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USWest accounts for sale....all on one listing - Printable Version

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USWest accounts for sale....all on one listing - timmayroxxz - 04-30-2004

Hello. I'm happy to see that this forum allows advertising for its members to sell their accounts. So tired of all the other forums that will not allow members to do this.

I would like to inform the members who may want to play on USWest or may just need items on this realm. They are all for closed battlenet. All items were found by me and characters I created and played. I have not used any bots/maphacks or other such programs.

I have decided that its time for a change in my online entertainment. I have been playing Diablo since its original release in 1995. I enjoy the Game very much...actually I guess I enjoy the fact thats its a easy and cheap way to stay in contact with old friends.

I have the accounts listed on There are characters and tems on USWest softcore ladder/softcore non ladder/hardcore nonladder. Also a naked lvl 85 java/bow zon on hardcore ladder. Dont really have any equipment on HCladder .

here is the link for the account on ebay:

I wish i would of found this forum earlier then I did as there is just 3 days or so left on the auction. Payment is accepted thru PayPal. I hope whoever wins the accounts will enjoy them as much as I have. Good luck and have fun.

Feel free to flame me if you must. Get out all your aggressions as I will not respond to the flames. I will check back here to respond to any question you may have.

USWest accounts for sale....all on one listing - timmayroxxz - 05-01-2004

not to many lookies i see. Ahh well. hope someone who can use it wins it.
some of the items on it for Softcore ladder are:

Softcore Ladder Items worth mention:
Sorc - lvl 89 Fire
Barb - lvl 78 Frenzy
Druid - lvl 82 Wind/Oak
Pally - lvl 85 Hammerdin
Amazon - 85 Hybrid Light fury/Guided/Freeze
Gheeds x 4: 139/13/40 125/13/40 133/10/28 88/14/38, Annihilus 10/16/6,
+1 Curse GC, +1 Elemental GC, +20 lifeSC x 2, +19 lifeSC x 2, 50pdsc,
50pd/5%fhrsc, 50pd/6 lifesc, 175pd/6% goldlc, 3%frw/7%ColdresSc, 11%fireresSc,
+1dex/9%fireresSc, 5%lightresSc, +2str/8%lightresSc, 8%poisonresSc,
3%mf/11%coldresSc, 4%mfsc, 5%mfsc, 6%mfsc, 7%mfsc x 2, 5%fhrsc,

Shako 136, Shako – Umed 119, Storm Shield, Storm Shield unid, Wartravs 47%,
Gold Wrap x 4, Wizard Spike x 4, Skullders Ire Ptopaz, Chance guards x 2,
HOZ 195%ed, Silkweaves x 3, Arachidmesh 102%ed/5%incr mana, Magefist,
Shaftstop 187%, Light sabers x 2, Flamebellow, 5socket Hydra bow, gorerider,
Ethr sup dimensional blade 6 socket, Steelrend 48/10/16, jalas mane x 2,
+3 warcries swords x 2, Homunculus, Que-Hegans x 2, Lidlesswall, Waterwalks,
Spell Steel, Frostburns x 4, Buriza + Shael, Thundergods Vigor, Verpurgos Hearty Cord,
Titans 178%, Titans 15+%, Mossers + 2 Pdiamond, A few nice ED rare swords,
6 socket sup phaseblade, ethr Balrog Blade, Cruel Balrog Blade of Bear, Full Sazabi,
Viper 35%, Bonehew 318%ed, Ethr Edge Silver Axe, Firelizards Talons, SOE x 2,
Shadow Killer x 2, Medusas Gaze 6%ll/44%coldres, Spike Thorn Blade Barrier x 2,
Hellcrack, Demons Arch x 2, Sandstorm Trek, Trang shield unid, Trang armor unid,
Full Sigons, Wind Hammer, Ariucs Needle +4all skills/186%ed, Barnars Star,
Lycaders Flank & Aim, Peasant crown x 3, Full Hwanins Majesty, Djinn Slayer x 2,
Ormus Robes 12/12/10/13%manaregen+3 glacial spike/Ptopaz,

Perfect Gems x 62, Full Rejuv potions x 48, UM, LEM, FAL, PUL, HEL x 2, DOL,
IO x 2 plus other runes for upgrading, misc jewels & other charms.

Ravenfrost 206/19, 173/18, 236/19, Metalgrid ammy, Nagel rings x 3, Mara 26%,
SOJ, Highlords Wrath, Manald Heal 5%, 6%, Carrion Wind ring 7%, 9%
+1 Druid/+5 str/+5 energy/3%coldres/8%fire-light-poisonres/24%mf ammy
+1 Assassin/3%ml/36%coldres/36%lighters ammy
Cats Eye ammy, assorted rare and set rings and ammies

Some of the softcore nonladder:

Non Ladder SC I have:
Sorc - Lvl 92
Barb - Lvl 92
Assassin - Lvl 84
Amazon - Lvl 97
+1 fire skill gc x 2, +1 fire skill/+5 str gc, +1 fire skill/+31 life gc,
+1 cold skill/+18 life gc, +1 light skill gc, +1 bow skill gc x 2, +1 jav skill gc x 2,
+1 jav skill/+5 dex gc, +1 passive skill/2nd mod gc x 2, +1 barb combat skill/+32 life gc, +1 warcry/+24 life gc, +1 shadow/+13 life gc, +1 shadow/2nd mod gc, +1 trap/7%frw gc, +1 trap/2nd mod gc, +1 martial art gc x 2, +1 martial art/+22 life gc
20 life/3 ciol res sc, 20 life sc x 12, 20 life/2nd mod sc, 19 life/8 mana sc, 19 life sc x 5
19 life/2nd mod sc x 2, 19 life/50 pd sc, 18 life/14 mana sc, 50 pd sc x 9, 7% mf sc
6% mf sc x 2, 5% mf/11% light res sc, 5% mf sc x 3, 11% cold res sc x 3,
10% cold res sc, 11% poison res sc x 3, 11% poison res/2nd mod sc x 2
10% poison res/5% fhr sc, 10% poison res sc x 4, 11% light res/1-23 light dmg sc
11% light res sc x 2, 10% light res sc x 2, 10% fire res sc x 2, +5 res all/1 str sc
+5 res all sc, +4 res all/2 str sc, 5% frw/15 ar/3 max sc, 5% frw/9% fire res sc
5% frw/11% poison res sc, 5% frw/9 mana sc, 5% fhr/6% lr sc, 5% fhr/7% cold res sc
5% fhr/9% poison res sc, -15 req/27% light res jewel, -15 req/20% cold res jewel
-15 req/20% cold res/16% ed jewel, -15 req/38% ed jewel, ias/23% poison res jewel
ias/26% cold res jewel, 11 max/24% cold res jewel, 12% res all/6 dex jewel,
12% res all jewel x 2, 9% res all/3 dex jewel

Shakos: 136/id, 141/id, 100/id, 137/unid, 134/unid, 104/unid, 208/unid/ethr,
Storm Shield: unid/146 def, unid crusader bow, Occy: 3/unid, 1/id,
Skullders Ire: 2/unid, 2/id,Gull Dagger,
Full Mavs Set (bow is socket with nef-knockback),
Full IK Set-Clean,
Full Nats Set,
Full Disciple/Artic/Deaths/Milabregas/Cow King/Iratha/Arcana/Hwanins,
Silkweaves: 1/unid, 1/id, TGods Belt: 5/unid, 1/id, Shaft 199%,
Quehagens x 2, Black Hades, Gladiator Bane 160%, Gore riders x 5,
Arrets: 182/6, 169/5, 2 others also,
Vamp Gaze: 7/7/16/14, 7/8/16/12, 8/8/16/14, 8/8/25/15,
+5 BO Helm, Crown of thieves: 1/unid, 1/id, 6 socket crusader bow,
Jalas x 2, String of Ears x 3, Lidless x 2, Trang helm unid
Bul-Kathos colossus blade: 1/unid, 1/id,
War Travs: 50%/42%/38%/37%, Veil of steel, Sander Cap, Titans 199%
Buriza 200%

Raven Frost: 226/20, 244/19, 206/20, 226/20, 218/20, 243/20, Soj x 4
Maras: 29%, 24%, Tal Ammy x 2, Wedding Band 3%,
Nagel Ring 30% x 4, 5% ll/14 str/14 dex/12 mana ring
30% mf/+3 martial arts ammy, Cresent moon ammy: 15/6, 13/3

Excellent Hardcore Nonladder chars and items.
Hardcore Ladder: Amazon - Lvl 85 Hybrid (no items worth mention in Hardcore Ladder)

USWest accounts for sale....all on one listing - timmayroxxz - 05-02-2004

I want to thank anyone who has bid on my ebay listing. Currently it is at $41.00 with just over 24 hours left on the auction. If anyone from this forum has bid on it that is. Everyone have a good weekend and enjoy Diablo for the game it is. Most important thing is to remember that it is just that...a game.

Thank you and have a good night.