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Weird Dreams.. - -=(Jessica)=- - 07-12-2004

I have been having weird dreams lately like one of me meeting a guy with a *****...
Me going to a place where people live in trees made of candys.. i have no clue wtf is wrong with me lately...

PS : the dreams r only weird when i sleep in the afternoon which i rarely do.

Weird Dreams.. - Einhander89 - 07-12-2004

what is the edited word/words...?
dreams are messed up im glad i dont have them but when i do it like really messed up and i like never forget them, VERY weird

Weird Dreams.. - Re-Evolve - 07-13-2004

Maybe is too much d2 jessBig Grin but yes, dreams are weird some times, and the amazing thing is how it affects how you feeling when you wake up, if you had sad or bad dream you wake up down, if you have a fun dream, you wake up happy. I had this weird dream in which i was in the middle of the highway getting ran over by cars, then i woke up, and i felt sore!....crazy...:p

Weird Dreams.. - Nubli - 07-13-2004

I don't think she even plays d2 that much Smile
Unless she's back from vacation.

Weird Dreams.. - KJs_Mind - 07-13-2004

I forget my dreams about 1minute after i wake up

Weird Dreams.. - godofkickflips - 07-13-2004

a while ago my friends were all hyped up on learning how to control their dreams. they downloaded a guide online (Learn to Control Your Dreams in a Few Short Months!) and were flipping out about it for a while. thankfully, they stopped.

Weird Dreams.. - Karant - 07-13-2004

if games give you weird dreams, never play Alien Vs. Predator or Silent Hill............ or Barbie Riding Club

Weird Dreams.. - laMe - 07-13-2004

I heard somewhere that if you sleep in the afternoon you get weird dreams or something....So if you want to have some crazy *** dreams then sleep in the afternoon!

Weird Dreams.. - fortunecookieX - 07-13-2004

have you ever had a more than one dream and the second dream you know is fake but the first dream you think is real and really happen,i have those all the time

Weird Dreams.. - Captian Becard - 07-13-2004

hm isleep to about 12 every morning is that good?

Weird Dreams.. - -=(Jessica)=- - 07-13-2004

Not good... any ways like Nubli said im back.

Weird Dreams.. - Lycshiftz - 07-13-2004

I used to have dreams... Now I dont....

The last dream I remember I was a serial killer bassist for a heavy metal band...

Weird Dreams.. - Captian Becard - 07-13-2004 dream today was figuring out how 2 dupe on diablo was so clear but now i forgot damn.this is l ike the 7th time my brian tried 2 tell me and i forgot.

Weird Dreams.. - -=(Jessica)=- - 07-13-2004


Weird Dreams.. - Lycshiftz - 07-13-2004

lol why dupe when u can dream ur duping ^_^.

Weird Dreams.. - Captian Becard - 07-13-2004

but to say the worst is my alien dreams they are real freakin scarry im not kidding seeing a ufo hover ove u and bein paralyzed is anda group of villlagers huid under the bridge and hwile w ran there we started 2 say hut hut hut hut!move move!

Weird Dreams.. - -=(Jessica)=- - 07-13-2004

Capt if u recall anything feel free to pm me Smile

Weird Dreams.. - Lycshiftz - 07-13-2004

The scariest dream I ever remember having is when I was the only person alive and there were these things that could blend into anything and stretch out of em.... Kinda like Venom...

They were shooting out of walls and crap.

Weird Dreams.. - Captian Becard - 07-13-2004

aalmsot as scaery as the 1 where i had a dinosuar chasing me man i could fill its teeth running in my back when i woke up i was hanging over the stand of my bed.but still it was scary.shit ive had like 7k dreams.

Weird Dreams.. - -=(Jessica)=- - 07-13-2004

Capt your pm made no sense but oh well im glad you took the effort Smile