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Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - Printable Version

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Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - asianboze - 09-21-2006

This has been going on for a while now. Till today he sayed he was gonna sue, if he kept talking to him.(End quote from friend) This guy keep's my friend on his friend's list and keep's messagin him for teh last 3 week's till today he found out it was a blizz rep' kept talking to him first screen is friend keep's asking blizz rep to take him of his f llist and stop annoying him. (here that is)[Image: screenshot115gl6.jpg]

and then he reviel's his blizzard account to my budd, and wonder why' he is harrassing my budd(here that pic)[Image: screenshot116ls5.jpg]

Lol blizz got nothing better to do then bother people. Annoying my budd for 3 week's and then he goe's to show off his blizz account and kept wanting to chat it seem's

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - Frai7ty - 09-21-2006

lol, wow, that tech was dumb. Have you reported him?

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - jedimaster86 - 09-21-2006

If it's really that bad tell your friend to use the ignore option; unless your friend has undeniable proof (and proove that it's not a photoshop) of the actual bad things that person says to him, nothing can be done. The other guy has no obligation to remove your friend from his buddy list; there is no law that states if you don't want to be on some other persons buddy list you have the right not to be on that person's buddy list.

Your friend probably should've thought twice about some of the things he said; "ur harassing me when u cannot go with my wishes to not talk to you." With that statement, how can it be harassment if it deals with your friend talking to that person? All he has to do is.....not talk to that person.

If the other guy never said anything bad to your friend, it isn't harassment, it's the freedom to talk to someone on All I can tell you is just tell your friend to block and move on. It's really nothing to cry over.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - asianboze - 09-21-2006

It wasn't any peron it was a blizz rep. The fact that a blizz rep kept messaging him and then get's on his blizz account's to message him furthur.(Blizz rep messaging people with useless chat). There was alot more text but he only took a few screen shot's. The blizz rep kept saying am I harrasing you now? over and over in public chat. and he tryed to message the bliz rep bak, but it didnt go threw, kept saying user not log in. But if their was a way to check the chat log's i can get all the thing's that was sayed. And this "isnt" photo shoped. dont say it was. It was harrasment cuz it was a blizzard rep. abusing his power to keep bothering someone, with his player account and blizz account.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - Frai7ty - 09-21-2006

What I was going with, is that he asked the tech to drop him as a friend. The tech should had set an example, and done it.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - asianboze - 09-21-2006

Yeah, that is a great point. the blizz was dumb. I never got why he was bothering him in the first place.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - Bloodangel26 - 09-22-2006

...that was 2 different people. it wasnt a blizz rep "annoying your friend".

you cant sue people for being annoying...the way your friend types annoys me, should i sue him for that? if you could sue people for annoying you, i'd be a very rich man.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - asianboze - 09-22-2006

Nah , it was the same guy. what happen was he kept messaging him on his palyer account. then my friend told him he was goann report him. and then the blizz rep log'd onto his blizz account and then mesaged him over and over saying am i annoying you NOw? do you unsderstand blood? p.s. ther was more text but didnt take many screen's.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - jedimaster86 - 09-22-2006

First off I still don't see or don't know how those two accounts must and are related at all (after all, blizzard reps DO know the fundamentals of linguistics and grammar, while 'ol marky there does not), but if you really even care (although it seems your friend was talking to this marklar dude more than the other way - there is an "N" key for a reason to clear messages if it bothers him that much) then I suppose I would try to contact someone, although I'm going to need MUCH more evidence, and evidence that is actually evidence and not just these random screens that prove absolutely nothing. Email the evidence you have to me at [email protected].

Is "he" on both his official Blizz acct (the MartyT one) and mark_lar at the same exact time, because if not you wouldn't have been able to send the message to mark_lar.

It's not harassment until I see circumstantial evidence that it is.

Also, for the future, don't make hasty generalizations about people or groups until you can show evidence of a circumstance of a breach of integrity.

EDIT: Oh, and I'd like a detailed written report about it too, that fully explains the situations (with no grammatical errors). If your friend is this proturbed about the situation and would wish to do something, he'd have no problem writing it. I'm not the one with the problem, so I have no reason to write up a full report to go with the evidence for him.

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - asianboze - 09-22-2006

your a moron, Ok look . what happen was he(mark) was on his player account and then my firend sayed somthing like ( no i dont want to talk with u, ur annoying ) then teh blizz rep goe's onto his blizz account and say's MOCK"s like Do you want to talk to me now kinda shet. GOT IT? It's not random or photo'd , if you want to help then figure out a way to get chat text out of the diablo you can see what fully happend. got it? cuz you, just used to so many bullshet. and can't take the truth somtime.

Where the hell did i say it was harrasment? are u stupid? the title say's Blizz rep bored u dumbshet.
u write a report and also find a way to get all text chat shet from a account . likea log. if yo can i will get u ur info. fool

Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - UberMF - 09-22-2006

asianboze Wrote:your a moron, Ok look . what happen was he(mark) was on his player account and then my firend sayed somthing like ( no i dont want to talk with u, ur annoying ) then teh blizz rep goe's onto his blizz account and say's MOCK"s like Do you want to talk to me now kinda shet. GOT IT? It's not random or photo'd , if you want to help then figure out a way to get chat text out of the diablo you can see what fully happend. got it? cuz you, just used to so many bullshet. and can't take the truth somtime.

Where the hell did i say it was harrasment? are u stupid? the title say's Blizz rep bored u dumbshet.
u write a report and also find a way to get all text chat shet from a account . likea log. if yo can i will get u ur info. fool

asianboze Wrote:if YO CAN I WILL GET U UR INFO. FOOL



Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - jedimaster86 - 09-22-2006

Tsk tsk, now that's no way to treat a forum member; clean up your act or get out. I was only trying to offer a hand if your friend wanted or needed. I also never stated that it was a Photoshop'ed screen; I was saying that if your friend does decide to take action against the individual he would need to show that his screenshots are legit.

asianboze Wrote:It was harrasment cuz it was a blizzard rep. abusing his power to keep bothering someone, with his player account and blizz account.


Blizz Rep keep annoying friend - Fuggle - 09-23-2006

Bah, I always miss shit like this, oh well.
Btw, it's amazing how Mark and Marty magically change writing styles.