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randomest call ever - Printable Version

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randomest call ever - Nex - 01-05-2007

ok about 2 miuntes ago i just recived a call on my mobile it was my mate saying that his mum's work was looking for a person with longish hair to get a haircut for $50 dollars an hour. i was thinking ok sure ill get my hair cut and get paid for it! but the catch was that it was on TV one of those home shoping shows where they try to sell stuff that they dont sell in shops. and i sorta have a bit of stage fright and dont really want to do it but i tihnk it will be fun.
should i do it or not?

randomest call ever - Mathalamus - 01-05-2007

search within yourself and find the answer.. my opinion: yes

randomest call ever - Tap - 01-05-2007

your stressing too much over nothing.......i wouldnt do it

randomest call ever - DaCougarMech - 01-05-2007

i would go ahead and do it
just smile and pretend to enjoy it
besides, it's not like they'll castrate you if you sneeze or anything

randomest call ever - Mathalamus - 01-05-2007

they can...and what the hell is castrate?

randomest call ever - PoTatoes - 01-05-2007

mathalamus federation Wrote:they can...and what the hell is castrate?
Go on, it has all the words the math empire don't know.
I personally think you should go for it as you get paid for getting your hair cut;the best deal on earth.

randomest call ever - Nex - 01-05-2007

the thing is they will probably shave my head or give me a bad hair cut, lol

randomest call ever - Mathalamus - 01-05-2007

PoTaToes Wrote:Go on, it has all the words the math empire don't know.
I personally think you should go for it as you get paid for getting your hair cut;the best deal on earth.

ok ill go there.. and its the Mathal Union, remebrr that or dont dirty our tiny but proud nation.

randomest call ever - DaCougarMech - 01-05-2007

it's a union now?
i thought it was an empire?
empire means acquisition by force
union is a coming-together of different parties

please get back on topic, thank you. -jedi

randomest call ever - Mathalamus - 01-05-2007

DaCougarMech Wrote:it's a union now?
i thought it was an empire?
empire means acquisition by force
union is a coming-together of different parties

apparently you forgot that the mathalamus empire has four parts: the mathal empire, the Communist republic, the Mathal intelligence (don't ask) and the wimpy galatic republic from star wars (!) man they suck lmao.

I've reconsidered mu thoughts and decided that you should not go up there, its an embarrassment to even agree...

randomest call ever - Gods - 01-05-2007

lol.. i'll do it laugh:.. I say go for it, because you usually pay to get a haircut and this time its backwards your getting paid for them to cut your hair..