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What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Printable Version

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What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - lorddemon - 07-18-2003

who is urs>??? these r the results so far.......

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Shne(TLO) - 07-20-2003

Barb! but i have, (and like) Sorc and Ama. the only chars i don't like is Necro and Pala.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - trayne - 07-20-2003

druid all the way!. though i have been using ama now cause i got bored.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Ash - 07-20-2003

Got to be Assassin Rolleyes

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - trayne - 07-20-2003

make a scarry char. druid/sassy/zon lol.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Mistbooster@kgb - 08-01-2003

just to say my BRO´s ass. is the scariest char i have seen

( trap master LV 94 )

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Falkie - 08-01-2003

amazons for me.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - az|d - 08-15-2003

Amazon's do well, but i better like the sorc... :devil:

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - AngryIdiot - 08-16-2003

I have to say sorce cause its best for mf and 1.10 barb gonna suck some cause his zerk reduces his def rating to 0 n ww will have pause.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - MaDaWc-ReBoRn - 04-19-2004

i like blizz sorcs blizz usually owns in one hit depending on the gear u wear and the gear the opponent wears, i also like fire sorcs

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - wilwil - 04-19-2004

my first char that I created in D2 is barb
and I still stick with him

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - United - 04-20-2004

sorc own cos they can do a lot of things that are fun like tele and they stay back so you don't have to fight with much of an effort

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - -=(Jessica)=- - 04-20-2004

sorcs and pally

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Silver Ice - 07-31-2004


What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Merendrious - 07-31-2004

Paladin's, cause you can go in so many different ways with them Smile

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Nubli - 07-31-2004

Barbarian, cuz you can put skillz into resistance and defense.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - GoT-Power - 07-31-2004

sorc cause they find stuff to support all your other chars. the sorceress is at the bottom of the family tree if you know what i mean.

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - timeforpain - 08-01-2004

I wud have to say sorc, tele owns

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - logic. - 08-01-2004

i like sorcs

What Is Your Favorite Character Class? - Diablo_HunterX - 08-01-2004

Barbs because insidew combat and awesome gear u get to wear