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Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Printable Version

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Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Adamz - 07-04-2012

With some PG when i use NTMap (as loader) to reveal it ... when i create the game, it open the map then it disapper immediately ... it remains only the "X" of the enemy and other PGs.

With other PG (especially mule PG with level low, like 1 or so), when i create the game, it open the map and reveal it.

The strange is that i use WP and go to sanctuary in act 2, or in the flame river in act 4, ONLY the first time i use the WP if i show the map it reveal all the level !

Very strange.

THX for help.

i use etal 1.081P (if i remeber good)

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - comper - 07-05-2012

Adamz Wrote:With some PG when i use NTMap (as loader) to reveal it ... when i create the game, it open the map then it disapper immediately ... it remains only the "X" of the enemy and other PGs.

With other PG (especially mule PG with level low, like 1 or so), when i create the game, it open the map and reveal it.

The strange is that i use WP and go to sanctuary in act 2, or in the flame river in act 4, ONLY the first time i use the WP if i show the map it reveal all the level !

Very strange.

THX for help.

i use etal 1.081P (if i remeber good)

can I get you to c/p your char config file that you use when you use the ntmap in

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Adamz - 07-06-2012

var NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP;
var NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP;

function NT_LoadConfig()
    // If you have trouble configuring your bot, follow the links below:
    //        Wiki:    [url=]Main Page - Project Etal Wiki[/url]
    //        Forums:    [URL][/URL]
    //            This (& all Etal) best viewed within Notepad++ & may appear garbled in other editors.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//    NTConfig_Script.push("ConfigCheck.ntj");             // This must be commented out & serves to prevent unconfigured characters from running.

    // Etal Clone Hunter Options.

        NTConfig_HotIP    = [32];                         // Add IP's last octet seperated by commas.
        NTConfig_SaySomethingNoob = "Hot IP Found";        // Anti DC message during game.
        NTConfig_JustAHunter = true;                     // Used if only hunting IP's, set true to idle in town (Make sure this is the only script pushed).
        NTConfig_AvoidRD = 180;                            // Time in seconds to wait in town to avoid R/D before creating next game (NTConfig_JustAHunter must be true).    

    // Aura Stacking
    //        Note: There are no failsafes, these are heavy beta. For manually enhanced play ONLY.
    //        (Gear WILL be dropped.)
    NTConfig_StackAmmount = 200;                 // Number of times to stack aura's (100-200 recommended).
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTHelmAuraStack.ntj");         // Stack Helm Aura
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTBodyAuraStack.ntj");         // Stack Armor Aura
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTWepAuraStack.ntj");         // Stack Weapon Aura

    // Leech, Leech Fighter & Team Botting Settings

    NTConfig_Leader = "";                        // this is leader name for DiabloLeechFighter only configure the above vars for partying and Baal
    NTConfig_PartyOnlyLeader = true;                    // set this to only party with NTConfig_Leader from above must also set NTConfig_PublicMode = false; in general config section
    NTConfig_PartyMaxTime = 20;                            // Time in seconds the leecher has to party with leader before exiting game    
    NTConfig_LeechBo = false;                             // Set to false to disable bo and bc when leeching
    NTConfig_LeechExitDelay = 500;        // Delay before leecher exits game after leader in milliseconds.  Use this to stagger leechers exit times to avoid crashes.

//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTDurielHelper.ntj");
//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummonerHelper.ntj");
//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTAndarielHelper.ntj");
//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTStartFollow.ntj");     // x "The Pit"

    NTConfig_Script.push("NTStartFollow.ntj");    // x BAAL
//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTStartFollow.ntj");    // x DIABLO

//    NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaalHelper.ntj");     // use to have a leecher actually fight must configure _leader above note that the helper willdo other bosses on it's own if you uncomment boss scripts below
        _fightertp = "";         // use this to set message that will trigger figher to enter throne room must match tp message in Public baal Settings in leaders character config
        NTConfig_WSTOnlyExp = false;    //only Exp
        NTConfig_AttackThrone = false;    //attack wave 4 and 5
        NTConfig_LeechKillBaal = true;
        NTConfig_AttackBaal = false;    //attack baal
        NTConfig_LeechHydra = 0;        // 0 = don't move, 1 = right side, 2 = left side.  Use left side if you have a leecher grabing xp shrines
        NTConfig_RunScriptAfterBaal = false;    // set to true if you will be running another script after baal helper

    // NTWPGrabber Instructions
    // NTWPGrabber iterates through areas grabbing relevant waypoints.
    //        * NTWPGrabber can be started (pause / unpause) in any area & will start from this point going forward.
    // Uncomment (remove the preceeding "//") to enable quests. (The quest module will not run unless at least one is uncommented).
    //         * If the quest is already done, this will be detected & skipped. (Disable those you cannot handle...)
    // It's HIGHLY recommended to disable all normal pickits while running the quest module.
    //         * Quest nip is required while running the quest module.
    //         * Make sure you have space in your stash (& a clear cube) for the quest items
    // Your character WILL die if you cannot handle the quest.

        NTConfig_DoQuests =  
        //"Den Of Evil",
        //"The Search For Cain",
        //"Radament's Lair",
        //"Horadric cube",
        //"Lam Esen's Tome",
        //"Golden Bird",                                  // After Esen's Tome will clear the Ruined Temple in attempt for the Bird. (Doesn't always drop.)
        //"Golden Bird Travincal",                         // Will attempt to drop the Bird from Council. (Doesn't always drop.)
        //"Fallen Angle",
        //"Siege on Harrogath",
        //"Prison Of Ice",
        //"Rite Of Passage",

    //NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Quest.nip");             // Uncomment this to pick quest items.
    // Misc. Scripts
    //NTConfig_Script.push("WpGiver.ntj");            // Gives waypoints to another character via in-game chat commands.
    //NTConfig_Script.push("mulelogger.ntj");            // Blank Script, loads Libs, CharConfig & Nips & enters delay loop.
    //NTConfig_Script.push("TLNipCheck.ntj");              // Checks for errors in pickit files. (Alternatively, you can also use NumPad "+" while ingame.)
    //NTConfig_Script.push("TLInventory.ntj");             // Logs items to text file. (Alternatively, you can use NumPad "5" while ingame.)
        NTConfig_TLInventory_SkipEquipped   = true;     // Skip logging what you have equipped (useful for logging mules).

    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTManual.ntj");                // Manual play with some enhancements (auto potting etc).
        NTConfig_PickitOn = false;                         // Manual play with pickit.
        NTConfig_ShowEnemies = false;                     // Manual play with enemies on minimap
        NTConfig_RevealMap = false;                     // Manual play with maphack
        NTConfig_CheckStuff = false;                     // Gives warning when low on pots, scrolls or merc is dead.

    NTConfig_HostileHandler = true;                    // true to use the new hostile handler
        RunFromHostiles = true;                        // true to leave game when hostiled
        KillHostiler = true;                        // true to kill the hostile player
        TauntHostile = true;                        // true to taunt the hostiler, false if not

    // Speed Settings
    me.maxgametime = 1200;                                 // Maximum game length in seconds (0 is infinite).
    NTConfig_StartDelay = 0;                            // Delay time in milliseconds to wait at start.
    NTConfig_AreaDelay = 500;                            // Delay time in milliseconds to wait on each area change.
    NTConfig_SnagDelay = 500;                            // Delay time in milliseconds (added to ping delay) to wait before each pickit call.
    // Chicken settings
    NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90;                            // If you are over this percentage of life, you won't go to a healer.
    NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70;                            // If you are over this percentage of mana, you won't go to a healer.
    NTConfig_LifeThresh = 85;                            // Drink a health potion if under this percent of life.
    NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 45;                        // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life. (Will not use health potions under this %)
    NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30;                            // Drink a mana potion if under this percent of mana.
    NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 0;                        // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana. (Will not use mana potions under this %)

    NTConfig_LifeChicken = 20;                            // This is your D2NT chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
    NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0;                            // This is your D2NT chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.

    // These chicken values are optional and can run alongside the traditional D2NT chicken or as a standalone chicken
    // The Etal version comes with additional logging and will restart D2 instead of exitting the game for crash protection
    // To disable, use 0
    NTConfig_EtalLifeChicken = 0;                        // This is your Etal chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit D2.
    NTConfig_EtalManaChicken = 0;                        // This is your Etal chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit D2.    
    NTConfig_TPChicken = 60;                             // Under this % of health will attempt to tp to town and heal. (Set 0 to disable.)
    NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50;                        // Give merc a health potion if under this percent of life.
    NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30;                        // Give merc a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life. (Will not use health potions under this %)
    NTConfig_MercChicken = 0;                            // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game. (Set 0 to disable.)

    // Inventory settings
    NTConfig_FreeSpaceBeforeBoss = 2;                    // If # of free columns is less than this, will town before killing bosses.
    NTConfig_FreeSpace = 2;                                // Number of free columns. If bot has less than this amount after id'ing, it will go to stash.

    // These numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to have the bot manage the slot.
    NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0];

    NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000;                    // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash

    // Belt Settings
    //          Type of potion used in each belt column
    //         Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
    //         Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
    //         Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
    //         Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
    //         To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
    NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "hp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "hp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "hp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";

    // Pickit (SnagIt) Configuration
    //         * Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme / Master)


//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Charms.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Crafted.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Cubed.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/CustomAdditions.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Gold Potions Runes Gems Essences Keys Organs.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Magic.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Rare.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Set.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Unid.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Unique.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/White.nip");
//    NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Runeword.nip");



    NTConfig_SnagRange = 40;                            // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here

    // Runeword configuration
    //         * Format: NTConfig_Runeword.push([base item classid, rune1 classid, rune2 classid....]);
    //        * Use NTItemAlias.ntl to find classids
    //         * Base item needs to be in the pickit, rest is picked auto.
    //         * To keep a runeword, include NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("pickit syntax"); after NTConfig_Runeword.push
    NTConfig_MakeRunewords = false;
    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([498, 616, 619, 618, 620]);                     // Sacred Targe, Tal, Thul, Ort, Amn SPIRIT
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == sacredtarge # [fcr] >= 35");
    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([447, 616, 619, 618, 620]);                     // Monarch, Tal, Thul, Ort, Amn SPIRIT
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == monarch # [fcr] >= 35");
    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([29, 616, 619, 618, 620]);                     // Crystal Sword, Tal, Thul, Ort, Amn SPIRIT
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == crystalsword # [fcr] >= 35");

    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([254, 617, 612, 616, 621]);                     // Colossus Voulge, Ral, Tir, Tal, Sol
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == ColossusVoulge # [fcr] >= 35");
    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([255, 617, 612, 616, 621]);                     // Thresher, Ral, Tir, Tal, Sol
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == thresher # [fcr] >= 35");
    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([256, 617, 612, 616, 621]);                     // Cryptic Axe, Ral, Tir, Tal, Sol
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == crypticaxe # [fcr] >= 35");

    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([21, 627, 635, 630, 619]);                     // Flail, Ko, Vex, Pul, Thul
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == flail # [fcr] >= 40");

    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([21, 620, 617, 632, 633, 636]);                 // Flail, Amn, Ral, Mal, Ist, Ohm
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == flail # [IAS] >= 40");

    //NTConfig_Runeword.push([29, 620, 617, 632, 633, 636]);                 // Crystal Sword, Amn, Ral, Mal, Ist, Ohm
        NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push("[name] == crystalsword # [IAS] >= 40");

    // Cubing configuration
    NTConfig_Cubing = false;                                        // Enable Cubing?

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]);                    // Flawless Amethyst
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]);                    // Flawless Topaz
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]);                    // Flawless Saphire
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]);                    // Flawless Emerald
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]);                    // Flawless Ruby
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]);                    // Flawless Diamond
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]);                    // Flawless Skull

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]);                    // Magic Tiara
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]);                    // Magic Diadem
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 285]);                  // Maiden Javelin - ilvl 71
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 295]);                  // Ceremonial Javelin - ilvl 77
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 305]);                  // Matriarchal Javelin - ilvl 80

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]);            // Magic Small Charm
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]);            // Magic Grand Charm

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]);    // Craft Heavy Bracers
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]);    // Craft Vambraces

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]);        // Craft Blood Casque
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]);        // Craft Blood Armet
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]);        // Craft Blood Battle Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]);        // Craft Blood Mirrored Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]);        // Craft Blood Sharkskin Gloves
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]);        // Craft Blood Vampirebone Gloves
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]);        // Craft Blood Mesh Belt
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]);        // Craft Blood Mithril Coil
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]);        // Craft Blood Amulet
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]);        // Craft Blood Ring

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]);    // Craft Caster Amulet
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_BOOTS, 385]);        // Craft Caster Demonhide Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_BOOTS, 455]);        // Craft Caster Wyrmhide Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_BELT, 461]);        // Craft Caster Vampirefang Belt
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_BELT, 391]);        // Craft Caster Sharkskin Belt

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]);    // Craft Monarch
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]);    // Craft Amulet

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);

    //***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 436]);                // Socket Great Hauberk
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 435]);                // Socket Boneweave
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 443]);                // Socket Archon Plate
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 438]);                // Socket Hellforge Plate
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 439]);                // Socket Kraken Shell
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]);                // Socket Sacred Armor

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 254]);                    // Socket Colossus Voulge
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]);                    // Socket Thresher
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]);                    // Socket Cryptic Axe
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]);                    // Socket Great Poleaxe
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]);                    // Socket Giant Thresher
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 29]);                    // Socket Crystal Sword

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_SHIELD, 447]);                    // Socket Monarch

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 148]);        // HONE SUNDAN : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 157]);        // RIBCRACKER : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 103]);        // SUICIDE BRANCH : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]);        // TITANS'S REVENGE : Exceptional -> Elite

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 335]);            // BLOODFIST : Normal -> Exceptional
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 381]);            // BLOODFIST or GRAVEPALM: Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]);            // MAGEFIST : Normal -> Exceptional
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]);            // MAGEFIST or LAVA GOUT : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 339]);            // HOTSPUR: Normal -> Exceptional
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 385]);            // HOTSPUR or INFERNOSTRIDE : Exeptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 386]);            // WATERWALK : Exeptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]);            // GORE RIDER : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]);            // SKIN OF THE VIPERMAGI : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 365]);            // SHAFTSTOP : Exeptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 420]);            // KIRA'S GUARDIAN : Exeptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]);            // ARREAT'S FACE : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 487]);            // HOMUNCULUS : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]);            // HERALD OF ZAKARUM : Exceptional -> Elite

    // Gamble Configuration
    //         * To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes.
NTConfig_Gamble = true;                            // Enable gambling?
    NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 2500000;                    // Gold amount to start the gambling.
    NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 500000;                    // Gold amount to stop the gambling.
    NTConfig_GC = false;        // Enable gambling for craft amulet. This will keep one amulet for crafting on you when possible. Requires char lvl >= 88.
    NTConfig_GCAmuGold = 300000;    // Gold amount to stop gambling for amulet to craft.
    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520);                        // Amulets
    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522);                        // Rings
    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418);                        // Circlets
    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419);                        // Coronets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334);                    // Leather Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335);                    // Heavy Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336);                    // Chain Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337);                    // Light Gauntlets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338);                    // Gauntlets
    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(331);                        // Kite Shield

    // General configuration
    NTConfig_PublicMode = true;                        // Enables "Public" features (Partying, Tp'ing etc). (Cannot be true while NTConfig_PartyOnlyLeader is.)
    NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = true;                    // Set to true if you want to wait in game after "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
    NTConfig_SoJWaitTime = 5;                            // Time in minutes to wait for the next SoJ sale. Set to 0 to disable SoJ notifier.
    NTConfig_FastPickit = false;                        // This is a new option that causes far less crashes(maybe none).  Is independent of snag delay
    NTConfig_UseMerc = true;                            // Set true if you will use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
    NTConfig_ResetEnigma = false;                          // Set true to reset enigma when tele bug exists. (Safe.)
    NTConfig_QuitOnPing = 900;                            // Ping threshold. (0 to disable.)
    NTConfig_PingInterval = 10;                            // If ping is greater than threshold for x seconds, exit game. (0 = Disabled,  x = Time Interval In Seconds.)
    NTConfig_ClearPosition = false;                        // Set true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
    NTConfig_PrioritizeWeakerFoes = false;        // Enable to kill weaker foes with higher priority as well as clear areas of minions and other foes prior to killing bosses
    NTConfig_PrioritizeWeakerFoesAreaDisable = [];    // Use IDs from D2NT\sdk\areas.txt to disable for specific areas, e.g. [124,83] would disable Nihlathak and Travincial
    NTConfig_SwitchTele = false;                         // Use tab 2 for teleporting (higher fcr breakpoint in tab 2)? (Slight chance of breaking an eth cta spirit.)
    NTConfig_PreBuffFade = false;                         // Stand in fire until fade is triggered? (Must have Last Wish / Treachery etc.)
    NTConfig_StopIfStashInventoryFull = false;            // Pauses bot when stash/inventory are full. (Helpful for HardCore players.) Must configure NTConfig_FreeRowsQuit below.
    NTConfig_FreeRowsQuit = 2;                            // If after stashing less than this number of inventory columns are free, bot will pause.
    NTConfig_SkipRegularMonsters = false;                // If true will only kill Champions, Uniques and Bosses.
    NTConfig_DropExtraRejuvs = false;                    // When belt is full bot will either drop extra rejuvs when a new rejuv is found or drink them. (true to drop, false to drink).
    NTConfig_TeleGrab = 0;                                 // 0 = No, 1 = Yes. Changes pickit to run after each teleport (instead of after each clear call). (Recommended for aura stacking only with a NTConfig_SnagDelay of 0.) (Can cause complications (chickens etc) depending on system / setup.)
    NTConfig_CheckPassword = false;                     // Check for game password, quit if none.
    NTConfig_GoWestFromLut = false;                        // If new game starts in act 2, use Warriv to return to act 1?
    NTConfig_MinPots = 1;                                // If less then this many (Health or Mana) potions, will return to town on checkselfsafe 0x01 is calls.
    NTConfig_CheckPotsTown = 0;                            // If less then this many (Health or Mana) potions, will shop them in normal town functions.  Set 0 to always shop them    
    NTConfig_AutoMule = false;                             // Set to true to enable muling. Requires NTMule entry point.
     NTConfig_UseKeysForPlaceHolder = true;                // Set to true to keep a key in your inventory. (In the event that the bot has no space for ID scrolls, will sell the key instead of one of your items.)
    NTConfig_PropsForEtal = 0;         // Advertising etal at the end of public games.  set to 0 to disable.  Set to 1 or greater for the number of phrases spoken before exiting public games.  See D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs\EtalPR.ntl for instructions on adding or removing phrases
    NTConfig_MercStats = false;                            // Prints Merc stats to Common Log with Char stats if true

    // Advanced XML Item Logging
    NTConfig_UseXMLItemlog = false;                     // Log kept, sold and ignored items in an XML log file?
    NTConfig_IndependantLog = true;                        // Create a seperate file for each character. Item Logfile is found in logs/Item Log/
    NTConfig_LogSoldItems = false;                      // Logs items sold to item logfile?
    NTConfig_LogIgnoredItems = false;                    // Log ignored items to item logfile?
    NTConfig_LogCraftedItems = false;                    // Log crafted items to item logfile?
    NTConfig_LogItemQuality = 5;                        // Quality of items logged is >= of value: (3 = White, 4 = Magic, 5 = Sets, 6 = Rares, 7 = Uniques, 8 = Crafted).

    // General Log File Options
    NTConfig_LogShrines = false;                          // Log shrines found by NTConfig_Shrines array?
    NTConfig_LogCraftingString = false;                    // Log the string of ingredients that goes into cube?

    // Manager Log Options
    NTConfig_LogSoldItemQuality = 7;                    // Quality of items logged is >= of value: (3 = White, 4 = Magic, 5 = Sets, 6 = Rares, 7 = Uniques, 8 = Crafted, 0 = Disabled).
    NTConfig_CubeProcessToManager = 2;                    // Logs the string of ingredients that goes into cube (0 = Don't Log, 1 = Log In Item Log, 2 = Log To Common Log).
    // Immunity Skipping
    NTConfig_AreasToNotSkipImmunes = [131, 108];        // Add area ID's into the array seperated by "," for to disable immunity skipping within said area.

    NTConfig_SkipSingle[0] = false;                        //Skips all physical immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipSingle[1] = false;                        //Skips all magic immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipSingle[2] = false;                        //Skips all fire immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipSingle[3] = false;                        //Skips all lightning immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipSingle[4] = false;                        //Skips all cold immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipSingle[5] = false;                        //Skips all poison immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[0] = false;                        //Skips all dual physical + magic immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[1] = false;                        //Skips all dual physical + fire immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[2] = false;                        //Skips all dual physical + lightning immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[3] = false;                        //Skips all dual physical + cold immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[4] = false;                        //Skips all dual physical + poison immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[5] = false;                        //Skips all dual magic + fire immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[6] = false;                        //Skips all dual magic + lightning immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[7] = false;                        //Skips all dual magic + cold immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[8] = false;                        //Skips all dual magic + poison immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[9] = false;                        //Skips all dual fire + lightning immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[10] = false;                        //Skips all dual fire + cold immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[11] = false;                        //Skips all dual fire + poison immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[12] = false;                        //Skips all dual lightning + cold immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[13] = false;                        //Skips all dual lightning + poison immunes.
    NTConfig_SkipDual[14] = false;                        //Skips all dual cold + poison immunes.

    // ID Options & Other Town Configs
    NTConfig_IdInField = false;                        // set to true to have bot id items in field.  MUST have a tome of id in inventory
    NTConfig_FreeSpaceXY = [2, 4];                    // free block if less bot will id.  Easiest way to explain this is [2,4] would be free space big enough to hold a thresher
    NTConfig_AnnounceDroppedItems = false;            // anounce items that are being dropped.  NOTE does not work with items sold to vendor    
    NTConfig_dropMessages = [                        // randomly selected phrase used for NTConfig_AnnounceDroppedItems.  Add as many as you want following the provided format
                                "up for grabs ",
                                "dropping ",
                                "tossing ",
                                "free item on ground ",
    NTConfig_IdentAtCain = false;                        // Identify @ Cain? (Quicker & will skip using cain if something in inventory is suppose to be kept unidentified. Will not log sold items.)
    NTConfig_PocketChange = 500000;                        // Amount of gold you want to keep on hand used for repairs. Make adjustments to this & repair % to keep equipment from breaking.
    NTConfig_DontCainAct = [];                            // List any act you don't want to use cain on seperated by ",".  Set to "0" to id in all acts.
    NTConfig_Repair = "40";                                // Set to how much durability you want to repair at, 40 is normal, 99 is as soon as you loose one point.
    NTConfig_AlwaysUseCain = false;                        // Always use cain to ID? (Will ID items which are set to keep unid if they are in the inventory when visiting Cain.)
    NTConfig_DropCainItems = false;                        // set to true to drop items/false sells them to vendor

    // DPS Meter Config
    DPSMeter = false;                                    // This toggles the DPS Meter on / off.
        miniDPSDisplay = false;                            // Set true if you run a resolution below 800*600. (Formatting removed.)
        DPSScanSpeed = 50;                                 // Delay between each scan (in ms).
        DPSDisplayRate = 1000;                             // Interval DPS is recalculated and displayed (in ms). (Default 1000.)
        DPSScanHist = 2;                                 // Scan history (in seconds) to average. (Default 2.)    
    //Open chest configs configs.  
    //        * Chest ID's can be added to NTConfig_Chestids. Look for ID's in "Chest ID's.txt".
    NTConfig_OpenChest = false;                            // Open most super unique chests at the end of runs. (Chest ID settings below do not effect this.)
    NTConfig_CheckChestid = false;                        // Print chest ID's to screen as they're opened?
    NTConfig_OpenChestsInAreaClearing = false;            // Open chests while using clear functions? (Uses NTConfig_Chestids.)  

    // Remove area / chest ID's in the arrays below to open (all chests within removed area) / (specific chest).
    //        * Current area ID can be displayed ingame by pressing Num Pad "*".
    //        * Nearby chest ID's can be displayed ingame by pressing Num Pad "2".
    //         * A partial list of chest id's can be found in your D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs\Chest ID's.txt.  NOTE some of these are wrong.
    NTConfig_AreasToOpenChestClearing  = [];            // Enter areas for chests to be cleared within. (Areas seperated by commas.)

    NTConfig_Chestids = [104, 105, 106, 107, 5, 6, 87, 143, 140, 141, 144, 146, 147, 148, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 183, 198,
                        240, 241, 242, 243, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 354, 355, 356, 371, 387, 389, 390,        
                         391, 397, 405, 406, 407, 413, 420, 424, 425, 430, 431, 454, 455, 501, 502, 504, 505,
                        580, 581, 1, 3, 50, 51, 53, 79, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 20, 55, 139, 155, 159];

    // Shrine Grabber Settings
    NTConfig_ShareExpShrine = false;                    // Cleare around exp shrines and TP? (Will not grab experience shrines if true.)
    NTConfig_Shrines = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];                    // Change 0's to the corresponding #'s found in /D2NT/sdk/shrines.txt (To add more shrines, seperate values with a comma.)
    // Attack Configuration
    //         * Change the -1's to the corresponding #'s found in /D2NT/sdk/skills.txt
    //         * As of Jan 17th: -1 = Disabled, 0 = Normal Attack.
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0;    // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 0;    // Primary skill to boss.
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 123;    // Primary aura to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 0;    // Primary skill to others.
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 123;    // Primary aura to others. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0;    // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 123;    // Secondary aura. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[7] = 0;    // Tertiary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[8] = 123;    // Tertiary aura. Set to 0 if you won't

    prewavespot = [15092, 5028];                        // Pre-Wave standing (X,Y) coordinates. (For Baal Scripts.)
    NTconfig_HighMaxAttack = true;                        // Use HighMaxAttacks? (False = LowMaxAttacks.) High/Low are below.
    NTConfig_HighMaxAttackAreas = [131];                // If above is set false (you're using LowMaxAttacks), add areas to bypass LowMaxAttacks and use HighMaxAttacks instead. (Recommended in Baal's Throne Room.)
    NTConfig_HighMaxAttacks = 300;                        // Maximum number of attacks (HIGH) before skipping.
    NTConfig_LowMaxAttacks = 15;                        // Maximum number of attacks (LOW) before skipping.
    MonstersToAttackFirst =                             // Monster ID's to attack first. (Monsters which resurrect / spawn others are good choices.)

    NTConfig_AttackingThis = false; // Used to say target monsters ID/Name - Primarily for Dev purposes

    // Check Safe Settings
    // Check Self Safe. Set to []; for none.
    // 01=Potion. 02=Poison. 04=Amplify Damage. 08=Weaken. 10=Iron Maiden. 20=Decrepify. 40=Lower Resist. 80=Blood Mana.
    // Use this format: ['01','02'] etc. Add as many or as few as you want.

    NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = [];

    // Check Merc's Safe. Set to []; for none.
    // 01=Death, 02=Poison, 04=Amplify Damage, 08=Weaken, 10=Iron Maiden, 20=Decrepify, 40=Lower Resist
    // Use this format: ['01','02'] etc. Add as many or as few as you want.

    NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = [];

    // Class Specific Settings

    NTConfig_OnlySmiteStationary = false; // Use Attackskill 3 on bosses which can be knocked back. Fixes potential bugs.
    NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP = 80;                        // Use Redemption if under this % health. (Set 0 to disable.)
    NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP = 60;                        // Use Redemption if under this % mana. (Set 0 to disable.)


Now i updated to last version (before i used the config PG of older version).
The problem is the same... Sad

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - comper - 07-06-2012

you totally redid the char config file? it is not going to run right because you have deleted so much from the file where it needs some of the lines to run
do you even have these files - NTDurielHelper and the others
that file is meant to run the main bot if you are just wanting to use the map hack part of d2nt etal you will need to use the map char config file
if you have teamviewer where I can log on and see what you are doing and help you set it up

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Adamz - 07-06-2012

before i use the config char file of older version (with some adjustment)
now i copied the new char config file, and only deleted the lines of bot-files i dont use (further they are comment -> //)

the bot goes GOOD ... Smile
the file xxxhelper arr file i created ... all OK

where is the "map char config file" ?

i havent teamviewer

THX again

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - comper - 07-07-2012

Adamz Wrote:before i use the config char file of older version (with some adjustment)
now i copied the new char config file, and only deleted the lines of bot-files i dont use (further they are comment -> //)

the bot goes GOOD ... Smile
the file xxxhelper arr file i created ... all OK

where is the "map char config file" ?

i havent teamviewer

THX again

when you use the main char config file do not delete any lines from it because some lines needs to be there for the bot to run right - just remove the // from in front of the ones you want to use or add // in front of the scripts or if there is a true or false set it to which one you want
only add or remove // from in front of lines that start with this - NTConfig_Script.push - all other lines will be true or false, or have a number or saying - they will not run if the main line above them are un //
I did notice in your other file that you had this set at true in this part - Leech, Leech Fighter & Team Botting Settings this -
NTConfig_PartyOnlyLeader = true; and you had this set at true also in this part - General configuration - this - NTConfig_PublicMode = true;
one needs to be true and other one false they both shouldn't be true or both can be false just not both true
here is the map folder for the char files - D2NT\scripts\NTMap\char_configs
or you can use the main char config file and down in this part - Misc. Scripts use this one - //NTConfig_Script.push("NTManual.ntj"); and the options under it

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Adamz - 07-10-2012

the map-config file are original and updated

the problem is, qhen i launch the bot with "only" Map Hack:
- it opend the game
- it show the map ... correctly ... with NPG
- immediately the map disappear ... but the "X" of NPG reamin visible !

when i go in an area, i dont see nothing of the map (apart the "X" of the enemies), and i discover it while i walk in the area. If i come back to the town and then return in the area, the map i discovered is disappeared. I must restart to discover it again !

It is strange.

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - comper - 07-10-2012

Adamz Wrote:the map-config file are original and updated

the problem is, qhen i launch the bot with "only" Map Hack:
- it opend the game
- it show the map ... correctly ... with NPG
- immediately the map disappear ... but the "X" of NPG reamin visible !

when i go in an area, i dont see nothing of the map (apart the "X" of the enemies), and i discover it while i walk in the area. If i come back to the town and then return in the area, the map i discovered is disappeared. I must restart to discover it again !

It is strange.

do you get the map ok if you start d2 without the bot - also might check to see if you have it set to full map and check your d2 options and see if your map viewing and stuff has changed somehow
I am thinking it might be your d2 and not the bot but can be wrong - try and check everything without using the bot and then try bot again and let me know how it goes

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - Adamz - 07-12-2012

the map works using d2 without MAP HACK.

The MAP HACK works with some PG (especially my mules of level 1)

The MAP HACK doesn't work (how i explained in a previus post ... it disapper immediately but the "X" of NPC and enemies are visible) with some of my PG (my finding PG ... grrr Smile )

It is strange. Also in the past it did it. I deleted one file and it restarted to work good). The file i deleted was a new entry of the bot (those file that r in the script dir ... for example for leader, leecher, maphack, ...). I didn't use that file, but deleting it the maphack worked good (that file was only a copy of one of the original with another name, i didn't change any code-line inside it).

THX again Smile

Map loader problem ... it disapper immediately - comper - 07-13-2012

Adamz Wrote:the map works using d2 without MAP HACK.

The MAP HACK works with some PG (especially my mules of level 1)

The MAP HACK doesn't work (how i explained in a previus post ... it disapper immediately but the "X" of NPC and enemies are visible) with some of my PG (my finding PG ... grrr Smile )

It is strange. Also in the past it did it. I deleted one file and it restarted to work good). The file i deleted was a new entry of the bot (those file that r in the script dir ... for example for leader, leecher, maphack, ...). I didn't use that file, but deleting it the maphack worked good (that file was only a copy of one of the original with another name, i didn't change any code-line inside it).

THX again Smile

I am sorry Adamz I am not sure what else to tell you what to do - with you deleting files and some lines inside the files is making it hard for me to figure out what the problem is - the best thing for you to try and fix this is to get teamviewer where I can log on and see what is going on and see what settings and what files you have set up to use - but this is up to you to use teamviewer other then that I would say re-download the bot or re-install it and don't do anything to the files other then renaming and editing the char config file if you are using that one and see if it will work then
with not knowing how you have it set up and what files you are using I don't know what else to tell you