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WoW screenshot: the Stormwind version of Undercity? - Printable Version

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WoW screenshot: the Stormwind version of Undercity? - Spitfire - 03-04-2008

As far as we know, the city of Stormwind has always been a city above ground. A screenshot sent in by EU World of Warcraft player, Bashfullsson of the Dragonblight realm, to WoW Insider seems to indicate otherwise.

It also gives the idea that the city has another side that players of Blizzard's MMORPG haven't quite seen before. As you can see from the picture above, the angle makes Stormwind look as if it's floating in the sky.

There's also an area beneath it that could very well be the spot for the famed city's version of the Forsaken's place of residence. "Under Stormwind" is one of the latest in a series of unusual screenshots sent in by various WoW players to Around Azeroth.

If you're interested in submitting one of your own, feel free to click on the source link below for more details on how you can do so.

[Image: WoW-Under-Stormwind_qjgenth.jpg?109406]