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Shadow Priests - [/sarcasm] - 10-28-2008

Yeah. I'm just calling upon the limited WoW community here to see what everyone thinks about the new changes to SPriests.

I'm currently playing a SPriest and I couldn't be happier. I'm pulling easily 8-900 DPS while PvP specced (without the additional 100% crit strike damage) and in PvP gear.

Arena's also something I can't really complain about, although I have come to find SPriest to be the most difficult class to play in a PvP setting, hands down, but also the most rewarding. In my humble opinion.

I'm sure there are some SPriests out there, or at least some players that have a particular opinion about them.


Shadow Priests - FraterPerdurabo - 10-28-2008

I have a shadow priest alt, but I pretty much lost interest in her and now only log to herb whenever that's needed. I haven't played much post patch though so don't really have an idea what they are like.

By the way, 900 DPS is REALLY ****ing low, even for PvP gear and spec.

Shadow Priests - [/sarcasm] - 10-29-2008

I know it's low in terms of other DPS characters, but right now SPriests are in a transition from not being intended to really do a lot of damage (because the were utility) to being a DPS class on par with everyone else. It would be much higher if I stacked crit and specced into Shadow Power.

Also, it's only S2 that I'm in, so it's not even really GOOD PvP gear. I'm sure you're used to higher numbers because you're raiding Sunwell.

Shadow Priests - Aemaeth - 10-29-2008

The only thing i know is that simliar geared s'priests doing kara with me now stamp all over my warlock.
My rotations are nigh confusing.
I'd like to level a s priest but with the new changes i'm interested in being a masochist and leveling holy.

Shadow Priests - [/sarcasm] - 10-29-2008

I find it masochistic enough to level Priests to begin with.

SPriest sucked for me, especially 58-70. Maybe not so much now with Imp Shadowform lowering the amount of pushback on spells, but it was a nightmare leveling my spriest because of the sheer amount of mana it would sometimes take to down a mob. Dots -> Mind Flay -> PW: Shield or Fear on each mob. I could only really do leveling if I pulled 2-4 mobs on me at a time because single-mob killing was just so inefficient.

I have yet to actually try my SPriest in a true raiding environment though. The numbers were based on target dummies and Headless Horseman. I would hope my DPS would break 1k on a fight like Gruul, Mag, or ZA bosses, which is about the extent to which I think I'm geared to go.

Shadow Priests - Arc - 10-29-2008

I am in hyjal/BT content raiding and with t5/6 equivalent gear our shadow priests are putting out around 13-1400 DPS.

also I hate shadow priests on my warrior, their dots hurt so much and that mist form pretty much screws me

Shadow Priests - Aemaeth - 10-29-2008

Arc Wrote:I am in hyjal/BT content raiding and with t5/6 equivalent gear our shadow priests are putting out around 13-1400 DPS.

also I hate shadow priests on my warrior, their dots hurt so much and that mist form pretty much screws me
I've never realy dealt one on one with a spriest. confused:

Shadow Priests - FraterPerdurabo - 10-29-2008

[/sarcasm];466855 Wrote:I know it's low in terms of other DPS characters, but right now SPriests are in a transition from not being intended to really do a lot of damage (because the were utility) to being a DPS class on par with everyone else. It would be much higher if I stacked crit and specced into Shadow Power.

Also, it's only S2 that I'm in, so it's not even really GOOD PvP gear. I'm sure you're used to higher numbers because you're raiding Sunwell.
My shadowpriest is my alt and my guild doesn't really take alts raiding, I'm lucky enough to have been in a few BTs and pugged some Hyjals, but besides the Hyjal rep ring (for which I pugged as well) I don't have any raid gear and I was doing about 1300 DPS prepatch. It's all about keeping your rotations tight. And no, you don't need more crit, just spec 5/0/56 and concentrate on being hitcapped + pure spellpower > anything after that. Shadow priests are one of the more sophisticated casters but that's what I found fun about them.

1) hitcap
2) spelldmg
3) haste
4) ...
5) crit

My priest is fully badge geared + Hood of Hexing and that is equivalent to about a BT geared shadowpriest, due to scaling problems and shitty loot choices. Your DPS only really starts to shine in SWP.

Shadow Priests - SpoonMan999 - 10-30-2008

Crit is more important than before due to the fact that mind flay can crit now.

Shadow Priests - Fuggle - 10-30-2008

My main's a Spriest as a couple people know, and I can pump out 1400 dps or so in raid environments. Shadow is the weakest dps class atm and blizz still refuses to listen to anybody about them. Gogo Dispersion most useless 51 point talent ever. I plan on going holy in Wrath or leveling my prot pally.

Shadow Priests - Aemaeth - 10-30-2008

Fuggle Wrote:My main's a Spriest as a couple people know, and I can pump out 1400 dps or so in raid environments. Shadow is the weakest dps class atm and blizz still refuses to listen to anybody about them. Gogo Dispersion most useless 51 point talent ever. I plan on going holy in Wrath or leveling my prot pally.
haha, you do know it's just gonna be full lof "LOL I AM A DEATHKNIGHT TANK" though don't you?

Shadow Priests - FraterPerdurabo - 10-30-2008

Fuggle Wrote:My main's a Spriest as a couple people know, and I can pump out 1400 dps or so in raid environments. Shadow is the weakest dps class atm and blizz still refuses to listen to anybody about them. Gogo Dispersion most useless 51 point talent ever. I plan on going holy in Wrath or leveling my prot pally.
That's pretty shit Fuggle, I could probably do 1400 on my priest (did ¬1300 prepatch) and I don't practically have any raid gear. Our priests in SWP are doing about 2k atm.
SpoonMan999 Wrote:Crit is more important than before due to the fact that mind flay can crit now.
Even for classes that scale extremely well with crit (and spriest isn't one of them), it's still a subpar stat.

Shadow Priests - Fuggle - 10-31-2008

I don't have that great gear, like 1200 dmg and ~10% haste. I have yet to do a 25 man since the patch, I've done a za or two as shadow, been Holy rest of the time, so my testing with my gear on live is limited. Afaik I know there's not much I can do to my rotation to up my dps too. Also Crit isn't bad due to the imp Spirit tap. Also with the new change where your dot dmg is increased on a 1:1 basis with your crit % coming next patch it's a damn good stat. Lately I've picked up a lot of crit gear getting 20 or so crit, so my dot dmg will be increased by 20% next patch, as well as the obviously effect it has on everything else.

Shadow Priests - [/sarcasm] - 11-01-2008

I think the new changes to Shadowform, as Fuggle has said, which increase your dot damage 1:1 will make SPriests scale better with crit than any other class. If I weren't so damn lazy I would theorycraft how much damage it takes to increase dot damage by 1%, and whatnot, but I don't have a lot of time now.

If nobody else gets around to it, expect some numbers later today or tomorrow.