gone)
114%arach (gone)
1200d dusk enigma (gone)
2isted ali baba
unid griz shield
40% chances
44% travs
1532d gloom armor
3socket griz wep
49% travs
unid griz helm (gone)
umed tals armor
175/6 titans
unid nats claw
200/6 titans
10/15 treks
2x eth bonehew 290% & 307%
unid ls
2skill 175% 15dr valor
5/5lvl faceted skullders
4socket griz wep
unid mavs helm
2x ptopaz shakos
unid arreats
192% eth homunculus
2/21/12 coa (gone)
181% bartuc's
3socket nats armor
shako (gone)
8/6/20 40/15ias gaze (gone)
2586 defense eth stone
15% cold nwing
358/13 eth botd war pike (gone)
183% eth zoded shaft
8/7/17 gaze
6/6/18 gaze with 34%ed/9max jewel
unid trang belt
unid wf
unid ik armor
153% eth gbane
175% jalal's
3x unid tals armor
3x unid tgods
248% & 246% gf's
193% hoz

2x +1shadow gc
+1shadow gc with 24life
+1shape & shifting gc with 26life
2x +1 (nerco) summoning gc
+1 curses gc with 15life and 1 with 13
5x +1 lightning gc
11/11/5 anni (gone)
8x 20life sc (4x gone)
+1 barb combat gc with 25life
+1 barb wc gc
+1 barb combat with 6str gc
+1 ele gc
+1 barb combat gc
7x 100psn sc
+1 pcombat gc (gone)
2x +1 cold gc (2x gone)
+1 pcombat gc with 9life (gone)
+1 curses gc with 21life
7% mf sc
+1 bow gc

big east free list - StatiK - 07-29-2005

can i get your metalgrid and/ dc on ladder

account is Jon.StatiK

big east free list - TMP - 07-30-2005

Hey, could I get a 4/4 poison die facet and the 5/4 poison lvl facet, the 114% arach, and some of those +20 life small charms on non-ladder? Oh, and also could I snag that shako?

This is all non-ladder. (I'm not trying to be greedy, it's just that I recently started playing D2 again, and I still don't have much for equipment.)

My account is KngS990.

big east free list - SDA_Melee - 07-30-2005

could i have non ladder 29 resists maras, the coa, the 2 pcombats and the arach plz, /w *saume

big east free list - Kali - 07-30-2005

unid wf, 176% gores, 29resis mara 114%arach, 1200d dusk enigma, 2isted alibaba, 2x 3% BK RING, 358/13 eth botd war pike, 11/11/5 anni pweezeee?

Nl acc: Kali666

big east free list - Shellz - 07-30-2005

2/21/12 coa
1200d dusk enigma
ANy Maras
358/13 eth botd war pike
11/11/5 anni
1 or both of the cold gc's
Tals Armour
Tals Ammy.
40 chancies
and 44 Travs

Any Of that Would be Helpful i could throw you sum points Or Rep Plz and Thanks

Im asking fer this because i wanna get back into East.

big east free list - skidude - 07-30-2005

guys im going to hold off on this to see what happens on the frist then i will trade but feel free to call your items

also don't think u can get all the godly items

big east free list - StatiK - 07-31-2005

thats why i said and/or Big Grin and im retarded lol, i thought August 1st was like another month away HAHAHA....durrrrrrrrrr.

big east free list - hahaha2 - 07-31-2005

193% hoz and 2x pally combat gc...29 maras 2x gul would do Smile

acount Doom11232

big east free list - Evelyn-Kwan - 07-31-2005

I'd like 176% Gores and 25 Mara's, major thanks if you can fulfill request and if possible a plain P Combat GC. (Non-Ladder)

big east free list - Pyroturtle - 07-31-2005

lol at people with 1 post^^

ill take any nigma but it depends on the first cause i might not need

edit:ill also take any nubby hammerdin stuff if there any left over

big east free list - rpflip - 07-31-2005

hey could i plz get the 28 or 29 res maras? could i also get like 1 20 small charm and 1 pcomb (either) ?

this would really help me out please and thanks.

acct (us east NL) : akdmks

big east free list - DiscoFroMan - 07-31-2005

WOudl be cool if i can get Tal/armor/ammy/shako Starting over again since my last account was stolen lol

*DiscoFroMan US east nl

big east free list - tenis892 - 08-01-2005

I will do just about anything to get my hands on that perfect gladiators bane. I will trade for it if you want (although im not sure how valuable they are).
Please message me on here or at *tenis892 on USeast ladder.

big east free list - yaoc1987 - 08-01-2005

32 resis metalgrid
191% eth homunculus
3socket head hunters glory
p shaft
4socket monarch
511d archon plate (no sockets)
245% dc
if u can

if u dont wanna give all of that i just want the p shaft 245% and the archon plate

msg me @ *igotstuff

big east free list - Shadow Asasin - 08-01-2005

Could i please get the 11/11/5 annihulus small charm.(nonladder)

big east free list - biggamer86 - 08-02-2005

I could use the 14/7 wisp ring.

big east free list - volcom - 08-03-2005

I really want the 32 resis metalgrid for my barb on east ladder

/w *viper_loc

please and ty.

big east free list - TMP - 08-03-2005

I love all the people who signed up just because of this thread... Big Grin

big east free list - Shellz - 08-03-2005

TMP Wrote:I love all the people who signed up just because of this thread... Big Grin

i know Big Grin but i asked fer what i need. to get back going.