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The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - Printable Version

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The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - FrogMan - 07-17-2006


In my opinion the singer guide here is old and out of date.

A singer barb is a barb that uses war cry as a main attack. This attack is not that powerful but with the stun length you will be able to kill almost all other players and monsters. But to have a good singer barb you will need to be rich, it is a very expensive build, although it can be modified.


War Cry (20)
Howl (20)
Taunt (20)
Battle Cry (20)
Shout (1)
Battle Orders (20)
Battle Command (1)
Iron Skin (1)
Natural Res (rest)


Right Weapon: HOTO – Good res, mana boost, 3skill and cast rate.
Left Weapon: HOTO – Good res, mana boost, 3skill and cast rate.
Armour: Enigma Mp – 2skill, Dr, Life boost, TELEPORT (Must have this)
Helm: shako ‘Cham’ or ‘Sur’ for the dr, Life and mana boost, oh yer and the 2skill.
Belt: Arach – 1skill cast rate and good def.
Boots: - sand for the vital + poison res.
Ammy: - Mara – all stats good.
Rings: 2 x SOJ but if you want you can use 2 x rare/crafted rings with Cast rate and other good mods.


9 x Wc Skiller (with life if possible)
Barb torch (20//20)
Anni (20//20)
10 x 20life + mana sc’s


Str – NONE, (enough for eni, then you will have enough for rest,)
Dext – NONE, (enough for HOTO)
Vital – Rest
Energy – NONE

If you wate till lvl 75 then you can wear evryting with no points in anything else. You will now have a massive Bo, with all the + mana items you should have around 800mana and 6.5k life. Your War Cry will do about 1.4k damage with a 10 second stun.


Firstly Bo, then tele on top of your enemy and War Cry them, this will then stun them and means you can keep on killing them in safety, except these -

Vs Smiters – Now smite can still attack under stun so keep teleing and keep War Crying them,
Vs Javazons – Well these are hard coz 1 hit of charged strike will probably kill you so try to hit them first.
Vs Bowazons – if they hit you first it will be hard to move coz you sacrafice FHR for cast rate, so try to get in fast.
Bone Necro - Because War Cry is Physical it is hard to break there bone armour so try not to get in a fight with them.

Apart from that you will be able to kill every one!

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - FraterPerdurabo - 10-14-2006

Dead build. Unstickied and moved.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - DeathRow - 11-03-2006

Quote:Dead build. Unstickied and moved.

I Strongly Disagree.

Warcry Barbs Are Extremely Powerful In Duels When Used Correctly.
But I Think A Big Trick To Having A Warcry Barb That Works Is Having A Merc That Can Tank And Dish Out Damage.

My Warcry Barb's Merc Is An Act 2, Hell, Defencive Merc.
He Uses Gaze With Ber Socket.
Distruction And Fort.

And He Barely Losses In Duels... There Are The Occasional Lag Spikes Teehee.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - FraterPerdurabo - 11-03-2006

DeathRow Wrote:I Strongly Disagree.

Warcry Barbs Are Extremely Powerful In Duels When Used Correctly.
But I Think A Big Trick To Having A Warcry Barb That Works Is Having A Merc That Can Tank And Dish Out Damage.

My Warcry Barb's Merc Is An Act 2, Hell, Defencive Merc.
He Uses Gaze With Ber Socket.
Distruction And Fort.

And He Barely Losses In Duels... There Are The Occasional Lag Spikes Teehee.
You are so ****ing stupid. There is no respectable dueler that will ever lose to a Warcry barb. Ever. Pwning lvl 70 Tal sosos does not make you good, it just means that they are even shittier.

Your idiocy amazes me. You talk about how good Warcry barbs are, but they need a merc to tank for them in duels?
#1: There are no mercs in duels.
#2: Any merc will die in 1-2 hits in a duel from almost any char.

Now go and crawl back into the hole that spawned you. Next time, try to think of a valid arguement before you open your dumb ass.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - DeathRow - 11-03-2006

Your A Fool.
One I Dont See Where I Wrote I Was Using A Merc For Duels.
I Obviously Know That Mercs Die Extremely Fast In Duels And Are Useless, When A Merc Can 'Tank' Is PvM Dumbass.

You Try To Make Me Look Bad, When Your The One Putting Down Builds With No Good Proof Of Them Actually Being Bad, Or Useless. Its Funny Because People Agree With Me And Make You Look Like More Of A Moron.

Please Stop Posting.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - FraterPerdurabo - 11-03-2006

DeathRow Wrote:Your A Fool.
One I Dont See Where I Wrote I Was Using A Merc For Duels.
I Obviously Know That Mercs Die Extremely Fast In Duels And Are Useless, When A Merc Can 'Tank' Is PvM Dumbass.

You Try To Make Me Look Bad, When Your The One Putting Down Builds With No Good Proof Of Them Actually Being Bad, Or Useless. Its Funny Because People Agree With Me And Make You Look Like More Of A Moron.

Please Stop Posting.
#1: before you start calling someone a fool, learn to spell in your native ****ing language. Moron.
#2: I unstickied this guide so that people would understand that it's not a model guide.
#3: people are welcome to make suggestions on it. Unless you have any, don't post you ****.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - DeathRow - 11-03-2006

Quote:I'm gonna go and injoy some tasty peni5.

Lovely, people are putting words in my mouth...

Haha Frater your a noob dude, stop posting if you dont know what your talking about.
Your writing absolute useless sh*t.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - Bloodangel26 - 11-03-2006

deathrow, you are going to be my first person to temp ban with the new infraction system if you keep this up

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - DeathRow - 11-03-2006

Quote:deathrow, you are going to be my first person to temp ban with the new infraction system if you keep this up

Explain Why Please.

The Singer Barb by Nirvana_Rules - Bloodangel26 - 11-03-2006

backseat modding, flaming staff, spam, etc.