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Making Glitched Socket armors - Printable Version

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Making Glitched Socket armors - baconbuddy - 08-22-2005

As far as I know, this is a glitch that increases the base defense of the armor. Use this cube recipe to try it out. ***Taken from Arreat Summit***

1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor = Socketed Body Armor of same type

Tried them on single player first to make sure, and it works! fun fun.
ps. Got the items from the item pack, so they may be a little better than you may find in game, but I just want to show that it works.

Sacred armor first



Archon plate next



Shadow plate last




Found a crappy eth breast plate on closed ladder, and tried the recipe. It works! Try it out.

pps. It may not always add the max sockets, so try at your ownrisk, unless you can rollback!

By the way, It works on eth shields and helm too!!!

Making Glitched Socket armors - Exh-shadow - 08-22-2005

Oooh, high lvl fortitude comin up XD, Thx (Btw)

Making Glitched Socket armors - The Orgasmatron - 08-22-2005

Nice find.

Making Glitched Socket armors - ICP_OvErLorD - 08-22-2005

is this only on ladder?

Making Glitched Socket armors - Ael.Sys666-D)A( - 08-22-2005

Can we get feedback, if this only a ladder glitch, or does it work for all of D2..

Making Glitched Socket armors - Juke - 08-22-2005

This is not a Ladder only, i have known about this sence 1.11 came out.

It works on Non Magic AT all Iteams

say you got a boneweave with 12%ed it will not work

It has to be Normal only Eth Armor

It sometimes gives u max sockets but not always and can only do it 1 time per eth iteam

Tal + thul + P topaz + eth armor= Same eth Armor with Sockets and 50% more defance

Making Glitched Socket armors - Fuggle - 08-22-2005

You do realize that this was already posted. Its been here for like 3 weeks now, at least on the forums.

Making Glitched Socket armors - bertskarzi196 - 08-23-2005

p.s. your shadow plates after shot is of the socketed archon plate; just so u could fix it

Making Glitched Socket armors - Dark.Zero - 08-23-2005

well i dont think that blizz has fixed it yet.... so i think we are good

Making Glitched Socket armors - baconbuddy - 08-23-2005

Thx Bertz .Fixed.

Making Glitched Socket armors - Mc_Blackzon - 08-23-2005

I think blizz put that in game for a reason dunno why but most likely.

Making Glitched Socket armors - pt14 - 08-23-2005

yeah this is a glitch i thght every one knows about cuz even on these forums its been talked about for at LEAST a month but yeah the problem about it is you never know how many sockets your going to get so it might not be worth it if you didnt get enouh sockets cuz then you just ****ed up a good defense armor

Making Glitched Socket armors - Jakex1 - 08-28-2005

thsi worked perfectly for me

Making Glitched Socket armors - baconbuddy - 08-28-2005

Yay more living proof that it works ^^

Making Glitched Socket armors - CoOliEo - 08-28-2005

It doesn't have to be eth!!! Worked for me Non-Eth

Making Glitched Socket armors - bertskarzi196 - 08-28-2005

people are stupid on nonladder too about this, they think it only works on ladder and i sold a 4os boneweave with...just over 1k def and sum guy gave me an almost perfect insight for it! i think that was one hell of a steal

Making Glitched Socket armors - bombda21 - 08-28-2005

So does the armor need to be eth or can it be non-eth?

Making Glitched Socket armors - baconbuddy - 08-29-2005

It needs to be eth. Doesnt work on non eth items.