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Does this exist?? - Printable Version

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Does this exist?? - Alien Nation - 11-26-2005

I was told that there was a 3os helm with +3 wc that existed on d2 lod, is this possible and if so does someone have one, I'm willing to pay a cold gc and mal for it. Just /w *godsmessiah or e-mail me at [email protected]

Does this exist?? - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 11-26-2005

there isnt a 3soc helm with 3warcry but their is one with 3bo 3bc or you can other mods like 3shout

Does this exist?? - dkim - 11-26-2005

i have a delirium with +3 bo, u cant have +3 WC helm

Does this exist?? - ZiVixx - 11-29-2005

really idk lol

Does this exist?? - FrogMan - 11-29-2005

i doubt there is a 3wc 3soc helm around

Does this exist?? - Osirus - 11-30-2005

well i wouldnt doubt it that much i mean there is 3wc spears so there could be a 3wc coronet or something getting 3soc's would be the hard part but i have seen them with the other battle crys on them.

Does this exist?? - Meteor_Knight - 11-30-2005

impossible to exist. 3s helms will either have the prefix jewellers or artisans, and the only way to have +3war cries on a magical helm is echoing prefix. since u cant have 2 prefixes on a magic item, this is impossible...u can hav 3s/3 specific war cries like battle orders or shout or sumthin, but thats as close as u get

Does this exist?? - A|fzZz - 11-30-2005

warcry...Maybe its the skill warcry?

Does this exist?? - FraterPerdurabo - 11-30-2005

Now, I heard that there are Druid helms, for Delirium, that have +2 elemental skills and +3 tornado at base, so You socket them and BEG for 3 sockets, however, I don't have any spare runes at the moment, so I haven't been looking for one. If those do exist, then I don't see why a +2 Warcries and +3 bo helms couldn't exist.