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Lottery for Eth Botd - Printable Version

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Lottery for Eth Botd - Manasonic - 05-21-2004

Hi ppl: I have a pretty interesting idea that people may want to take up. I am thinking of running a D2 lottery for godly stuff, especially for eth botds, etc. The basic idea would be to allow a limited number of people (say 20 or 25) "pay" a 290 as a lottery ticket (with a max of 3 paid per account to enter into a randomized draw (literally form a hat) for the desired item. The winner would take the item + half of what I had left after buying new eth botd, e.g.. So bascially the winner and I would gain, while other people would just suffer bad luck. If not enuf 290's were collected within say a week for me to get a new eth botd and hence run the draw, I'd return all the 290s in good faith to entrants. Anyway, it's my latest get rich quick idea, aimed mainly at ppl who can spend 290s like candy in good faith anyway. I don't mean for it to be a scam, so please don't "flame war" me. I am very much interested in people's input before I even run such a lottery (to make it more obviously legit): hopefully there is some brilliant way to make this work that I am not seeing. For now, it is just a gesture. Maybe it can't work. I will check posts to this thread to see whether the lottery idea is a "go". So far I have 2 or 3 friends interested in participating (which is a far cry from the 16 ppl on my flist). Think it over, peace out.Rolleyes

Lottery for Eth Botd - PanZer - 05-21-2004

I'd be interested, but i got one prob....i have no 290s or anythin like it....

Lottery for Eth Botd - Nubli - 05-21-2004

sounds like the worlds biggest scam yet.

Lottery for Eth Botd - Manasonic - 05-21-2004

It's me, checking in on my post. I'll leave it up for a few more days to see if it generates much interest. It's a good idea that I try to make the lottery (if it goes) more accessible to ppl without 290s (I think that from a previous post). The key problem I have with that idea is that it would require a _lot_ more advertising of the lottery idea to generate enough stuff to make the lottery really worth it for me (not to mention the winner). I can assure doubters all I want that it isn't a scam, and they will keep on doubting. Certainly finding a way to breach skepticism is the biggest task ahead: I think that would mean finding (if possible) a way to make it so that a lottery couldn't be a scam, but then that would likely bring up third party worries (a BANK of Diablo should be set up--now that's brilliant). Putting a general trust in a few executors would be an interesting task, but I doubt it would gain popular support. But a bank could manage lotteries, along with settling trade values....such utopian dreams...oh well, a few more days and I will likely drop the lottery idea in my bag of interesting but ill-fated attempts to bring a bit of invention to the game. Erm, the bank isn't something I could manage, I'd be better sticking to lotteries or killing baal lol.Cool

Lottery for Eth Botd - ._| 3 Vv |3 - 05-22-2004

maybe if it was nubli i'd be less hesitant, but seeing as this guy only joined THIS month and has only posted 2x, i don't trust him worth a damn.. sry -_- not saying i woud if you had 200, but maybe if you were an older member

Lottery for Eth Botd - Manasonic - 05-22-2004

Hi ppl: I talked this one over with some buds. It looks like trust would be the issue if I tried to make a popular lottery. So for now I'm gonna stick to my flist for mini-lotteries, and maybe see if word spreads through the flist lines. If it does, maybe it will be a go after all.Smile

Lottery for Eth Botd - Silver Ice - 05-29-2004

yeah but 20-25 people=20-25 290s for you and an eth botd cb is like 11-12 now so make it reasonable

btw I will also trade my NL USeast Sc eth botd cb (374/15) for an eth cb 6 os with all the runes for breath of the dying

i.e 6 os cb + vex hel el eld zod eth for my eth botd 374% cb

Lottery for Eth Botd - logic. - 05-29-2004

Nubli Wrote:sounds like the worlds biggest scam yet.
Worlds biggest scam that has not been planned in ne kind of way yet..Smile