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anyone know a good free rpg? - Printable Version

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anyone know a good free rpg? - noobisback - 12-24-2007

im bored of d2 and stuff im lookin for a game like WoW but i dont want my life sucked away by sitting in instances for 9 hours Big Grin but yeah topic.

anyone know a good free rpg? - FraterPerdurabo - 12-25-2007

Don't know if it's good:

WoW is fun, give it a try : )

anyone know a good free rpg? - DsGod - 07-07-2008

wow that game looks kick ass thanx boss

anyone know a good free rpg? - Sonic - 07-10-2008 is another fun forum, to join in alliance in ikariam you have to sign up for But thats only the retrouprising alliance, you can join others without.

anyone know a good free rpg? - tree_frog - 07-22-2008

does anyone know if there is other games like d2 with the same gameplay.. i know of one i have played called sacred but other then that idk

anyone know a good free rpg? - FraterPerdurabo - 07-22-2008

Sacred is garbage.

anyone know a good free rpg? - Nethran - 07-22-2008 Browse there. It's what I use.

anyone know a good free rpg? - tree_frog - 07-23-2008

i know sacred is not a good game but, do you know of any other games with the same gameplay as d2

anyone know a good free rpg? - Lazy Boi - 08-30-2009

Titan quest is the greek version of diablo 2 but its hiiiiigh ass maintainence... by that i mean you gotta have like at least a gig of ram and a mid-class gfx runs smoothly on mine and i have a 6200 geforce (for now) and 2.5GB of ram...but its pretty multiplayer but its a tad hard to use the multiplayer interface to connect to a game...

anyone know a good free rpg? - jedimaster86 - 08-30-2009

Lazy Boi Wrote:Titan quest is the greek version of diablo 2 but its hiiiiigh ass maintainence... by that i mean you gotta have like at least a gig of ram and a mid-class gfx runs smoothly on mine and i have a 6200 geforce (for now) and 2.5GB of ram...but its pretty multiplayer but its a tad hard to use the multiplayer interface to connect to a game...
Heh, I have Titan Quest running right now, and I definately recommend it. My laptop is like four years old, and the game still runs pretty well (given I do have settings on "low" but it still looks decent).

You can get the game cheap for under/about $20 on Amazon (get the Gold version that has both the original/expansion). I've just been playin' with the single player (along with what Lazy said, the game is more geared toward SP than MP). My highest atm is a 62 Conq (he got through the game, now I'm gathering as many of the items as I can just for fun - I don't mind the grind).

To me it's kinda like Diablo 2.5.

anyone know a good free rpg? - Lazy Boi - 08-31-2009

yeah its pretty cool but theres something i like about d2 a little better...oh thats right...GORE AND SCARINESS (if you play it for the first time and actually get way into it)...but yeah TQIT is pretty nice...i got TQIT off of steam for $20 and it always works no screw-overs so you could try that....