Blizzard Sector
my bot just runs 5 ft and stops pls help me am new - Printable Version

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my bot just runs 5 ft and stops pls help me am new - marky_laird - 11-29-2005

can someone pls help me i am new to this.
this is my log file looks like.
11/29 04:23:24 [I]>
11/29 04:23:24 [I]> ========================================
11/29 04:23:24 [I]> mm.BOT.544B2 was launched for Battle mode.
11/29 04:23:24 [I]> ========================================
11/29 04:23:24 [I]>
11/29 04:23:24 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/29 04:23:24 [I]> 3 Cd-key sets available.
11/29 04:23:30 [I]> Cd-Key set id 2 correctly injected into .mpq files
11/29 04:27:05 [I]>
11/29 04:27:05 [I]> ========================================
11/29 04:27:05 [I]> mm.BOT.544B2 was launched for Battle mode.
11/29 04:27:05 [I]> ========================================
11/29 04:27:05 [I]>
11/29 04:27:05 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/29 04:27:07 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
11/29 04:27:07 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
11/29 04:27:07 [I]> PKID loaded 199 XUniques statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:08 [I]> PKID loaded 5263 XRares statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:08 [I]> PKID loaded 7 Sets statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:08 [I]> PKID loaded 249 Grays statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:08 [I]> PKID loaded 76 Whites statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:08 [I]> PKID loaded 943 Magics statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:09 [I]> PKID loaded 6737 Total statistics in iding database.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 122 XUniques items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 379 XRares items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 7 Sets items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 50 Grays items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 34 Whites items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 94 Magics items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> PKID loaded 686 Total items to pickup.
11/29 04:27:10 [I]> 3 Cd-key sets available.
11/29 04:27:11 [I]> Cd-Key set id 2 correctly injected into .mpq files
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_Pre_Cast with 10 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_GoTo_PindleTP with 1 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Pindle with 11 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Pindle with 7 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Pindle with 7 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pindle_Pickit with 9 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_BackA5Town with 5 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Town_Goto_Eldritch_Wp with 2 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch with 13 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit with 10 commands.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded 12 Total sequences.
11/29 04:27:12 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/29 04:27:13 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
11/29 04:27:14 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
11/29 04:27:14 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
11/29 04:27:27 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/29 04:27:27 [I]> Diablo II started.
11/29 04:27:34 [I]> Login done.
11/29 04:27:37 [I]> Character selected.
11/29 04:27:37 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1]
11/29 04:27:53 [I]> Game Created successfully.
11/29 04:27:54 [I]> Starting from Act5.
11/29 04:27:56 [I]> Inventory reference: Sequences use TPs to Town and TP tome is in inventory :-)
11/29 04:27:56 [I]> Inventory reference:
== Inventory: ==
o o o o o o o o + o
o o o o o o o o + +
o o o o o o o o + +
o o o o o o o o + +
11/29 04:27:56 [I]> Inventory: 7 used 1*1 spaces.
11/29 04:27:59 [E]> In town green block search failure: 400, 300, 795, 545, -230, -100
11/29 04:28:00 [E]> In town green block search failure: 400, 25, 795, 545, -230, 20
11/29 04:28:05 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 100, 790, 420, -475, 260
11/29 04:28:06 [E]> In town green block search failure: 200, 50, 470, 425, -100, 360
11/29 04:28:07 [W]> DownStairsToPindle. This can be lag or Cain. Retry.
11/29 04:28:08 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 100, 790, 420, -475, 260
11/29 04:28:09 [E]> In town green block search failure: 200, 50, 470, 425, -100, 360
11/29 04:28:10 [E]> In town green block search failure: 500, 200, 780, 480, -425, 75
11/29 04:28:11 [E]> In town green block search failure: 280, 230, 490, 430, -305, -85
11/29 04:28:18 [E]> In town green block search failure: 5, 35, 300, 300, 175, 185
11/29 04:28:24 [E]> Failed while trying to take Anya tp to go to Pindle Area.
11/29 04:28:24 [E]> Function A5WPtoATP failed.
11/29 04:28:24 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ1 => FUNC:A5WPtoATP . 0 . 0
11/29 04:28:24 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying CL_Sorc_Town_GoTo_PindleTP sequence.
11/29 04:28:43 [W]> Did not returned in BNet room after 15 secondes. Retry.
11/29 04:28:46 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 53.2 seconds.
11/29 04:28:46 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
11/29 04:28:46 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.

i got the bot working once i didnt change a thing but it does this every time and i dont like to bother anyone but i have been at this for a week now and im on the verge of giving up pls helpSmile

my bot just runs 5 ft and stops pls help me am new - Nee22 - 12-18-2005

i get same thing too idk wuts the problem can neone help us.... it works good once or twice then crashing like that.....

i was reading it and it says i have to edit the position or sumthing how do i do that??