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I'm New, Mf Question - Printable Version

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I'm New, Mf Question - 133tgam3r - 07-01-2006

I'm newer to the game (about a week into it) and I was wondering what are some cheap mf items so that I can get some better items on my own? Also, what is a good type of player to mf with?

I'm New, Mf Question - grimm669 - 07-01-2006

Sorc is cheapest. Either get tals set or get a skullders armor. and i 4get other low mf items ATM

I'm New, Mf Question - hellsing293 - 07-01-2006

occy is cheap and good for mf(depending realm/lad-nonlad/sc-hc). 50mf, 3skills,life/mana,all res.

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-01-2006

what realm u play i can hook u up with a occy skullders shako

I'm New, Mf Question - 133tgam3r - 07-01-2006

I play US East Ladder ty for the help

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-01-2006

damn sorry cant help you there man.. but yeah just get occy skullders or tal rasha armor belt and amulet ( NICE mf combo)

I'm New, Mf Question - Tap - 07-01-2006

if you just started you probably cant get very many of these items. my suggestion would be to build a Blizzard Sorc. Complete hell mode and start mfing in Hell cows. What i did when i first started was find any 3 socket helm and any 4 socket armor and i put P topaz's in them. Now i will admit this was very difficult to stay alive but if your doing hell cows all you have to do is Cast n run cast n run... i know tiredsome right? well its really the only suggestion i have to you if you cant get these items listed above.

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-01-2006

uhh noo if u play west ladder i can get u those for free..wut do u say?

I'm New, Mf Question - 133tgam3r - 07-01-2006

it would be nice to have them, but i play east. I would start west but I'm happy with the chars I've built so far and don't want to loose them.

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-01-2006

aww... well i can rush u and such Big Grin plus since u started im sure u biuld them wrong? so would u switch?

I'm New, Mf Question - dkim - 07-01-2006


I'm New, Mf Question - FraterPerdurabo - 07-01-2006

Look in the character development section, there are plenly of guides discussing MF sorcs.

I'm New, Mf Question - 133tgam3r - 07-02-2006

Thank you for all of the help guys.

I'm New, Mf Question - headcheese69 - 07-02-2006

i collected perfect gems and rerolled gcs and i ended up getting 38 lifer fire gc and got a lite sorc setup for it

just out there... how did i go from 4 to 20 rep??

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-02-2006

how do i reroll gcs it never cmae to my mind.. is it p ruby and 2 gcsc or something? but cmon switch to us west i can get u war travs and a occy spirit mages basicly full sorc gear

I'm New, Mf Question - Freedom-Fighta - 07-02-2006

Magic item + 3x perfect gem = magic item of same type and quality.

Ilvl of input item = ilvl of output item.

In laymen's terms it randomizes the magic attributes of the item using the same item level for what mods can spawn.

Additional Comment:
I appologize if the above message is taken as a direct attack upon your knoledge of the game's inner workings.

I'm New, Mf Question - Ares - 07-02-2006

nah i understand thx
and on topic u can start with p topazed items and cow like some 1 said or do nm runs n hope for a hoz Big Grin