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Azmodan got nerfed up the ass so of course here is another run

Also if your character is 50+ , you can do this in hell for 2X faster leveling (strongly recommended)

1. Runner A creates game on quest Kill Belial
2. Runner A runs to belial and kills him
3. Runner A invites people to game to collect soul
4. When the rushees join the game, they immediately need to exit the game and hit "RESUME GAME"
5. The rushees need to get the soul of Belial, then talk to Tyrael for the XP
6. Rushees join the game again that Runner A is in
7. Runner A LeAVES GAME (has to be before the soul is collected)
8. The Rushees get the soul and collect XP

9. Runner A hits "RESUME GAME" and is instantly infront of the soul

10. Runner A re-invites the Rushees. The rushees are infront of the soul. Rinse and repeat OR*

OR* = So if you create a game and someone joins it, and you leave instantly, the game will shut down. There is a small wait time you have to wait before the game doesn't shut down, I think it is about 5 minutes but I am not sure.
-The reason I say rinse and repeat is you have to wait like 5 mins so the game doesn't shut down, that way you don't have to kill belial. If you don't want to wait 5 mins, you can, after XP is collected a game total of 3 times, make a new game and re-kill belial, doing steps 1-10.

Enjoy before it gets nerfed