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Hey/ Zod question - Printable Version

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Hey/ Zod question - pringle421 - 10-20-2005

Hey guys, I'm new here and have a question for you all. I recently came across a Zod rune, and was wondering what I should be asking/accepting in terms of tradeage. If this question has been asked in another post, or I have posted this in the wrong section, I'm sorry, but as I said before, I'm new here Wink. But umm ya, any help or responses would be greatly appreciated, and thank you and the like.


Hey/ Zod question - chasingSoL - 10-20-2005

depends on whether you play ladder or nonladder. on non ladder, a high rune such as zod can be worth 2 sojs. as for on the ladder, i dont play it right now so i have no idea.mad(1)(1)

Hey/ Zod question - pringle421 - 10-20-2005

I'm ladder west, but thanks none the less. Any more responses owuld be greatly appreciated, because this is propably the only good item i'l lcoem across so I don't want to let go lightly.

Hey/ Zod question - Doono - 10-21-2005

high runes are, i think 5 ist's each. Dont think the rune type is relevent in price for high runes

Hey/ Zod question - TotalWar - 10-21-2005

zod runes are 3xists at useast ladder, so prolly the same price at uswest ladder.

Hey/ Zod question - pringle421 - 10-21-2005

Do they have a consistant item trade benchmark as well?

Hey/ Zod question - RamBO - 10-21-2005

well the important hrs do (lo, ber, ohm) but zod and vex changes often because they are nearly at the bttom of the hr im guessing prices changes once in a while when for instance an item jumps a huge price leap

Hey/ Zod question - FrogMan - 10-21-2005

yes normal a high rune (zod) will always get u a soj or 2ist um but know you can get 3ists

Hey/ Zod question - pringle421 - 10-21-2005

Awesome. Thanks a bunch guys, much appreciated.

Hey/ Zod question - A|fzZz - 10-21-2005

Sell it now..
The values of hi will DROP DEFINATELY....After dupes and dupes and dupes.

Hey/ Zod question - pringle421 - 10-22-2005

Done and done. Thanks a lot for the info guys.

Hey/ Zod question - Meteor_Knight - 10-25-2005

hrs vary. lo used 2 suck, but then fortitude came out.
and next time, post in the trading forums, under PC

Hey/ Zod question - A|fzZz - 10-25-2005

Los never sucked when bm pking existed.

Hey/ Zod question - Bloodangel26 - 10-25-2005

he already said he sold it, why are we still posting in this thread?

Hey/ Zod question - tyson10 - 10-25-2005

us west ladder ul get heeps non ladder ul get a bit