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The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - Printable Version

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The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - The-Grim-Reaper - 09-17-2005

WARNING: This is THE best pvp build ever! It is very expensive but can kill any char. Confusedmartass2 I am releasing it to the public so enjoy.

- 99% fcr breakpoint
- 174% fhr breakpoint
- As much % Damage Reduction as possible

- Str: enough for gear
- Dex: max block
- Vita: all rest
- Ene: none

- Max cyclone armor
- Max twister
- Max tornado
- Max hurricane
- +1 arctic blast (pre-req)
- +1 raven (pre-req)
- +1 summon spirit wolf (5 wolf meat shield)
- Max oak sage last

- Helm: Perf 2 soc Coa w/ ber & 15all res/-15%req jewel
- Weapon: 35% fcr Spirit Crystal Sword
- Shield: 35% fcr Spirit Monarch
- Armor: Mage plate enigma
- Gloves: Trang Gloves
- Boots: Imp Shanks (15/15 treks alternative if u cant afford)
- Belt: 15% dr Verdungos
- Ammy: Perf Maras
- Rings: Soj & 10fcr str/dex/resist ring

- On Switch: 6/6/4 cta & spirit

- perf anni/perf druid hellfire torch
- 1x 12%fhr Ele gc (must have to reach breakpoint)
- 8x 40 life Ele gcs (or +6 str/dex as these r costly)
- 10x 20life/5all resist scs

- Need 99% fcr: 35(weap) + 35(shield) + 20(trang) + 10(ring) = 100% w00t
- Need 174% fhr: 55(weap) + 55(shield) + 30(coa) + 10(dungo) + 20(imps or treks) + 12(gc) = 182% double w00t
- Need DR: 23(coa) + 8(enig) + 15(dungo) = 46% DR triple w00t! Cool

**the only ESSENTIAL items that will be most difficult to obtain are the 12fhr ele gc & 15/-15 jewel in coa. other than those this build is very do-able.

With the 2nd to last fcr bp, 2nd to last fhr bp, and almost capacity DR, you'll be able to catch most casters, tank any melee cuz of dr and block, sorb the elements with your cyclone armor, AND have tons of life with BO and Oak Sage!!

Have fun! and try not to rub it in once you pwn every1 with this build. Wink

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - StuntMonkey46 - 09-17-2005

If you use arachnids and a HOTO you could get the 125% fcr breakpoint

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - The-Grim-Reaper - 09-17-2005

there is no 125% fcr breakpoint for a druid. 99% is 2nd fastest with 11Frames. the fastest is 163% with 10Frames.

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - StuntMonkey46 - 09-17-2005

But anyway, why wouldn't you use a HOTO instead of spirit

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - Steel-Blade - 09-17-2005

A pure smitter will pwn ur *** if no lag in the game Smile assuming same items as your godly items.

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - Freedom-Fighta - 09-17-2005

The smiter does for diablo 2 what the Yankees and the PAtriots do for sports...

Just as the Yanks and PAtriots ignore the salary cap (Freakin cheaters) the smiter ignores your defense.

THe smiter and the Hammerdin have to be the Cheasiest builds in existence as of the current moment. The only purpose for them is to kill the Uber bosses without breaking a sweat and flood the market with non-palla hellfire torches.

The-Grim-Reaper's Wind God Druid - The-Grim-Reaper - 09-18-2005

spirit crystal sword is mainly for the 55%fhr but u also get a bunch more life and mana.