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Starting up Diablo2 again. - Printable Version

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Starting up Diablo2 again. - Ares - 01-13-2009

So recently I fixed my DirectX problem and I want to play a little D2 again.

Mainly I just want to assemble a light sorc and baal till im about 95 again Smile

Anyone here who can help me out?
Not sure on which realm or lad or non but I think im aiming at east again Smile.

So yeah Smile anyone wanna help me out?

Starting up Diablo2 again. - Pamela - 01-14-2009

Invis...didn't you give away a PLD and an account... is DiablosII really this great?

I hope someone helps you out..but screen shots of it(You leveling) is what YOU can give me ^^ Sorry hun..Invisible.. Is the name you are in my mind >.<

Starting up Diablo2 again. - Ares - 01-15-2009

Ahh its all good Smile
I might switch back soon...

Yeah I did give away my account. I always do that I play for a little while then give everything away and start over Smile