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What to do What to do - FrogMan - 10-16-2008

The retribution paladin is insane atm my brother has t5/t6 gear and his damage is like OMGZORSSS.

Playing with my Rogue also my OMGZORSSS dmg deluxe but in longer fights of course.

Dunno now more than ever what to lvl my pally or rogue sigh

What to do What to do - SpoonMan999 - 10-17-2008

My pally is holy and it sucks cause everyone got these insane 51-point talents and we have a decent one only lasts a minute and cost over 1k mana? Assholes.

What to do What to do - Fuggle - 10-17-2008

Ret just got nerfed anyways.
Lol Spoon Shadow's 51 pter is worse. LOL DISPERSION SELF SILENCE PEW PEW.

What to do What to do - Nethran - 10-17-2008

What does "nerfed" mean? :x

What to do What to do - SpoonMan999 - 10-17-2008

Means they made it less powerful.

What to do What to do - Nethran - 10-17-2008

Ohh, I get it now. Clever.

What to do What to do - FrogMan - 10-18-2008

Although enjoying my holy paladin atm problem is divine plea should of been now and stop complainging we all find our ways to get the most out of chars, Retribution paladins are insane but at lvl 80 I assuming it will all look better.

What to do What to do - Arc - 10-18-2008

yeah im in the same predicament, dont kno wether to level my mage or warrior. bladestorm is OP and fun as hell but free pyro ever 2 crits and dragons breath and blastwave giving free flamestrikes is hot

What to do What to do - Fuggle - 10-18-2008

Arcane is the obscenely op spec atm. So much dmg zzz.

What to do What to do - FraterPerdurabo - 10-19-2008

I don't know Fuggle, our mage that went arcane only did about 2.5k DPS on last week's Brutallus. Maybe he wasn't trying, but that is hardly astonishing.

What to do What to do - Arc - 10-19-2008

I specced my mage arcane and where i was normally putting out about 950 DPS in BT (completely undergeared for it) im not up to about 1300 DPS

What to do What to do - Fuggle - 10-20-2008

Well I haven't really tested their raid dps all that much, but for PvP it's rediculous.

What to do What to do - FraterPerdurabo - 10-20-2008

Well for raids, once again the gap between casters and melee has been increased further. This is pretty much what our last week's Brutallus looked like:
Warrior: almost 4k DPS, he did something like 3900.
Retris: took like 2nd and 4th place. One of them isn't even all that well geared, he was our prot pally that went Retri for Brutallus.
Rogues and Hunters were there in the 3ks.
Fire mages: two of them, and they were both well below the melee.
Moonkin: me \o/ First time that I went Moonkin for SWP and I'm loving it, practically rerolled. Handed all of my resto gear in with Sunmotes and now have pretty good Moonkin gear (although I really need Felmyst's staff really ****ing badly). I did 2.6k DPS, but I'm hoping to bring this up to 3k next week with recent gear changes.
Arcane Mage, about 2.5k DPS.
Ele shaman and others.

We also have 3 rogues and 1 warrior with dual glaives, we've been farming KJ for months now, so all of our raiders practically have the best gear in game, so I'd say that this table is not too far from accurate. Next week's raid is going to be crucial though, people will have learnt a lot about their class since last week, so we'll see how the numbers turn out.

What to do What to do - Fuggle - 10-21-2008

Go for Sunflare! Love that dagger.

What to do What to do - Aemaeth - 10-21-2008

Warlocks have been nerfed from a one button class to a no button class.

What to do What to do - FraterPerdurabo - 10-23-2008

Yeah Warlocks are pretty broken right now, but at least they scale.
I rerolled Moonin and apparently, Moonkins are as far as 800 DPS behind other DPS classes in T7 gear. That's pretty shite, hope they fix it before I get 80.

Aaaaaand Felmyst staff is mine!
SWP clear in 1h30min. Too nerfed : (

What to do What to do - FrogMan - 10-23-2008

Yea bt also way to nerfed got Mother Sharaz down to 8% so far with out shadow gear, my guild had just started in BT and the when patch came when straight through like 7 bosses in a night, insane.

Moonkins atm see pretty strong in PVP haven't really had a good geared one to use in PVE yet.

Retri are nice in strong but can be twated same as holy I am enjoying healing atm but in pvp its a pain.

Rogues my first love looking strong but of course in a longer fights and seem to be decent in PVP

Locks although I see a few doing well but of course in Sunwell gear as fire specced.
PVP they still chain fearing bullshitters

Druids healing looks nice havn't really seen any tanking action with them.

Enchancement shaman looks cool and fun to play also healing looks good and the elementals are veyr mana efficient.

What to do What to do - Fuggle - 10-24-2008

ENHANCE not Enchance. Hate seeing that like Rogue and Rouge.
Most people consider holy pallys to be strongest pvp healers right now.

Lately on my priest I've been holy messing around, but I'll be shadow for wrath. Hopefully my pally will be 70 by then, prot ftw.

What to do What to do - SpoonMan999 - 10-24-2008

Holy Pallys are great for PvP because they just pop Beacon of Light on themselves and heal everyone else and not worry about themselves. Also, with the Glyph of Holy Light you heal 5 other people with each heal...I love my Holy Pally.

What to do What to do - FrogMan - 10-25-2008

Yea I love that glyph, Flash of light is a useless glyph and dunno really haven't PvP'ed holy yet in arena butin my current holy gear I am topping AV's but ofcourse no res = ganking me FTW.