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My Summon guide - Printable Version

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My Summon guide - Chaos_mable - 01-20-2007

First off I dont think any summoner will fair well in pvp period. This char is for fun and rushing. It may be a bit slower than others but it is still very possible.


str-enought for gear only
dex-base you dont need maxblock with summoner
vit-rest if not all

Skills-Well this is debatable due to the fact of the flexability with this build but I find putting points into these skills very useful

Skeleton Mastery-maxed synergy to skeleys
Raise Skeleton-maxed
Summon res-1 point (skill boost will be low after and plus skills items will help)
Amp dmg-1 point greatly increases dmg for you minions (only radius will increase with more points into it)
Iron Maden-1 point helps when taking lots of dmg (same as amp)
Decripify-1 point helps slow dmg reduction and physical good for bosses (same as amp)
Lifetap-1 point steals life for minions good agaisnt mobs (same as amp)
Revive-5 points good tanks
Skeleton Mage-5 points debatable but somewhat of a distraction
I deicided to max golem mastery and max clay golem very good tank and can recast fast

If I calculated correctly in order to max all thos out you will have to be lvl 88 of course you can choose not to get any of the following to cut back on lvl

Gear-Many choices most preferance

Helm-shako life/mana/dr/mf/skills overall very good, rare nec 3sum/life/2soc
Wep1-Beast in low req wep fanata/str/prevent monster heal for pvm, hoto 3skills/res fcr is unimportant unless you want to cast but you are summoner
Shield1-Homunculus skills/res/mana reg/,darkforces skills/max mana,Boneflame skills/res
Armor-enigma in mp or dusk skills/dr/tele/str/life not really other options
Boots-Marrowwalks skills/str/dex/mana reg/half freeze dur
Gloves-Trangs skills/cold res, Bloodfist life/fhr, magefist mana reg,
Belt-arachnid skills/mana/slow target, verdungoes life/dr/fhr
rare/crafted triple res/life/mana/str/dex
Amulet-Maras skills/res/stats/, 3 summon life
rings-soj mana/skills, bk skills/life
Wep2-cta precast life/skill
shield2-spirit/lidless higher lvl bo

as many necro summon gcs as you can get
rest fhr, life scs

act2 might
wep-pride for conc
armor-bramble for thorns
helm I went with dream for dmg, gaze or andys visage will work well too

I wont post dueling strats because I dont feel this is for pvp
