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Taking my Sats Tomorrow - BrioCloud - 06-06-2008

I'm taking my Sats around 7:45 tomorrow. And I can't sleep and looking for fixes for TurboT bot. Haha.

Please wish me good luck. Thanks. Big Grin

Edit: I mean today. Its past midnight. -__-''

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - tigeroip - 06-06-2008

good luck

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - SBC'soneandonly - 06-07-2008

I had to get up at 5 for mine, SAT was at 6:30. That was the longest 3 hours of my life also, I never want to do that again.

Good luck with your lack of sleep

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - BrioCloud - 06-07-2008

I am such a dodo head. I had to wake up at around 6:00 and then buy a calculator from Walmart. When I got to the High School Lincoln I noticed nobody was around. I asked a guy there and he checked my admission paper, and he said its tomorrow. June 7, 2008. Today is the 6th. At least I know where it is tomorrow. Its at 7:45 so I'm use to it because my school starts at 7:15. 7:20 is late.

I'm not worried about how long it is. I've recently taken the Ap English Language test and that was around 4 hours. I had to write 3 essays, each one 45 minutes long. And 50 extremely hard multiple choices and I only answered 40. Which isn't bad. Thanks for the good luck guys.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - Z3R0 - 06-07-2008

Good luck man.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - hellsing293 - 06-07-2008

And remember- if you fail miserably, you can always take it again Big Grin

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - The Mob - 06-07-2008

ahh yes.. the bane of sats.. i remember taking that trash a year ago. dont worry. it wont matter any more in a little bit. have you tried the act?

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - Fuggle - 06-07-2008

lol I killed that thing back when I took it, perfect score in math and near perfect in English. Figures being a math major and all.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - BrioCloud - 06-07-2008

Wow really? Got any tips?

I'm pretty good in English. Much better than math. But I was looking at the writing portion, in the sat practice book, and it seems to stress a lot more on grammatical errors. Seems like they care more about that than the actual writing.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - The Mob - 06-07-2008

no. no one really cares about the writing part. most universities only require reading and math still. however, that will change in the next couple of years

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - Z3R0 - 06-08-2008

hellsing293 Wrote:And remember- if you fail miserably, you can always take it again Big Grin

Don't you have to pay to take them each time?

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - BrioCloud - 06-08-2008

The Mob Wrote:no. no one really cares about the writing part. most universities only require reading and math still. however, that will change in the next couple of years

What, they don't care about writing at all? Well I did pretty good today. It was easier than I thought, especially the math. I was expecting the English to be easy for me but it was actually harder than math. But I did pretty good in both.

I am scared that I skipped a problem on the math portion, but forgot to skip a bubble in my answer sheet. I hope I didn't do that.

Z3R0 Wrote:Don't you have to pay to take them each time?

Yeah I think so. But I'm pretty sure I'll retake it just to try to get a better score.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - jedimaster86 - 06-08-2008

Glad to see it was manageable for you. I took it when it was the older one without the writing, and got an average score overall (1150). It basically mattered zilch for me in getting into college (I doubt they even looked at it), and now I'm a professional writing major. Go figure.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - The Mob - 06-08-2008

KazeCloud Wrote:What, they don't care about writing at all?
they kinda care.. like dont write an absolute crap essay and stuff, and dont mark all b for the multi choice. but colleges dont place a heavy emphasis on it. if you look at the app requirements, most just say reading and math

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - BrioCloud - 06-08-2008

I'm planning on going to UC. Well hopefully. Thanks for telling me.

Agh. I keep doubting myself. Maybe I skipped a math problem but forgot to skip it on the answer sheet. I rushed a little because there was barely enough time for me to finish and I was going pretty fast. I CANNOT believe how fast you have to do the English portion. There is no way you can casually read the passage and answer, you must skip some and answer the questions quick. Then I saw many people finish when I was still answering, and I doubt these guys were actually finished, probably just guessed, because I did them all in a pretty decent time.

Wow Jedi English major? I'm pretty good in English.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - Fuggle - 06-09-2008

Haha, I am really really really really good at math. I finished the entire thing like 10-15 minutes earlier without bringing my calculator with me (Did all calculations in my head) and got the 800 on Math. I did horrible on the writing though like 450 lol, but nobody cared about it when I was going into school.

Taking my Sats Tomorrow - Skye - 06-10-2008

Good luck! Take it easy and don't stress. It's the worst thing you can do.