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Do you know any crazy people?? - Printable Version

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Do you know any crazy people?? - PriestRaper - 01-09-2009

i mean crazy as in NOT ALL THERE. Take my father in law for example he thinks the goverment and all his nieghbors are in league conspireing against him and REALLY believes that (But it has nothing to do with the meth)laugh:

Do you know any crazy people?? - Pamela - 01-10-2009

Someone asking this question with Preistraper as a name somehow sends my flag up as *iffy*

Do you know any crazy people?? - Siris - 01-10-2009


Do you know any crazy people?? - PriestRaper - 01-10-2009

Pamela Wrote:Someone asking this question with Preistraper as a name somehow sends my flag up as *iffy*

whats wrong with that name, it's only doing what priests do to children (mainly little boys)

Do you know any crazy people?? - Skye - 01-10-2009

And... you don't think that in itself is wrong?

I don't know any crazy people. Only myself, after whiskey. That stuff sends me loopy.

Do you know any crazy people?? - Mathalamus - 01-10-2009

i dont know any crazy people, exept pristraper.

Do you know any crazy people?? - Siris - 01-10-2009

HAve you actually met any priest the molests children???? In fact I believe those kinds of people are in all kinds of professions.

Do you know any crazy people?? - PriestRaper - 01-10-2009

Siris Wrote:HAve you actually met any priest the molests children???? In fact I believe those kinds of people are in all kinds of professions.

nope i havnt met one but if i did id give him a savage beating. And of course they're everywhere, hell they're even allowed to be paramedics even if they've been charged with that. But what sets me off is that the damned church covers it up, pay off the families, and then they just move the priest to another location, and continue holding themselves up all high and mighty, and act like nothing ever happend they just move to do it to more kids. There was a priest who got away with sodomizing a little girl CLEAN becuase his faggotass dad sold his damned church and paid so the bastard wouldnt have to go to prison. But thats ok he's a "man of g0d" right.

Mathalamus Wrote:i dont know any crazy people, exept pristraper.

wow, someone thinks im crazy

Do you know any crazy people?? - Mathalamus - 01-10-2009

wrong, sodomized means the same gender raping, the preist actually raped the girl, not sodomized

Do you know any crazy people?? - Fuggle - 01-10-2009

Lol Math, I'll give you a little hint. Sodomy is about assholes, regardless of gender.

Do you know any crazy people?? - Mathalamus - 01-10-2009

well.. aww.. wikipedia is wrong again

Do you know any crazy people?? - Siris - 01-10-2009

lol not just assholes either. oral is too. Did you now you sodomy in the military is illegal?? yes that means getting head is illegal.

Mathalamus Wrote:well.. aww.. wikipedia is wrong again
Really maybe you need to read it again.
Sodomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I beat the reason priest raper hates priest so much is he was actually raped by one. He seems to have so much anger towards them.

Do you know any crazy people?? - PriestRaper - 01-10-2009

Siris Wrote:l
I beat the reason priest raper hates priest so much is he was actually raped by one. He seems to have so much anger towards them.

hahahahahahaha......... no I wasnt raped by a priest. But
thats no reason to hate a priest right?? all they did was rape those kids, it's no big deal right?? Hateing them JUST becuase they ruined your life thats no reason to hate them. why dont you tell that to those kids.

I hope if you have kids at least one of them gets raped by some sick fu<king priest.

I hate priests because they are held so up high as if they were these people without flaw i even heard one of them say that they are better because they are priests, and a few years later that same priest was on trial for child molestation and raping two little girls. Thats disgusting, the least they could do is pick up prostitutes.

Do you know any crazy people?? - Pamela - 01-10-2009

Actually preists on the whole aren't child rapists..but obviously you have issues.
If you wanna tell us about it start a thread on *What screwed my life up*

Do you know any crazy people?? - Skye - 01-11-2009

^ ftw.

Thread closed.