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which class? - Replenish - 12-07-2008

Hey all

I haven't played WoW for 6-7 months due to having no internet. im starting a new char on a mates server as alliance. just wondering which class is still doing with all the updates thats come out over 6 months?

i have a 70 lock UD on diff server but i got bored as hell with him so yeh won't be making another lock.

EDIT: and also how does RAF work ive only heard it off a mate.
Thanks rep

which class? - Fuggle - 12-07-2008

My main's a priest and it's my favorite class. Was a little slow to get going but I loved it in the end.
Recruit a friend works like this, if you recruit another account, whenever you and the other account are partied, you get 300% experience, if one is higher level than the other, only the lower gets the 300% exp until it catches up. The recruited account is able to grant a character (on the original account) a free level for every 2 levels he gains himself. This goes on until level 60. You can make as many characters as you want in these 2 months to level quickly. The original account also gets a Zhevra mount if you pay for 2 months with the new account.

which class? - FraterPerdurabo - 12-08-2008

Fuggle you are slightly off on this one.
Under RAF, you always get 300% when playing together (unless the level gap is quite big, say 5 levels), but when you are within the range of 1-3 both of you get 300% exp. This goes for quests as well.
And grant a level is once per level, not once per two.

I recently recruited two people to play this game, leveled a hunter with one of them (we played 1-60 together). Only the person that is recruited can grant levels. Took 1d6h /played to get from 1-61 (due to how granting works, you can basically grant someone from lvl 59 and 99% to lvl 60 and 99%, then just hand in a quest et voila you are 61). Levels can only be granted when the grantor is one or more levels above the grantee.

A few weeks back, another one of my friends started playing, but due to WOTLK coming out, I had no time to really play with him. I made a shaman and played 1-18 with him, then got boosted from DM to Cath, something like 18-43 or so. After that I had no more time to play and I only logged when he wanted to hand quests in, nevertheless whenever he got a level, he granted me one, so I was basically granted up from 43 to 58, at which we got a Strat boost and I'm now 61. Just checked /played on my Shaman, it's 14h to get from 1-61.

Oh and for favourite class, I'd say go for a hybrid, I love hybrids. And my druid is still my main after 2 years.

which class? - Replenish - 12-08-2008

sweet sounds easy. yeh i was thinking about doing a shadow priest. are they still good in lvl 80 raids ect? when u say in party do they have to be within a certain range. or can i leave my main in city and party with him and still get 300% exp anywhere around the world?

which class? - Fuggle - 12-09-2008

Frater unless the European RAF is different, I'm pretty confident it's 2 levels per free level for us.
BlizzFAQ Wrote:What in-game benefits do we get while the accounts we play are linked?
1. Characters on both accounts can summon each other once per hour.
2. While adventuring with your linked friend/family member, you will each gain triple experience.
3. For every two levels the new player earns, the new player can grant one free level-up to a lower-level character played by the veteran player.

Do I always gain triple experience while I am linked to my recruit?
No, only when you are partied with a character on the linked account and both players are present when slaying the monster or completing the quest. Also, if the two characters are not the same level (4 or more levels difference), no bonus experience is granted to either character.
So appears I was wrong about the lower level thing to an extent, but I was right about the 2 levels per 1 Granted.

which class? - Replenish - 12-09-2008

oh lol, thanks alot for clearing that up.

Fuggle: so are priests still viable in end game as shadow? or they prefered as holy?

which class? - FraterPerdurabo - 12-09-2008

Fuggle Wrote:Frater unless the European RAF is different, I'm pretty confident it's 2 levels per free level for us.

So appears I was wrong about the lower level thing to an extent, but I was right about the 2 levels per 1 Granted.
Well looks like it does vary from EU to US servers then, or maybe just Blizzard changed it, because I leveled 43-60 without doing a single quest or killing a mob.

@Replenish: shadow priests aren't anywhere as good as they used to be pre-3.0.2 due to changes in the raid mechanics, however they are currently the highest hybrid dps for casters.
Shadow priest > Moonkin > Ele Shaman.
That said, it's just not the role it used to be in TBC.
You still must have one per raid for Misery debuff though.

On top of that, Priests are probably the best all-around healers right now (and have basically always been), even when the CoH nerf comes in.

which class? - Replenish - 12-09-2008

well im most likely going to lvl a priest and prob do RAF thing once i get back from holidays.

Thanks for all the info you 2 gave me. made it nice and clear Big Grin

which class? - Fuggle - 12-10-2008

I'm currently top 3 dps in my guild pretty consistently, with the insane mind sear AoE damage and high single target dps I'm invited to everything and given priorities over a lot of other people.

which class? - FrogMan - 12-11-2008

I think the paladin has become very nice especially if you like doing different things, like tanking, healing and DPS, same can be said for a druid.

which class? - Replenish - 12-11-2008

yeh im not a big fan of the Paladin, the way you have to play doesn't suit me. Unless im just that completely dumb and thats why i don't like them lol.

Is inscription a good prof? worth going for as a priest? i was thinking tailor/enchanter but i dunno what inscription's like as i don't have WOTLK yet.

which class? - FrogMan - 12-11-2008

Each profession now to have it with big buffs of certain kinds on your items for a priest probably tailor and something else that can benefit you.

which class? - Fuggle - 12-13-2008

My priest is Tailor/Enchanter, Tailoring is pretty awful all it has for me are the cloak enchants which hardly procs. Enchanting on the other hand as with every other crafting profession (minus Tailoring) grants 38 spell power, or 64 AP for melee. Inscription does save you from grinding Sons of Hodir rep since you get to make your Shoulder enchants rather than having to get exalted for them.

which class? - Replenish - 12-14-2008

yeh i may as well go with tailor/enchanter. i never got enchanting up to a high lvl when does it start getting costly and hard to lvl?

which class? - FrogMan - 12-14-2008

Enchanting will always be "expensive" to level unless you got guildes helping you with items and mats or other wise the mats themselves are expensive.

which class? - Replenish - 12-15-2008

oh ok, well i guess it would help me and other guildies out once it gets high enough so may as well give it a bash. thanks for all the input