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My hunter strats for WSG - Printable Version

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My hunter strats for WSG - SilentWarrior - 02-01-2006

*Keep your pet on passive. Traps are your friend, spam them*

1. Aspect of the cheetah, it's your friend learn to use it. I keep all my aspects on my main skill bar for easy switching. If you think your going to be hit switch to monkey because you don't wanna become stunned.
2. When you start your main focus should be offense, grab the sprint and try to run as fast as you can to there flag hug the right wall and go up the right side, opposite the graveyard.
3. Turn on tracking and look who is gaurding the flag then check and see what type of charecter they are because what you do depends on that.
A) If there is 1 person guarding the flag and he isen't a shamen you can just hug the wall jump down and drop a ice trap next to him witch will freeze him in place so you can get out of there with the flag.
b) If there is muliple people you should lay a frost drop in the middle of there base outside of the flag room so when you run out they all become slowed by 40%. Use aspect of the monkey untill you snatch the flag and break away out of attack range.
c)If a hunter is guarding the flag set the frost trap again in the same spot. He probably ice traped the flag so what I do is use eyes of the beast to set off the trap then run away with aspect of the monkey on because hunters can shoot instant long range and if he gets a shot off he might catch back up to you. Look back and make sure your in the clear. You can also boost around corners with aspect of the cheetah but switch back to monkey fast.
d) If a shamen is guarding the flag he will have his totems up wich will instantly put you in battle so you can't run by him with a ice trap and own him so you should send your pet after the totems and watch from above or set up a ice trap in the middle of there base outside of the flagroom.
4) Once you have the flag and you break away all you have to do is watch all around you and check ur tracking always. You can spam ice traps as you run wich will own everyone exept hunters because sometimes they hit the pet. Frost traps are more effective for multiple people chasing you so use that if you have to. If a hunter is chasing you with aspect of cheetah on send your pet after him and he will be owned with daze.
5) Once you have it in your base it's either score or wait to get your flag back. I do expetionaly well with keeping the flag away by switching between trackings and knowing what type of people are coming up. I constantly sit on an ice trap for protection and i keep track stealthed on to assure I don't get surised with an attack.
6) A hunter can make people look stupid running around the base with aspect of the cheetah spamming frost traps and constanly knowing were the enemy is. If you find yourself in jam though and need to make an escape wingclip and run works fairly well because you can usually get out of battle mod and set a trap. Make sure you clock off of them asap.
7) When you need to get the flag back you are the greatest weapon because nobody can hide from you. You just need to remember who has the flag. I send my pet and then set up a fire trap in his fleeing path to help own him. If he is alone he is as good as yours if he's being guarded you need to talk to your team about a plan.
8) Warriors are sometimes a problem when they land hamstring so i stand on icetraps to keep warriors at bay. I don't really find any other charecter class a problem, just annoying. Hunters own!

Post questions if you got them i'll answer them as best i can. Also if you disagree with me tell me why.

My hunter strats for WSG - Mr. Fabulous - 02-14-2006

Ok, why would I keep my pet on passive? And no matter what a hunter should really never go for the flag. We are support to help the flag carrier get away though. Remember as the only class to have two early level slow down abilities it's our responsibility to keep other players off the flag carriers back. I do how ever agree with all your trap theories. It does my mind well to know that some hunters at least try to use thier traps.

My hunter strats for WSG - SilentWarrior - 02-15-2006

The strats are from my hunter and he was in the 20-29 Group. PvP in WSG is easy for my hunter. I could pretty much take anyone 1 on 1 so I never really have to use my pet. I occasionaly send my pet after low levels while I run to the flag. You keep your pet on passive because when it attacks somone you enter combat and you can't lay traps and I trap spam everyone. The Hunter is good at flag control, Can't argue there. I do my part if I don't have the flag and enemy has ours, of course.

Who do you think is better at grabing the flag though?

Rogues have sprint and stealth but can't take alot of hits and have no slowing abilitys really. Can't really make it if he dosen't break away.
Druids are better at helping the flag more then grabing it.
Warriors Slow tanks
Mages are weak and die fast.
Warlocks same as mages.
Hunters can speed boost see everyone on his map and lay traps and slow. My favortie choice for the flag at 20-29.

note: I use my pet while fighting but if i'm going for the flag he is put on passive. If your fighting you should have ur pet fighting at all times.

My hunter strats for WSG - pt14 - 02-15-2006

well so you know rogues cant stealth while carying the flag but we can cast evasion,50%+ dodge and we can blind people AND my favorite is as im running by some one ill just gouge them so they cant bother me

My hunter strats for WSG - Mr. Fabulous - 02-16-2006

I see your right about the traps, my brain just wasn't thinking on that one. How ever I see every class having it's disadvantages to a flag capture. But, a cloth wearer should never be your flag grabber I'll agree with that. I'm curious have you been running into the stealthed pets a lot recently in WSG? They've become just as suffiecient as rogue for scouting. It's pretty bizarre.

My hunter strats for WSG - SilentWarrior - 02-17-2006

Mr. Fabulous Wrote:I see your right about the traps, my brain just wasn't thinking on that one. How ever I see every class having it's disadvantages to a flag capture. But, a cloth wearer should never be your flag grabber I'll agree with that. I'm curious have you been running into the stealthed pets a lot recently in WSG? They've become just as suffiecient as rogue for scouting. It's pretty bizarre.
I didn't mean rogues can stealth with flag just that thy can use it to get to the flag. Haven't seen any stealthed pets before. Hunters are good at scouting because well they can track everyone so basicly if they know who has the flag they can spam the location on the minimap were he is. you might have to switch to beast tracking if a shamen or druid has it. I'm interested in anything you know about stealthing pets because I thought it was impossible.

My hunter strats for WSG - pt14 - 02-17-2006

ive seen alotta stealthed pets recently,hunters with feline pets have them in stealth most of the time so yeah its definatly possible

My hunter strats for WSG - SpoonMan999 - 02-17-2006

The panthers in Thousand Needles stealth...not sure if they do as pets though never tried.

I think the best flag carrier is a druid, why? The diferent shape shifting forms...if the flag is swarmed then boom tank in and get out as fast as you can. Then of course they have their "travel form" which makes them damned hard to catch.

My hunter strats for WSG - pt14 - 02-17-2006

SpoonMan999 Wrote:The panthers in Thousand Needles stealth...not sure if they do as pets though never tried.

I think the best flag carrier is a druid, why? The diferent shape shifting forms...if the flag is swarmed then boom tank in and get out as fast as you can. Then of course they have their "travel form" which makes them damned hard to catch.
and not just that,they can get out of binds.Lets say another druid entangle roots them,they just un-shapeshift outta what ever they were then go back to any form and they'll be un-tangled

My hunter strats for WSG - SpoonMan999 - 02-17-2006

Exactly, which is why I think they make the best flag carriers.

My hunter strats for WSG - [/sarcasm] - 02-18-2006

Druids also have Nature's Grasp. Simple way of getting warriors and rogues off your back.

My hunter strats for WSG - SilentWarrior - 02-18-2006

druids... Are my second choice. Not a big fan of druids though. Hunters can wingclip, frost trap, ice trap,and con. shot. All the hunters moves are instant pretty much too so... still my #1 pick.

My hunter strats for WSG - undying_ninja - 12-17-2006

I have to agree I have a lvl 17 hunter and he pretty much pwns other lvls around me I'm good both pvp and pve....

My hunter strats for WSG - fleaflickerx - 12-18-2006

every tried to kill a priest with some buffs and a good sheild, aint gunna happen

My hunter strats for WSG - SpoonMan999 - 12-20-2006

Best flag carriers remain paladins and druids, hunters are best at defense. Of course everyone is too damned proud to stay behind and play D on Alliance so we always lose >.>

My hunter strats for WSG - undying_ninja - 12-22-2006

lol yea horde win alot only because all they do is rush all at the same time and we end up with the ****s......oh well they'll get better lol.....eventually

My hunter strats for WSG - Fuggle - 12-23-2006

Haha I play a hunter as my main now and all I do is defend in WSG. I'm a beastly defender.

My hunter strats for WSG - FrogMan - 12-23-2006

SpoonMan999 Wrote:Best flag carriers remain paladins and druids, hunters are best at defense. Of course everyone is too damned proud to stay behind and play D on Alliance so we always lose >.>

Ain't that the truth i am a mage and i sit in defense like a fool

My hunter strats for WSG - SpoonMan999 - 12-24-2006

I've noticed when my team listens to me we either win or at least put up a damn good fight. But so often do I find the raid leader dishing out orders that are just completely retarded and everyone ignoring me and doing what he says because "he's the leader."

My hunter strats for WSG - FrogMan - 12-24-2006

I normally don't even listen to the raid leaders because they all act like fools.