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Congratulations, Terry - Printable Version

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Congratulations, Terry - SilverTears - 08-27-2006

Congrads, Terry (FrogMan) on getting admin here Wink

Hope youll make a good one.
Keep it up with the sigs, ur doin great Big Grin

Congratulations, Terry - DiGiTaLiS - 08-27-2006

yay frogman

Congratulations, Terry - Immortality - 08-27-2006

Gz Frogman. I thought you were already an admin...Oh sorry you were a moderator. Never mind congratulations for the promotion. Keep up the good work

Congratulations, Terry - Ares - 08-27-2006

yes i sorta thoght he was admin on those double staff things in his title but yeah awsome way to go Smile i was talking about this with a few people on msn Smile
good luck!

Congratulations, Terry - Shift - 08-27-2006

He's been admin for a long while now, just his color just changed yesterday. Anywho, congrats...I guess.

Congratulations, Terry - Arc - 08-27-2006

actually the reason he had the double staff things was he was an smod with admin capabilities, but now he is full admin, congrats frog

Congratulations, Terry - wm_hunter - 08-27-2006

You are one of the four-five people that are mod+ that I like. Congratulations again to you man. You deserve it.

Congratulations, Terry - hellsing293 - 08-28-2006

yeah he's been a mod(made the subforums for d2 discussion guides not too long ago). yeah frogs a great guy he deserves it, congrats

Congratulations, Terry - Tool - 08-28-2006

A month or so too late.