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BM lol - asianboze - 01-16-2007

You mofo's who keep bitceing, keep saying Bm in these post. You should stop crying. LOl BM? Learn to COUNTER it. Learn to play, the game and stop saying BM . Using it as a advantage so you have a small chance of winning.. Hah.

On another note. [B]wm_hunter vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true); [/B]
Grim Reaper
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[Image: icon1.gif] You have received an infraction at Blizzard Sector
Dear asianboze,

You have received an infraction at Blizzard Sector.

Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
This is both for advertising your dupe and insulting. If you only insulted it would have been a warning. You did both, so this is a full infraction.

Try not to do it again

Cry more ? haha insulting another person? Warn me some more. Why people got to criticize me for my post. Course I am biche at your arse. Learn To Have respect first for my post and I won't biche at your sorry arse. Mofo. hah CRy more


BM lol - L4E - 01-16-2007

Sadomg were crying so much -.-

dont worry man, we dont get our panties in a bunch for nothing, of course i cant say the same for you

I hope someday you become less retarded Wink till then, try hugging ur mom

BM lol - Mathalamus - 01-16-2007

hmmm i think i should prepare for the worst...

BM lol - AngelOfSin - 01-16-2007

Wanna grow up a little bit? Maybe you'll get repsect then....(and yes hugging your mom will improve your attitde greatlyrolleyes: )

BM lol - John - 01-16-2007

asianboze i still here? How is that, he was advertising without permission, and now hes bragging about it, and flaming wm_hunter.

BM lol - PoTatoes - 01-16-2007

If you want to settle something with a mod, do it via PM. I closed this thread because i dont want any more spam related posts in this useless thread.

BM lol - Pamela - 01-16-2007

I am giving him some time off.He made me log in as to be him.

BM lol - Fuggle - 01-16-2007

Hahaha, what a crackwhore.

BM lol - Grave - 01-16-2007

Moved to the right section, flame forum to be exact why the hell is this posted in diablo 2 section.