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Ever write a daily journal? - Printable Version

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Ever write a daily journal? - Pamela - 12-11-2007

What do you guys think about having a section in small talk as a daily journal?
I used to post mine on another site and it was quite popular and fun.The format allowed it to begin with your mood,song currently listening to,and goal for the day.At the end of your post an option was there for people to coment.

For me journaling was fun and very helpfull.Getting thoughts and emotions written seemed to have a stress releiving affect.

My mood today is nuetral,my music listening to atm is Hootsbank-Reason.
the day was hectic for me,but I got many things accomplished!! Post here if anyone is interested in trying this..OR if you would read my journal of daily activities.Wink

Ever write a daily journal? - Tap - 12-11-2007

I am agaisnt it we have enough spam threads as it is......Besides you tend to bombard my msn with your daily bloggers :/

Ever write a daily journal? - Z3R0 - 01-06-2008

Never had time to keep a journal, and the idea never really apealed to me because I store stuff in the back of my head a lot and just pull it out whenever I need it, rather than having to hunt down a journal to look something up.

Forum wise, you could just merge the What Are You Listening To? and Things That Make You Crabby threads and get basicly the same end result.