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When the hell is it coming out? - Printable Version

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When the hell is it coming out? - Koolaid_dude - 10-04-2005

Im dieing to get this game but blizz keeps moving the release date. It was first set to come out like 3 years ago and stil no ghost. Arg...when is it commin? I think blizz should just stick to comp games because they seem to be slow with the consals. ( sry typin on small *** keyboard))

When the hell is it coming out? - Dynafrom - 10-04-2005

Lol, its been here for a while, and at E3 I believe.

When the hell is it coming out? - Tap - 10-04-2005

Dynafrom Wrote:Lol, its been here for a while, and at E3 I believe.

word :p

and ive been waiting like 6 years for a starcraft 2

When the hell is it coming out? - Koolaid_dude - 10-04-2005

wait, its out? if it is im gunna cry, how did i miss it? please tell me im not going insane/

When the hell is it coming out? - ZxSlippy191 - 10-04-2005

Ships on 02/01/2006

Infact it is not out, That came from by the way.

Theres the link for SC: Ghost, *Sigh* They moved it back once more.. It WAS going to come out December 31St, but I guess they just HAD to move it back, They're obviously spending more time on they're precious World of Warcraft, and blowing off this game, If it's been delayed for Three Years, you can say Blizzard obviously is a little slow. (No flaming intended.. I think :o)

When the hell is it coming out? - DaCougarMech - 10-04-2005

still waiting on sc 2 here
starcraft ghost too
by the time it gets here its gonna look as old as pacman

When the hell is it coming out? - FrogMan - 10-05-2005

well ghost has been delayed for 2 years already and the way things are going we will being starcraft 2 for our kids

When the hell is it coming out? - Koolaid_dude - 10-05-2005

I knew I was not insane, or atleat not as insane as that, I cant wait for Ghost or sc2. I know that Ghost is going to be nothing like starcraft game play wise, its a fps instead of the normal sc rts.

When the hell is it coming out? - Shady772 - 10-05-2005

Id rather wait then have blizz come out with a cheesy lil game..I mean they are really slow on this, but maybe the got some surprises up their sleves...Never know Wink

When the hell is it coming out? - FrogMan - 10-05-2005

Yea suprise all the fans die of old age

When the hell is it coming out? - nujabes - 10-05-2005

you could just look on its main website...
it says mid 2006 i think and they also said they arent sure about a sc2

When the hell is it coming out? - DaCougarMech - 10-05-2005

maybe they're waiting until sales of sc and d2 go down
the problem with creating great games is that they might draw sales away from your newer games
or maybe they're waiting for the halo craze to go down while they make their new games even better

When the hell is it coming out? - zakdud - 10-05-2005

blizzzard never tells anyone release dates for nothin i hate it

When the hell is it coming out? - Koolaid_dude - 10-05-2005

well, when ghost finaly does come, I hope that all this time dosent go to waste and we are all diapointed(Rip off of Halo, Unreal Tornament, ect..) that would be a shame.

When the hell is it coming out? - Grave - 10-05-2005

Looking at what graphics that game will have the computer specs will be pretty "rich". It might be better for ps3 and xbox360.

When the hell is it coming out? - Venom - 10-05-2005

well i pray to ****ing god they won't put it on the 360,ps3,or revo for one reason


when it comes out it better be close to bloody perfect delaying in a sence means either they r adding more to the game which was done mp is revamped or they r starting to careless about it

when i heard the new zelda game was delayed i was **** but if they needed the extra time to add more or fix bugs then go ahead

*if a game takes a year to make it is good,if it takes 2 it will be better if 3 then it must be great*

on delaying halo 2 should have been ****ing put back at least 3 months
if u got the collectors edition and watch the making of the game "they" tell u about 3 or 4 of em at least they needed more time, to me halo 2 sucks compared to halo just on quality of overall things ,less gliches,smoother cinamatics (no buildings chars during the scene).
but there was olny 2 gliches i liked in halo 2
1. delta halo underwater transit :falling out of the pod (me and friend hittrn each other during tansit i fell out)
2.blood gulch tank climb Confusedome where in blood a tank can move across the top upper areas of the map
(yes i kno i went wayyyyyyy off topic)

When the hell is it coming out? - smirk_zero - 10-05-2005

think about how much they delayed WOW also, was it worth it in ur opinion? if not, theni doubt ur gonna be happy with it for SCG either.

When the hell is it coming out? - DaCougarMech - 10-05-2005

but if they delay it for too long then it's going to look like crap anyway when compared to newer games

When the hell is it coming out? - smirk_zero - 10-05-2005

yes, thats very very true, especially since Xbox 360 and ps3. left go to blizzard hq and shoot up the place

When the hell is it coming out? - Fuggle - 10-06-2005

Hanzo Wrote:well i pray to ****ing god they won't put it on the 360,ps3,or revo for one reason


when it comes out it better be close to bloody perfect delaying in a sence means either they r adding more to the game which was done mp is revamped or they r starting to careless about it

when i heard the new zelda game was delayed i was **** but if they needed the extra time to add more or fix bugs then go ahead

*if a game takes a year to make it is good,if it takes 2 it will be better if 3 then it must be great*

on delaying halo 2 should have been ****ing put back at least 3 months
if u got the collectors edition and watch the making of the game "they" tell u about 3 or 4 of em at least they needed more time, to me halo 2 sucks compared to halo just on quality of overall things ,less gliches,smoother cinamatics (no buildings chars during the scene).
but there was olny 2 gliches i liked in halo 2
1. delta halo underwater transit :falling out of the pod (me and friend hittrn each other during tansit i fell out)
2.blood gulch tank climb Confusedome where in blood a tank can move across the top upper areas of the map
(yes i kno i went wayyyyyyy off topic)
Halo 2's glitche kept me to the game, so the earlier release was the best thign to happen for em.
Also I gave up hope on SC: Ghost, I mean I was waiting for it a few years back, but now come on. Its just too long.