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Weapons help, please! - Printable Version

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Weapons help, please! - roseoaks - 11-30-2005

I JUST started playing Diablo II, and there is much I don't understand about the weapons. I have an Amazon with bow skills. Currently I have 4 bows, but only want to keep 2 of them. Here are their stats:

1: 7-13 2handed damage, fast speed, 1 to Attack Rating, 1 to Skills, 2 empty sockets (I have a lot of gems I could fill these with).

2: 4-8 2handed damage, very fast speed, 300 to Attack Rating

3: 17-26 2handed damage, very slow speed, monsters flee 12%, 3 to Minimum Damage.

4: 9-16 2handed damage, 4% live stolen per hit, 300 to Attack Rating.

One of the big things I don't understand, is what my attack rating does. Is it better to have a weaker weapon with a bigger attack rathing?

If anyone could help me sort out which ones to keep and WHY, that would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if I am being annoying, I just want to learn to play well. anxious:

Weapons help, please! - RaZzor - 11-30-2005

ar (attack rating) gives a better chance to hit

and btw

every bow is shit....look for windforce Tongue

Weapons help, please! - roseoaks - 11-30-2005

Ok, thanks! What's windforce?

Weapons help, please! - Deadlyy-Guy - 11-30-2005

lol dude if he just started i doubt he'll be able to afford/use a windforce anytime soon. even if they are cheap as shit. going by what you have now i'd say go with the high dmg bow and socket a shael rune in it for faster attack speed. what realm are you on i might have a few spare items for ya if your on west non-ladder. also check out the amazon guides in the character development section they'll be able to help you out tremendously. Have fun!

Weapons help, please! - Osirus - 11-30-2005

i might be able to spare a w/f i have w/f and 160-60 life on my merc and i dont use merc although i wont give 160-60 away but w/f is nothing to me its socketed with jah for ignore target def.

Weapons help, please! - roseoaks - 12-02-2005

Sorry for not thanking everyone sooner. So, THANK YOU. Smile

I am actually playing offline, I'm not real good at games, so I'd hate to make a fool of myself online, lol. Wink

Thanks again for the info. I'm doing much better with the game now.