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Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Printable Version

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Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Juke - 06-28-2004

Ok Guys i'm Put This shit down. I'm Get all the 37337 on And Forum a klan, No not a PvP klan Magic Find or Any of that Crap, Just Pm Me tha Following Info and if i reply your in and i tell u whats up then

Real Name:
MSN Messenger: Must Have It
Why sould we Have you Join / What Can u do: You May be asked to Prove This

I will Send you a Test That youw ill have to get a 70% or higher to Pass

1. Juke Ownz you.. j/k
ALWAYS be parinoid when hacking. Not so much when just hacking a PC, more so when hacking a Big server or some shit. Like a web server to **** up someone's web page.

2. Dont send out trojans.. Please people. It's not cool. Now if you scan ports and find someone that has one on their computer and your trying to exploit them then by all means have phun. But dont use the client. Its not cool. Learn the commands for the differant types of servers. Like most of the pups use Netbus of Subseven. Thats not cool, But if you find one on a puter, Learn the commands for it and use raw commands. You will learn more that way. (Telnet into the server and use RAW commands)

3. Rember smoke at least 3 blunts a mounth. Minimum!

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Grave - 06-28-2004

most clans are viruses stay away...

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Juke - 06-28-2004

Stay Away..? U Have no Ideal Stay out Of this Forum Or i will Make u stay out.!

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Grave - 06-28-2004


Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Juke - 06-28-2004

Your Not Worth 2500 Points.

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Grave - 06-28-2004

clans r for retards who have nothing to do

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Nubli - 06-28-2004

flaming in a clan thread.

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Juke - 06-28-2004

Read this First b4 Applying

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Nubli - 06-28-2004

im already flaming him in another thread for being moronic..

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Fuggle - 07-03-2004

lol the only clans that are viruses or scams are the games like free soj if u go to register at website... u can go to this website dude it isnt a virus it is a perfectly legit clan called TIAV. everyone join!

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - elterion - 07-03-2004

There are a lot of secret clans that are trustworthy

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - Zyclo - 07-07-2004

ya, not all clans are virus's... just dont download or open files from places u dont trust...

Diablo 37337 Klan[-Brute Haqerz-] - defaultstring2 - 07-07-2004

common sense ppl