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[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Printable Version

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[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Since people have been asking, I will take the time to explain how the Ironman works. 2-8 Players start NEW (nothing given from any other character, never been in a game) hardcore character. They will wait until everyone is ready in game, meet at the start point and get into teams of two. When the sponsor says go, everyone runs out of town to level up to 9 as quickly as possible.

Anything goes as you are leveling to 9. You may level with your partner and do the Den of Evil, you may run to Stony Field and kill Rakanishu - anything. As long as it is done in the SAME GAME, just about everything is legal.

When you reach level 9, you MUST leave your party and hostile anyone else that is level 9. If you are the only other, you are lucky - keep leveling. That one extra skill point you might get from being faster might save your life in a dueling situation.

The fighting may be carried out in the Blood Moor, but it it more popular to try to continue leveling and for the stronger player to hunt the remaining people out. The only rule here is that if you are found, you must try to carry out the duel and not TP, not run away to a WP, and no potting. You may try to "kite" the player around to try to regain mana (it happens SO fast =/), but you may not run to town.

The last player standing is the Iron man.

Rules -
~No Potting in Duels
~No Running in Duels (to town)
~No Shrines in Duels
~Allow everyone to loot corpse
~No Maphack

When you start the game, everyone will choose ONE party member for them to level with until they reach level 9. Once a player reaches level 9, they must unparty his teammate and continue leveling. When another player hits level 9, the hunt begins Wink.

This round will be played East Hardcore Ladder. Remember, you do not have to be a part of that realm to participate; but it helps reduce lag if you play within your closer realm.

1. Pantallica
2. Dust
3. Fuggle
4. Blood
6. Digi
7. Exorcise


Winner gets an UM Rune on Useast Ladder.
This round also takes place on Saturday, June 10th at 10PM EST. Do your sign-ups early. There is no entry fee for this round.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Dan - 06-10-2006

i'll go again

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Mr.RuthMN-Dustoid4 Wrote:i'll go again

Hehe, good duel last game. It was super intense. =/

Too bad the lag got ya.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Fykins - 06-10-2006

Yay! It's back!!! I might have to join in.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Dan - 06-10-2006

PantallicA Wrote:Hehe, good duel last game. It was super intense. =/

Too bad the lag got ya.

ya i found out my dad was lookin at car auctions on his laptop, and thats why the lag hit in huge waves then went away, when he went to a new page there were about 8 pictures on it, and while he looked the lag went back down :/

oh well, i wont let it happen again

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Bloodangel26 - 06-10-2006

if i'm home i'll play...but i might be drunking

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Phallock - 06-10-2006

How long does one of these last? I would like to try and should be home but I might not be able to devote much more than one continuous hour.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Lasts about 30 minutes to one hour. Fun the whole time.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Xx~WEEd~xX - 06-10-2006

man i wanna join how often does this happen? i cant come tommorrow

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Fuggle - 06-10-2006

Ill be in again... Btw, You can't beat me.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Xx~WEEd~xX Wrote:man i wanna join how often does this happen? i cant come tommorrow

Happens as often as I have time & can afford to run this. The prizes come out of my own pocket.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Dan - 06-10-2006

i think u should make a rule that the same person cant make the same type of dueler if they have done it b4, IE neither me or pant can use fire ele druids, and fuggle cant use his arudin

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Phallock - 06-10-2006

Well count me in if you don't mind a total pvp newb trying his luck. I don't mind not playing either if you have more experienced duelers that want to get in on this.

EDIT: Sorry about this, but I am going to have to drop out.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Phallock Wrote:Well count me in if you don't mind a total pvp newb trying his luck. I don't mind not playing either if you have more experienced duelers that want to get in on this.

First come, first served. See you tomorrow. =D

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - xDBD - 06-10-2006

ill play. slight chance i can't though. 90%

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

Anyone mind if I raise the time to 10PM EST? There are some people that cannot make it on until later.

I will move it to 10PM for now unless people post and say no.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - DiGiTaLiS - 06-10-2006

count me in

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Bloodangel26 - 06-10-2006

i'd rather it was early

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - PantallicA - 06-10-2006

How about 9pm? I'd like to negotiate a time that would be ok for everyone entered.

[Useast Tournament] Pant's IRONMAN II - Exorcise - 06-10-2006

Hm, I'll try this out. Seems fun, I might be the first one to die though.