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Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Printable Version

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Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Ares - 04-05-2007

Pamela Wrote:Ok My internet/MSN/Computer are conspiring against me(this is actually normal)
Invisible,make your seperate threads,with polls,but do it in the Spam Arena.
All of you look for it in that section.
This is my best suggestion.

Best Flamer/Spammer ( this catagory gets nothing for a prize but me posting you clapping smiley faces)

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Pamela - 04-05-2007

Spoon for flame...the other 2 can't touch him in that area...period.
Spam I go with H I M...but really he doesn't belong in this poll...Just my opinion.......

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - The Mob - 04-05-2007

ummm what happened to mathul? i vote for him for the most random person..

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Pamela - 04-05-2007

Can't run if banned.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - The Mob - 04-05-2007

how long was he banned for again? i forgot... well when he comes back he has my vote

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Pamela - 04-05-2007

Tomorrow at 2P.M. He will again have forum access.
How do I know this? I am the Mod that banned him.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Nex - 04-05-2007

i voted spoon for best flamer

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Ares - 04-05-2007

I voted for Loits Smile

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - RaZzor - 04-06-2007

Why is Loits nominated?

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Bartender - 04-06-2007

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Where's Tool? wtf my darth vader came out wierd.

You are working hard at a 3 day vacation....stop spamming and bullshit posts like this. I only left it up for others to see how retarded and off topic it was.~Pamela

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - L4E - 04-06-2007

This is the SPAM section Pam, he can post all the dumb shit he wants and so can I.

Now hold hands everyone!
\O/ \O/ \O/ \O/
..|.. ..|.. .|... .|
./.\ ./..\. /\.. /.\
Sometimes I wonder if you haven't been smoking something when you do your modding.

And plus im the best flamer because I flame people and no one even notices..

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Z3R0 - 04-06-2007

Math is back, so I would like to request he be added so I can vote for him. And should there not be two seperate polls for these? I mean, you vote on the poll and it means they are both best flammer and biggest spammer. >.>

On I side note, Math for spammer and Bloodangel for flammer.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Ares - 04-09-2007

Winner is Spoon

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - John - 04-09-2007

I demand a recount! LOL

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - FraterPerdurabo - 04-09-2007

Yeah, Loits had 3 votes before, someone must have tinkered with the poll Angry

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Pamela - 04-09-2007

L4E Wrote:This is the SPAM section Pam, he can post all the dumb shit he wants and so can I.

Now hold hands everyone!
\O/ \O/ \O/ \O/
..|.. ..|.. .|... .|
./.\ ./..\. /\.. /.\
Sometimes I wonder if you haven't been smoking something when you do your modding.

Actually spam doesn't mean off topic and retarded. If he wants to show off do it in a thread and Title it,Typing Art.
FYI I smoke nothing so nice try.~Pamela
And plus im the best flamer because I flame people and no one even notices..

zerokool Wrote:Math is back, so I would like to request he be added so I can vote for him. And should there not be two seperate polls for these? I mean, you vote on the poll and it means they are both best flammer and biggest spammer. >.>

On I side note, Math for spammer and Bloodangel for flammer.
The poll should have been seperated but they didn't do it before voting. Sure I could go in and rig all kinds of stuff. This whole thing is a joke.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Mathalamus - 04-09-2007

hey i object that HIM is the best spammer!

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - SpoonMan999 - 04-09-2007

I just want to make it clear I was nominated as, and hopefully voted for as, best flamer and not spammer.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - John - 04-09-2007

^^well you apparently won as a spammer as well, the category is spammer and flamer.

Voting:Best Flamer/Spammer - Pamela - 04-10-2007

He is best Flamer,not spammer..I am reping him anyway.