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I'm back and I need some help - Printable Version

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I'm back and I need some help - FraterPerdurabo - 01-16-2008

Well, basically, I feel like starting to play Diablo II again. I don't know why. I haven't decided which character I'm going to make yet, also depends on whether I can get my jsp loser tag removed since I cannot use my gold right now.

Basically, I'm thinking about making an Amazon. If I get my gold unlocked, gear won't be a problem since I still have like 1000fg left. I always was pretty crap with Amazons, so if someone could lend me a hand, would be nice. I want to make a PvE Amazon, built for maximum damage. Any comments on that? How do they play? Is survivability a problem in solo play? What kind of solo play can you do, since you don't have Enigma? Or which armor should I be using, CoH? Is Enigma a possibility? Will shit FCR% make Teleport redundant?

Damn, it's been too long.

I'm back and I need some help - Tap - 01-16-2008

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Well, basically, I feel like starting to play Diablo II again. I don't know why. I haven't decided which character I'm going to make yet, also depends on whether I can get my jsp loser tag removed since I cannot use my gold right now.

Basically, I'm thinking about making an Amazon. If I get my gold unlocked, gear won't be a problem since I still have like 1000fg left. I always was pretty crap with Amazons, so if someone could lend me a hand, would be nice. I want to make a PvE Amazon, built for maximum damage. Any comments on that? How do they play? Is survivability a problem in solo play? What kind of solo play can you do, since you don't have Enigma? Or which armor should I be using, CoH? Is Enigma a possibility? Will shit FCR% make Teleport redundant?

Damn, it's been too long.

Plz say east ladder Smile

I'm back and I need some help - FraterPerdurabo - 01-16-2008

Naw, Europe still Smile
Logged on just now (I had kept my druid alive, of course) and I still have some clanmates playing.

I'm back and I need some help - Tap - 01-16-2008

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Naw, Europe still Smile
Logged on just now (I had kept my druid alive, of course) and I still have some clanmates playing.

well i personally would enjoy playing with you
if you do decide to play east ladder let me know
ill Grush/Uber level and help ya out as much as i can

I'm back and I need some help - BrioCloud - 01-16-2008

Aw man. Europe? I'm still on West haha.

I'm back and I need some help - FraterPerdurabo - 01-16-2008

Meh, I've already tried playing on other realms. It doesn't really work out because of the time change. When I want to play, all of you guys are sleeping :<

Anyway, I had an amazon grushed and chaosed yesterday, lvl 61 already : > haven't decided what it's going to be yet, Bowzon or Javazon.

I'm back and I need some help - Tap - 01-16-2008

Tap never sleeps...come to east

Tap never sleeps...come to east

or well let me know if you decide too or if you wanna build a char on east as well Smile

also id recommend Cs cause i just enjoy pvming on a cs zon

I'm back and I need some help - ScattyDude - 01-17-2008

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Well, basically, I feel like starting to play Diablo II again. I don't know why. I haven't decided which character I'm going to make yet, also depends on whether I can get my jsp loser tag removed since I cannot use my gold right now.

Basically, I'm thinking about making an Amazon. If I get my gold unlocked, gear won't be a problem since I still have like 1000fg left. I always was pretty crap with Amazons, so if someone could lend me a hand, would be nice. I want to make a PvE Amazon, built for maximum damage. Any comments on that? How do they play? Is survivability a problem in solo play? What kind of solo play can you do, since you don't have Enigma? Or which armor should I be using, CoH? Is Enigma a possibility? Will shit FCR% make Teleport redundant?

Damn, it's been too long.
meh if you start back and don't want to get bored after 3 days go HC imo

Get nigma it's way too useful on a zon nomatter waht you do I'm guessing it's a java zon you want ? Does europe still have it's weird items with bugged stats?

I'm back and I need some help - FraterPerdurabo - 01-17-2008

I played HC for a while but I got bored because all my friends were doing PvP, so I went back to SC.

Well, I decided I'm going to make a bowzon now and I think I got my build all figured out already. However, it may take some time since I still haven't had my jsp tag removed and cannot use my gold -_-

We still have bugged stuff in NL, like Siggard's Stealth (imba bugbelt), other than that, it's the regular hacked gear, bugtals, mass duped boots, etc.

I'm back and I need some help - Z3R0 - 01-17-2008

I've played Europe and East ladder, but went to East because more people I know there, and it is really active. Not nearly was many people on West last I played, it was always sort of dead. Good to hear you're back in it though, it can be fun again after a few years, be you forgot why you left in the first place. >_>