Blizzard Sector
Free junk? - Printable Version

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Free junk? - spartan74 - 12-19-2008

hey ppl if ne1 has any items or w/e rotting away on a mule on Diablo ii (west or east realms) ill take em.. Big Grin for free or for trade up to u..

my accts are:

USWEST: Spartan74 << all nonladder chars here>> (2 druids, sorc, nec, pally, barb, sin)

USEAST: Zues74 <<both ladder and non-ladder chars on this acct>> ( ladder: pally, barb )
(nonladd: pally, druid )

thanks ppl. and btw BLIZZ SECTOR RULES!!!! so much better forums than battle forums !!

and i can help with rushes in return.. nec can do norm, nm, hell< act1..act2 -takes a little time but i can do act2. act3,4,5 havent beena ble to get newhere lol...

l8r folk..