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how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Printable Version

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how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - L4E - 11-28-2006

woo spam for the spam section

how long can u guys hold a tucked planche/advanced tucked/ plain planche!!??

i can hold a tucked planche for 10 seconds then i just die out >< bodyweight exercise = OMFGHard.

What about u guys?

thats what a tucked planche looks like

this is what the plain planche looks like

hooray for the spam section, where we can talk about all the dumbest things we want

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - PoTatoes - 11-28-2006

hooray for randomness ^^

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Nex - 11-28-2006

i can hold it for about 13 secounds b4 it realy hurts

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - PantallicA - 11-29-2006

That shit would break my wrists.

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - bigdeath - 11-29-2006

They should call that one the "Neverland ranch deluxe"

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - BlindMansTicket - 11-29-2006

I thought this was about that italian bacon Sad

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Ares - 11-29-2006

lmao i cant keep balance

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - L4E - 11-29-2006

lol its so ****in hard... oh well, im a bboy so in a few weeks ill have 60 seconds of it no prob Wink just like with my 1hand pushups
hey how many one hand pushups do u guys do? i can do 5 on each hand, then i just.. die, awesome cuz 5 days ago i couldnt do one ><

also, post how long u can hold the tucked planche!! and if ur a power maniac, how long do u hold a planche!! cmon, take advantage of the spam section !!

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Ares - 11-29-2006

zomfg i cant do that one handed i loose balance i can do shitload of 2 handed ezzzzz

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - L4E - 11-29-2006

i can hardly do any 2 handed pushups, my max was like 33..
i do weigh 180lb at 6'2, and never really worked on my pushups... i kinda hate pushups, they arent fun at all. Any exercise u can do more than 10 reps of isnt any fun, and when i workout and exercise i try to have fun most of all.

when u do 1 handed, keep ur legs wide (for balance + makes it easier) get in a normal pushup position, lift one hand off the floor and put it behind ur back, then slowly go down.
if u collapse and fall on ur face the first few times, so did I! Big Grin

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Mushroomhead18nc - 11-29-2006

i couldnt lift myself off the ground to do that cause im not flexible. I can bench my own weight fairly easy, but something like that would kill my wrist/forearms so im gonna say .5seconds

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - hellsing293 - 11-29-2006

ii'm about 6' 2" 140ish and i do a decent amount of 2 handed pushups in my nightly workout.

but that plache thing, dude i don't think i could even do that to begin with. not enough balance

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Ares - 11-29-2006

i cant balance wtf how u do it

HIsINfernalMajesty ima rape if you if place those ****ing drum set emicons its so damn anoying please dont use them

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Nex - 11-29-2006

lawlerskates nublets are teh gymzorz Big Grin

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Mathalamus - 11-30-2006

i weigh 110 and im 5'4'' with powerful arms and even stronger legs

i can do that but my lack of balence will be my undoing

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - L4E - 11-30-2006

balance? it has nothing to do with balance (well a bit)
how u get into it is by placing ur arms shoulder width (maybe a bit more) while ur in a frog position, with ur knees as close to ur chest as possible.
ur hands a bit farther then where ur feet are (hands still at shoulder width) just lean forward and flex every muscle u can to keep u from falling.
if u fall back, then try to move more forwards, if u fall forwards on ur head, then ur leaning too much
also keep ur toes pointed, arms as straight as possible. ****ing hard ><

and u thought weight lifting was hard Smile

how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - Bartender - 12-01-2006

PantallicA Wrote:That shit would break my wrists.


how long do u hold a planche/tucked planche?! - RaZzor - 12-12-2006

I can't even push myself off of the floor.
