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My Auradin - Printable Version

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My Auradin - d2fanatic - 06-12-2006

Im thinkin about making an auradin to assist my friends in uber tristram runs. If i used the left-click mod could i wear 2 auras at same time one on left click side and one on right click side?

My Auradin - RaZzor - 06-12-2006

I don't think so

My Auradin - L4E - 06-12-2006

no u cant use two auras at the same time even with the left click mod

plus auradins are usless in uber trist, the monsters there are all immune to something or everything

My Auradin - d2fanatic - 06-12-2006

well the auradin i was gonna make used concentration and conviction aura

My Auradin - L4E - 06-12-2006

a hammerdin is better if u want to assist in uber trist

My Auradin - asianboze - 06-16-2006

Your both wrong!!!

My Auradin - Arc - 06-16-2006

best char for uber trist is smiter, best support char is concentrate barb, an auradin would be more for clone d

My Auradin - RaZzor - 06-16-2006

Lol asian, we never said that you can't have multiple auras active

You use araus from items, but the paladin himself can only activate one aura at one time

My Auradin - Xx~WEEd~xX - 06-16-2006

ya u wat he said^

a paladin himself without any gear on can only activate 1 aura

My Auradin - FrogMan - 06-16-2006

Yea auradins are not useful in uber trist

Smiter = can solo

But if you want support chars

Necro that got good curses
Amazon with multi arrows
Godly light sorc

But these chars just do a support roll which is not really needed with a smiter

and it is said a zealdin can solo trist as well