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patch details... - Printable Version

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patch details... - streetsoldier707 - 07-16-2006

Now listen, before I go on....Please keep in mind, that I got this from an Insider on, that work's on the design team and planning management, he said that this what MIGHT (KEYWORD "MIGHT") possibly be for next patch...

On 31 July 2006
- Patch v1.12a
- set charms
- baal clone
- larger stash size
- switching armor/helm
- act 6, assassin village
- new runewords
- new uniques
- new char class

So please , dont flame me, warn me, I thought you guys might would want to have an "idea" of what is possible for next patch. Once again, This could possibly NOT HAPPEN , its still a "Work In Progress" as what "Tim" (The blizz insider/moderator) said.

patch details... - Tap - 07-16-2006

stfu, some fag posted that at isnt true and you nor he knows anyone who wants to or indeed does work at blizzard.

and besides you cant get another act unless theres an expansion

patch details... - FraterPerdurabo - 07-16-2006

Such a patch would be neat indeed, but there is a 0.001% chance of it actually happening. It's highly unlikely that they will make such huge changes to gameplay after 1.11 has just come out. New act? That will be hundreds of more megs to download. If it were an another expansion, you will split the community even more, i.e. Classic players, Expansion players, 2nd Expansion players, and any combination of the 2.

I would actually believe what was written if it weren't for such radical changes.

Face it. Blizzard does not give a shit about Diablo any more. 99.9999% that this is a hoax.

patch details... - ZacCc - 07-16-2006

whenss the alst time an act was added in a patch? thank you.

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

WOW i would love set charms and the act6 this would be soo much fun baal clone.. well if this hapens i will be HOOKED on it.. who did u get this from? are you sure they work at the blizzard company?
what new class? can u ask tim?

patch details... - Bloodangel26 - 07-16-2006

i'll allow this discussion to continue, but remember no flaming and no spamming

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

Bloodangel26 Wrote:i'll allow this discussion to continue, but remember no flaming and no spamming
sweet thx. and what sorta of act will this be since baal is the final boss wont there be another boss?...i geuss thats were his clone pops in? correct soldier? can u ask your friend tho

patch details... - streetsoldier707 - 07-16-2006

no, I dont know if this is true, my freind john is on the bnet forum's alot, and he said that some moderator was pm'ing him , named tim, saying all the shit i mentioned above ^^^^, I saw the pm myself, he sent to me, so Ireally dont know if it's true or not. All the thing's i said wre what was included in the pm. Ill ask my freind if he can talk to the mod again. Dont keep your hope's up tho

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

it would be SO ****ING AWSOME if these accualy happened a whole new game... and what about the set charms how are those going to work? and switching armor and helm i.. dont think its a good idea.. we gotta use to many keys for that or w/e but ok ask him about more info
and how does he NOT know if this is going to be true when its almost the 31st.... well he better tell us the facts

patch details... - takezandgoez - 07-16-2006

-Well they are fixing things like the dupe methods and others, it would seem like there working on something cool for diablos next patch.

-But another act? That would be cool, but why would they do that? It messes up the story line then doesnt it?

-And I hope they come out with better runewords, the 1.11 runewords are just stupid, and some new sets and uniques.

-I dont get what you meen by baal clone

- But as for new character class?, dont you need another c-d for that?

-Yes I really would like to see a bigger stash.

patch details... - Mathalamus - 07-16-2006

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Face it. Blizzard does not give a shit about Diablo any more. 99.9999% that this is a hoax.

if blizzard dosnt give a shit about D2 than how come the serevers are still running?
if blizzard hates d2 they coukd shut the serevers down for WoW or something

patch details... - FraterPerdurabo - 07-16-2006

mathalamus federation Wrote:if blizzard dosnt give a shit about D2 than how come the serevers are still running?
if blizzard hates d2 they coukd shut the serevers down for WoW or something

Because they still have a simple obligation to the fanbase, namely keeping the servers more or less playable. It's unlikely that they will use a lot of their time to do much more than that.

Blizzard does not hate d2, that's one of the dumbest things that I've heard for a long time. At the moment, they have different interests and priorities. Why should Diablo be of primary concern to them if it brings in so little money, and chances of it bringing in more money are close to none?

There are millions of people that play WoW, if I'm correct. These people have not only bought the game, but also pay for it every single month that they want to play. Therefore Blizzard owes a far greater obligation towards them, as they are milking these people much more. If they did not keep updating the game, making new expansions and fixing bugs, people's interest in the game would decline and they would quit, meaning a much larger loss of income. All we Diablo players ever do/did is buy the cd-keys, then **** up Blizzard's servers with duping, glitching etc, basically being a damn nuisance.

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006 question is it possible to make a new char and act on a patch? ... or do you need a cd for that? and blizz doesnt hate diablo2 they invented the damn game.. like frater said they can just close servers if they hated it but they would lose all the d2 fans and half of brood war since they play d2 also..

patch details... - slashbomb - 07-16-2006

Quote:On 31 July 2006
- Patch v1.12a
- set charms
- baal clone
- larger stash size
- switching armor/helm
- act 6, assassin village
- new runewords
- new uniques
- new char class

A new act and new char class would be impossible. Blizzard would have to make a new d2char file which would take long to downlaod and config all files so teh patch would be huge. For tis to happen, Blizzard would have to make a new Expansion Tongue.

Id considered in next patch to brg Azmodan and Belial (only 2 bosses that nvr appeard in game) to be next uber bosses to find out secrets to the standard of heroes (thats a hint) Also a possible Dueling Ladder to make dueling funner.

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

so? what is the patch is HUUUGe who cares it will make it way funner and more interesting to play

patch details... - Crimson_Brilliance010 - 07-16-2006

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:There are millions of people that play WoW, if I'm correct.

little over 6 mil

Additional Comment:
$15 for 90 day subscription (i believe)

that totals, at least 240 mil a year ( i say that cause each currency has different value, but I think that's a good estimate)

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

wow that is a lot of money... 240 times 15= amount of money for 90 days.. HOLY SHIT.. but yeah so no new act... and the Assasin in act3 is gone now..

patch details... - Bloodangel26 - 07-16-2006

...she disappears when you kill meph

patch details... - FraterPerdurabo - 07-16-2006

Invisible Wrote:so? what is the patch is HUUUGe who cares it will make it way funner and more interesting to play

The difference is that your avarage dial-up user will never be able to download it. Also, it sounds fishy that they would add an extra class and act, but no new uniques... I mean, classes would not be as fun as they are at the moment, if you didn't have class-only items.

Presuming for a moment that Blizzard would add a new char and a new act, I'd prefer them to do it properly through another expansion CD, not through some half-assed patch.

patch details... - Ares - 07-16-2006

Bloodangel26 Wrote:...she disappears when you kill meph
ok sorry i take fault for that one never knew.. she is just useless.. i think they accualy might have a act for her... dial up? just leave it on over night man thats like 10 hours it will download in time.. but then not a lot of people use dial up now a days.