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Clan Waz recruiting - Printable Version

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Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 11-16-2006

Ok this is in the right section because clan recruitment is under the diablo2 catagory and this is brood war.

Anyways if you a good player on us west and you would like to join clan Waz. then whisper Waz_Leader, Waz_Sniper or Waz_Sensei

I dont really need any members I just thought some of you could play with me Smile
this clan is not newb we are all good members and we do have a lot of people.

soo.. if you want to join w.e reply or whisper me im the leader btw

Clan Waz recruiting - Gods - 11-16-2006

So this is only for BW?

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 11-16-2006

Ummm yeah .. On d2 I dont do clans

Clan Waz recruiting - Gods - 11-16-2006

oh... well that sucks..

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 11-17-2006

well now we got like 25+ members anyone wunna join up?

Clan Waz recruiting - Esuna - 11-17-2006

I use to be pretty good I would say, but ever since I got back into Diablo II, I haven't been paying attention to my SC as much. But I will drop on by when I do, just to check out on some things, or something. :S

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 12-01-2006

Yeah we only have one good rank to give out..

thats Corporal the rest are taken by expert players

but yeah if you want to join come to OP WAZ_

thats the new channel.

anways new channel Clan Waz

Well since this clan is a huge hit Im willing to to open a clan for diablo2 if any of you wunna like start that on ur own you can we got a channel/site pm me if you want to do this


Clan Waz recruiting - Noobie_4_Lifey - 12-22-2006

Ya I used to be pretty good as well. I haven't played in awhile though. I'd be happy to game with ya and not join the clan though if ya want.

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 12-22-2006



Waz_Leader i got my channel on lockdown goin thru some wars

Clan Waz recruiting - Jordanv78 - 12-23-2006

so are you still looking for people to play with? I have kinda thought that I would start playing SC again...

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 12-23-2006

o **** yeah!!!

You can whisper me any time Smile

Clan Waz recruiting - Jordanv78 - 12-23-2006

Sweet! I will make sure to keep that in mind when Im online

So what is your SN? Do you mainly play on West?

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 12-23-2006

im on west..

you can find me under Waz_Leader Smile

Clan Waz recruiting - Jordanv78 - 12-23-2006

OK thats cool. I just thought that I would ask because i play on both. Whatever one has the better games going...LOL

Clan Waz recruiting - Ares - 12-23-2006

Well west does..

plus youll be gamin with me n my clan Smile