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Common D2 & Trading Terms - Printable Version +- Blizzard Sector (https://www.blizzsector.co) +-- Forum: Diablo II (https://www.blizzsector.co/forum-4.html) +--- Forum: Diablo II Discussion (https://www.blizzsector.co/forum-15.html) +--- Thread: Common D2 & Trading Terms (/thread-45518.html) |
Common D2 & Trading Terms - Z3R0 - 02-26-2009 Hope this helps people that get confused with the lingo. You'll get used to it eventually. ![]() d2jsp - diablo 2 javascript parser sig - signature ava - avatar rofl - rolling over from laughter lmao - laughing my ass off lmfao - laughing my f*ckin ass off wtf - what the f*ck lol - laughing out loud bs - bullshit/bone spear iirc - if I recall / if I remember correctly imo - in my opinion Pc - price check iso - in search of ft - for trade diso - desperate in search of? brb - be right back brt - be right there omg - oh my god omfg - oh my f*ckin god afk - away from keyboard stfu- shut the f*ck up np - no problem fyi- for your information atm - at the moment acc - account pass - password wuw - what you want? wug - what u got? ty - thank you thx- thanks yw - your welcome btw - by the way fg - forum gold nt - no thanks c/o- current offer gl - good luck ttyl - talk to you later idk - I don’t know w/e - whatever cgz - congrats k - ok mod(s) - moderator(s) dmg - damage LL - life leech ML - mana leech DR - damage reduce ED - enhanced damage os - open sockets socs - sockets ias - increased attack speed AR - attack rating fhr - faster hit recovery fast r/w charms - faster run walk charms spdc - small poison damage charm mfsc - magic find small charm pk - player killer Id - Identified Unid - Unidentified NR - No reply r/d - realm down c/i - connection interrupted gg- good game tp - town portal wp - way point hc - hardcore hcl - hardcore ladder sc - softcore scl - softcore ladder exp - experience mf - magic find xbow - crossbow xpac - diablo 2 expansion pack classic - diablo 2 regular pvp - player versus player pvm - player versus monster clvl- character level mlvl - monster level ilvl - item level Tc - Treasure class leg - wirt's leg mat bow - matriarchal bow eth - Ethereal / eth rune pt - perfect topazes Res - Resistance Res All - resist all PoS - Piece of shit ng - new game tg – town guarding th – town hugging nk - naked kill pgem - perfect gem chips - chipped gems Cb - charged bolt/colossus blade ITD - Ignore target defense LLD - Low level dueling. Psn - Poison mh - Map hack Clean - This means an item that has not been socketed. Dirty - An item that has been socketed with something, usually with something not wanted. CoH - Chains of Honor (runeword) Botd- Breath of the Dying (runeword) Hoto - Heart of the Oak (runeword) HoJ - Hands Of Justice (runeword) bk ring - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring soj- Stone Of Jordan Ring maras - Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet anni - Annihilus Small Charm gheeds - Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm facets - Rainbow Facet Jewel ccb - Cruel Colossus Blade ccboe - Cruel Colossus Blade of Evisceration ccboq - Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness homo - Homunculus occy - Oculus gf- Grandfather bb - Balrog Blade fbb - Fury Balrog Blade ffk - Fury Fanged Knife shaft - Shaftstop gaze - Vampire Gaze travs / wt - War Traveler Boots gores - Gorerider Boots treks - Sandstorm Trek Boots silks - Silkweave Mesh Boots arach - Arachnid Sash strings - String Of Ear Belt coa - Crown of Ages levi - Leviathan hoz - Herald Of Zakarum ss - Stormshield eagle - Eaglehorn wf - Windforce ls - Lightsabre doom - Doombringer / Runeword Waters - waterwalks GC - Grand charm Skiller - GC with +to a certain skill tree sc - Small charm 290 - 290 poison damage small charm T-gods - Thundergods vigor Shako - Halequin crest Shako Valor - Arkaine's Valor Barlrog Skin trangs - Trang-Oul's set peices tals - Tal Rasha's set peices ik - Immortal King set peices mavs - Mavina's set peices gris - Griswold's set peices nats - Natalya's set peices bk - Bul Kathos 40/15 ias - 40 ED, IAS jewel, most of these are dupes. 40/15 Max/min - 40 ED 15 MAx damag/min damage, again dupes. ww - whirlwind bo - battle orders fanat - fanaticism ts - thunder storm valk- valkyrie multi - multiple shot woi - wake of inferno wof - wake of fire amp - amplify damage wc - war cry fo - frozen orb tele - teleport foh - fist of heavens hf - holy freeze HS - Holy shield/Holy shock CE - Corps explosion BC - Battle command BoS - Burst of speed Fb- Fireball Blizz - Blizzard, makers of D2, more commonly refered as the sorc skill. Conc - Concentrate, a pally/barbarian skill FA - Freezing arrow/Fire arrow, amazon skills andy - Andariel duri- Duriel rad - Radament izzy - Izual pindle - Pindleskin meph - Mephisto big d - Diablo cain - Deckerd cain cube - Horadric cube staff- Staff of kings Viper - claw viper temple Barb - Barbarian Sorc - Sorceress Zon - Amazon Pally - Paladin Ass/Asn/Azn - Assassin Necro/Nek - Necromancer Avenger - A Paladin build relying on the skills Vengeance, Conviction and sometimes Fanaticism Zoomancer/summoner - Nek using summons as it's main form of offense Zookeeper - Druid using summons as part of it's offense FoH'er - Paladin build specifying in conviction + FoH in PvP. Trapper - Asn using traps as it'sm ain form of offense. Shapeshifter/wolf druid - Druid relying on shapeshifting skills as it'smain form of offense Bowazon - Zon using the bow as it's main form of offense Charger/chargadin - Paladin build that relies on charge in PvP. Zeal bug - When a Paladin using the Zeal skills misses with his first strike, none of the others hit the target. Zealot - Paladin using zeal as his main for of offense. Cookie cutter - Common builds, such as blizzard sorceresses. Ranger - Paladin build using a bow. Martyr - Paladin build which relies on the use of Sacrifice. Closed - Closed realms, characters are stored on battle.nets servers Open - Players are stored on your computer, leaving you free to edit/hack them as seen fit. Bugged item - An item with mods that it shouldn't have, created by a server glitch or a hack. Popping - The loss of currently equipped items upon dying. Drophack - Nasty hack allows you to crash the D2 client of another player. Dupe - A clone of an item made through "duping". Duping - Creating copies of an item VIA illegal means. Flashing - Benifiting from two auras simultaneously by switching at the right time. (pally) Grabit/pickit - A hack that automatically picks up any magical, rare, set or unique items dropped, before they even hit the ground. Leecher - Term used for a player who gains experience and possibly swipes items without actually contributing to the battle. Mule - A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash. PI - Physical immune Rushing - Process of having a high level character get a low level one through the game. Scam - Term referring to tricking other players, out of items, or thier accounts. Synergy - Passive bonuses recieved from points invested in certain skills. Smiter - Paladin build based on the skill Smite. Currency - The "money" of D2, most items are valued in currency. On east it happens to be 290 sc's Sp - Single player Tanking - Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place. Enduring many blows. Baal Run - A game specified to kill baal's minions and/or baal himself. v1.07 VALOR - A poorly spawned 1.09 /1.10 valor, scammers try to sell off as novelty 1.07 items. Which don't exist. |