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WoW Char Backround - Doom - 02-02-2007

I don't know if there is a thread about this mostly because i hate reading but i want to really see how many people play on this site and what servers they play on. If you would fill out this short bit of questions it would be nice.

Char: ( mostly what kind of class you can put in the name if you would like.)
Highest level (other levels and class also):
Raid experience:

67 rogue......64 pally..... 52 hunter
I have completed everything except for Kel'thuzad

Thx Smile

WoW Char Backround - fleaflickerx - 02-02-2007

Char: Reyox 70 warrior, getting attuned to the rest of the 70 instances
Server: Argent Dawn
Past raid exp: All in origional, All of hellfire cit and underbog and Coilfang Slave pens, its just its hard getting attuned is pain in the ass, becuase all of the level 70 alliance hanging around on their flyiong mounts, and the lack of level 70 horde....but i already have seen 61,61 BE pally/warlocks >_< yes, they truly have no life,

WoW Char Backround - Doom - 02-02-2007

There is a level 66 shamen on our server already i believe...And grats on 70 i haven't been able to play much lately to level. Work and school is so much fun to deal with. I plan on playing all this weekend to get to 70 i am rested for about 2 level.

WoW Char Backround - fleaflickerx - 02-02-2007

lucky, i had hit 60 about three months before the expansion and got most my tier 1 but never really got rested, so i just had to quest, and to be honest i just hit 70 last night Tongue

WoW Char Backround - FraterPerdurabo - 02-02-2007

Jaendar PvP (Euro)
Lvl 30 Night Elf Druid
Raid experience: none

My first char =)

WoW Char Backround - RaZzor - 02-02-2007

Kargath PvE Euro (Germany to be exactly)
Level 70 (had lvl up this night <3) Dwarf Priest
Raid experience: AQ40 clear except C'thun (we stopped raiding AQ40 so we could go on in Naxxramas), Spiderwing clear, Razuvious down, Thaddius 24% on our last raid Sad

WoW Char Backround - fleaflickerx - 02-03-2007

sucks, cleared Naxx on third try, just finsished Coilfang - slave pens and Coilfang - underbog. Guild is going to start Hellfire Citadel - shattered halls soon, then when we get enough 70's we have people working on getting exaulted with thrall mar to getinto the heroic Hellfire citadel

WoW Char Backround - Doom - 02-03-2007

You only need revered to get heroic i think...I don't really know with all the work and school i been doing havn't played much sigh sigh sigh. I logged on yesterday to seeing us have 15 70's on so i got to get to 70 this weekend... Must play till my eyes bleed

WoW Char Backround - FrogMan - 02-04-2007

Aerie Peak Euro
Lvl 30 mage
First char lol

WoW Char Backround - Fuggle - 02-04-2007

Lol my server had a few 70 Pally's a week ago, we had 6x 70's by the 3rd day too. I've kind of given up on WoW though, got bored.