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US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - Printable Version

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US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - 48Inches - 07-12-2012

Hi i'm looking for leechers, I have 2 toons each arm with 2 cd keys. 96 Hdin with cold aura merc as the leader and 93 fighter sorc as the leecher.
Game end at 7 minute plus and 10 seconds at lobby to avoid R/D. Hoping to get lotsa peeps so i can make private game 24/7.
If i can get a sum of 8 toons, i could make a private game.
If anyone interested but dosen't know how to set his/her leech using a kolton, i can help Smile

Anyway msg me in game Shazarul or Shazarul01 or here Smile よろしくお願いします! Looking forward Smile

US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - comper - 07-13-2012

48Inches Wrote:Hi i'm looking for leechers, I have 2 toons each arm with 2 cd keys. 96 Hdin with cold aura merc as the leader and 93 fighter sorc as the leecher.
Game end at 7 minute plus and 10 seconds at lobby to avoid R/D. Hoping to get lotsa peeps so i can make private game 24/7.
If i can get a sum of 8 toons, i could make a private game.
If anyone interested but dosen't know how to set his/her leech using a kolton, i can help Smile

Anyway msg me in game Shazarul or Shazarul01 or here Smile よろしくお願いします! Looking forward Smile

are you running just baal runs or is that chaos and baal?
and are you trying to get your chars to lvl 99
oh and how do you like koltons

US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - 48Inches - 07-13-2012

I'm doing chaos baal run. Total game play plus lobby will be about 9 minute therefore hard chance to get R/D . . Kolton is THE BEAST!!! U don't have to set so much like etal. Smile and the leech is sooo convenient imo

US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - comper - 07-13-2012

48Inches Wrote:I'm doing chaos baal run. Total game play plus lobby will be about 9 minute therefore hard chance to get R/D . . Kolton is THE BEAST!!! U don't have to set so much like etal. Smile and the leech is sooo convenient imo

I am going to be gone again for about 6 days - starting tomorrow - but I can load some up to help you out if you are trying to get your chars to lvl 99

US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - 48Inches - 07-13-2012

Thanks comper, US West Non Ladder Softcore
var StarterConfig = {
    JoinChannel: "Sleak Games", // Name of the channel to join
    FirstJoinMessage: "!Games", // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login"
    ChatActionsDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel

    // D2BotChannel settings
    Games: ["Kanji Cbaal-"], // List of games to look for. Example: Games: ["some baal-", "chaos run-"],
    Passwords: ["erase1"], // List of game passwords. Each array in Games array should have a matching element in Passwords. Use "" for blank pw.
    JoinDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait between announcement and clicking join
    FriendListQuery: 0, // Seconds between "/f l" retries. 0 = disable

    SwitchKeys: false, // Set to true to switch keys when they're in use, banned or after realm down
    SwitchKeyDelay: 0, // Seconds to wait before switching a used/banned key or after realm down

    RealmDownDelay: 10, // Minutes to wait after getting Realm Down message
    UnableToConnectDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait after Unable To Connect message
    CDKeyInUseDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait before connecting again if CD-Key is in use. SwitchKeys overrides this!
    ConnectingTimeout: 20, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Connecting...' screen
    PleaseWaitTimeout: 10, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Please Wait...' screen
    WaitInLineTimeout: 60, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Waiting in Line...' screen
    GameDoesNotExistTimeout: 30 // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Game does not exist.' screen

US West NL Runs .. Looking for leechers - 48Inches - 07-14-2012

Soooo many views but only comper replied . . Common u guys! So many thread about bots but none of u wanna be level 99?