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Uber Auradinner? - Printable Version

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Uber Auradinner? - Aquaphire - 08-25-2006

Anyone know if an Auradin can solo uber trist?!

Uber Auradinner? - headcheese69 - 08-25-2006

nope i wouldnt say?

Uber Auradinner? - Fang21 - 08-25-2006

sry cant hlp u there

Uber Auradinner? - Hp~Kp - 08-25-2006

hmm ive never made one but i really doubt it. you could try it on single player and see. cheap smitedins can always be good for uber trist

Uber Auradinner? - Bartender - 08-25-2006

No ****ing way, the ubers have like 500 stacked res on all, even magic, the only thing that can hit them is physical. Even if you did hit them, they would heal faster than the aura would hit them again.

Uber Auradinner? - Daddy_XL - 08-25-2006

auradins are only good in nm or hell pvp due to ppls lack of res.. mainly casters... pallys n barbs will own u with max res n sorb

Uber Auradinner? - Dementia - 08-25-2006

nah they are right he would get totally buttfuc*ed well as the ubers their minions are also very resistan (venom lords) even with convic it would stillbe hard...go try it lol ......good luck :\

Uber Auradinner? - Aquaphire - 08-25-2006

Well, venom lords immunities only break at uh...level 45 conviction ahaha. so they're imune...

i was thining a 1pt smite auradin... Or maybe u just psn damgae, meph, 4 example, so he doesnt heal

Uber Auradinner? - Loits - 08-27-2006

Aquaphire Wrote:Well, venom lords immunities only break at uh...level 45 conviction ahaha. so they're imune...

i was thining a 1pt smite auradin... Or maybe u just psn damgae, meph, 4 example, so he doesnt heal

Well getting lvl 45 conv isn't difficult, auradins sould max that skill out and boost it with skillers. Usually auradins have that skill very high to obliterate fohers cos in 1v1 foh would win but if you turn their aura useless then you have a serious advantage.

Uber Auradinner? - Immortality - 08-27-2006

He didn't ask if auradin is good to pvp he asked if auradin can solo uber...
Btw nope auradin cannot solo ubers,not even hammerdins can't solo ubers the only character that can really solo ubers is a smiter. Go for a smiter instead of an auradin.

Uber Auradinner? - Awperator - 08-27-2006

Immortality Wrote:He didn't ask if auradin is good to pvp he asked if auradin can solo uber...
Btw nope auradin cannot solo ubers,not even hammerdins can't solo ubers the only character that can really solo ubers is a smiter. Go for a smiter instead of an auradin.

my Druid can uber solo
My barb can uber solo
My asn can uber solo
you should see my necro uber solo

Uber Auradinner? - Shift - 08-27-2006

Awperator Wrote:my Druid can uber solo
My barb can uber solo
My asn can uber solo
you should see my necro uber solo
Single player doesn't count.

Uber Auradinner? - Immortality - 08-27-2006

Awperator Wrote:my Druid can uber solo
My barb can uber solo
My asn can uber solo
you should see my necro uber solo

1) If your assasin is trapsin then a single hit from mephisto can kill you. Mephisto has hell far away ligthing resists.
2) If your druid is elemental he is also useless. Your hurricane doesn't hit immune to cold monsters which is 80% of the uber monsters and your tornado dmg ~7k won't be enough to kill something, I doubt if you can kill even a monster, not even the ubers.
3)Well your barb might be able to solo ubers but he must be so gosu and he must have very nice ll because even smiters if they dont cast life tap they are dead after 2 mephisto hits.
4)Your necro....No way he can solo ubers even 1 pit lord is enough to make you run in tristran and spam bone walls and spirits without getting him because of his magical resistancies or should I say immunity?
The only character IMO that can solo ubers is smiter....again.

Uber Auradinner? - Awperator - 08-27-2006

Immortality Wrote:Hmmm.
1) If your assasin is trapsin then a single hit from mephisto can kill you. Mephisto has hell far away ligthing resists.
2) If your druid is elemental he is also useless. Your hurricane doesn't hit immune to cold monsters which is 80% of the uber monsters and your tornado dmg ~7k won't be enough to kill something, I doubt if you can kill even a monster, not even the ubers.
3)Well your barb might be able to solo ubers but he must be so gosu and he must have very nice ll because even smiters if they dont cast life tap they are dead after 2 mephisto hits.
4)Your necro....No way he can solo ubers even 1 pit lord is enough to make you run in tristran and spam bone walls and spirits without getting him because of his magical resistancies or should I say immunity?
The only character IMO that can solo ubers is smiter....again.

Not trapsin, Not ele Druid
Thats idiotic on your part to even think that.
My barb does ubers EZ and necros r so ez its funny ^^

Uber Auradinner? - Loits - 08-28-2006

Immortality Wrote:He didn't ask if auradin is good to pvp he asked if auradin can solo uber...
Btw nope auradin cannot solo ubers,not even hammerdins can't solo ubers the only character that can really solo ubers is a smiter. Go for a smiter instead of an auradin.

I wasn't referring to pvp i stated that a auradin should have lvl 45+ conv therefore he would break immunities in trist and it would be possible to kill there. I haven't tested trist with a auradin myself but it think it's doable especially if you zeal with hoj and dragon. (light auradins are crap ignore them)

Uber Auradinner? - headcheese69 - 08-28-2006

lmao necros cant do trist..

Uber Auradinner? - Paracite - 09-05-2006

id like to see a s's of your necros gear. If you can solo ubers with a necro id be very surpriised

Uber Auradinner? - Syntax_Errors - 09-05-2006

Daddy_XL Wrote:auradins are only good in nm or hell pvp due to ppls lack of res.. mainly casters... pallys n barbs will own u with max res n sorb

Agreed and no Auradins are not uber killers but hammerdins and smiters can. Theres a post on here about a Hammerdin that showed screen shots about his win. I will post his link if I find it again.

Uber Auradinner? - PoTatoes - 09-05-2006

how da **** could auradins solo ubers? dont u read the guides where they have freakin resist. u probably misread and saw people doing glitched uber runs to lvl. but other then that, auradins cant and will never be able to solo ubers (unless new patch -.-)