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What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - Printable Version

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What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - grimm669 - 02-19-2006


What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - L4E - 02-19-2006

usually holyfreeze to slow them down from radius with infinity and efort and eandys,

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - dafatman - 02-19-2006

why use blizzard sorc for mf? use light but like he said i guess holy freeze to slow down or i dink theres a spear that does -freeze resist :/

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - Bartender - 02-20-2006

I say defiance mercs, simply because sorc's defence are weak

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - Kingsrookie - 02-22-2006

i say defiance with pride (the holy freeze rw)

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - hellsing293 - 02-22-2006

defiance merc with doom for holy freeze.

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - MasteroftheMoon - 03-12-2006

Pride, Infinity or Insight weapon and since your a Blizz, go for either definance or might.

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - PvP-Fvcker - 03-12-2006

I agree that defiance is the best aura but holy freeze is good too.If you die from physical dmg then have a defiance.If you can handle dmg then grab a merc with holy freeze.

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - Wozza - 03-12-2006

Actually i quite like prayer merc, for the non rich man use insight with a prayer merc and your life and mana will always be full or close to

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - RaZzor - 03-12-2006

Holy freeze only if you use reapers toll...thats kinda funny, b/c if they're frozen and decrepified their moving speed is like 10% from normal

Defiance is good too

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - L4E - 03-13-2006

like i said earlier, infinty + holy freeze is best. -res will not remove a monster's immunity, but conviction will. defense is pointless in pvm cuz most sorcs have around 2k def, with merc its like 5k, wont make much of a difference

What Act 2 Merc is For a Mf Blizz Sorc??? - ggkthx - 03-14-2006

Act 2 NM offensive