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Best Terran Gosu? - Printable Version

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Best Terran Gosu? - [/sarcasm] - 10-18-2005

This is for those of you who know who these people are, don't vote if you haven't got any idea who these people are. When you vote, tell us why you voted for the person you did.

I, for one, voted for iloveoov because he's a very calm player, and you can tell that by his reps. He is also extremely intelligent when it comes to drops/micro. When you watch him, it seems like you're watching someone going very slow, it isn't like him to keep a load of units around in base, but he somehow defeats masses with his micro.

Best Terran Gosu? - Dynafrom - 10-18-2005

Boxer ez, go die now Smile Why ain't there zerg or protoss gosus ;\

Best Terran Gosu? - [/sarcasm] - 10-18-2005

Because I didn't make the thread with intent to include Zerg or Protoss gosus. If you want to vote on a Z or P gosu, make another thread, I guess.

And Zx didn't explain his vote. Zomg!

Best Terran Gosu? - FrogMan - 10-18-2005

Boxer, whatched this one replay where he owned with science vessels that was just awesome

Best Terran Gosu? - Tool - 10-19-2005

Could anyone post links to some replays?

Best Terran Gosu? - [/sarcasm] - 10-19-2005

Well, you could always go with the or replays, or if you'd like a bunch of higher-rated replays with a better search engine, you could go to

Guys, I don't mean to advertise another forum here or anything (seeing as TL is, indeed, a forum), but it was just too good of a resource for me to not post it.

Best Terran Gosu? - jedimaster86 - 10-19-2005

Tool Wrote:Could anyone post links to some replays?

Google is your friend, so i'll just post 2 links:

Btw, I'm going with Boxer on this one- he knows his stuff with Terran.

Best Terran Gosu? - omgbbq - 03-31-2006

boxer has to be the best of all time. he was the first to make strategies like walling and dropping. nada just leeched off boxer, and boxer is oov's mentor.

Best Terran Gosu? - yes.interesting - 03-31-2006

Boxer, I've watched some of his replays and was just blown away. Boxer's micro > iloveoov's micro. =)

Best Terran Gosu? - omgbbq - 04-01-2006

boxer is better than iloveoov at micro, but i have to admit oov has the best macro ever

Best Terran Gosu? - Dynafrom - 04-01-2006

What? You suck OMGBBQ, I owned your ass on sc. Sit your ass down kid.

Best Terran Gosu? - omgbbq - 04-01-2006

ok 1v1 me kid. u talk like some 14 year old kid.

Best Terran Gosu? - Dynafrom - 04-02-2006

Stfu vincent, don't make me show the 3v1 where you and your team lost to me.

Best Terran Gosu? - XKazeCloudX - 06-12-2007

i voted for boxer for his scv rush. he had the guts to rush him. that was very impressive. sorry i didnt know the other guys name.

Best Terran Gosu? - lawlmart.s2 - 07-07-2007

Speaking with statistics and accomplishments, Lee Yun-Yoel (nada) is the best terran player to touch the game =] But Lim Yo-Hwan (boxer) is obviously more well known.

As of late, thought, neither of them are showing much preformance, nada is starting to slump again, boxer isn't doing as well as he used to because he is in the air force, and oov was only good for a short period of time. The best terran RIGHT NOW would probably have to be FireBatHero or IriS ^^;;

And hi, this is my first post lol. I have lurked these forums for a few years but registered today (and im back to d2 because of the ladder reset) ^_^;; I'm obviously a starcraft player too ~~;;

XKazeCloudX Wrote:i voted for boxer for his scv rush. he had the guts to rush him. that was very impressive. sorry i didnt know the other guys name.

And you're probably thinking of Boxer vs Hong Jin-Ho (yellow) ^_^;; 'twas a fun match =]

Best Terran Gosu? - BrioCloud - 07-17-2007

haha i tried that rush and failed miserably