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What did I just see? - Printable Version

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What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

I was in a game, one of the "I can dupe 4 u" on closed non-ladder. It was the ol' 2-person dupe scam. ANyway, the guy claiming to dupe was a Sorc and s/he said, "watch my new trick" and the guy disappeared in act 1.

Nothing on the screen showed him leaving. He just disappeared. I am guessing the he teleported out of town, but couldn't find him. Anyone have any ideas on this?<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

What did I just see? - defaultstring2 - 07-22-2004

he talked to warriv and went into act 2

What did I just see? - TMP - 07-22-2004

If you click on Warriv like you're going to talk to him, and walk away at the right time, you can hit Go East while not near Warriv, making the illusion that you just tele'd.

Confusing to explain.

What did I just see? - Siluru - 07-22-2004

did he leave game? or just town

What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

He left town. He was standing in front of Gheed in Act 1. All he said was, "now for my next trick." He didnt leave the game. I hit "m" and didnt read anything saying he left.

What did I just see? - TMP - 07-22-2004

Did he run from Warriv to Gheed?

What did I just see? - defaultstring2 - 07-22-2004

lol probably

What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

Ahh, I don't remember. Damn. I thought i saw something new. I bet he did.

What did I just see? - defaultstring2 - 07-22-2004

yep the oldest trick in the book

What did I just see? - TMP - 07-22-2004


*I have a bugged wirts leg, watchhh I can disappear!*

What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

Dammit. At least i didn't dl soemthing from a website. I got caought with that about a yr ago

What did I just see? - defaultstring2 - 07-22-2004

lol same it cost me my titians revenge

What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

I am now e-mailing sellers of "dupe" programs on eBay asking for live demos. one is on business, one says it is a 2-person dupe, and 1 is a reseller and cant give tech. infor. LOL stupid f***ers

What did I just see? - defaultstring2 - 07-22-2004

lol they are stooped ppl who make fortunes scamming noobs

What did I just see? - parker_soups - 07-22-2004

I threatened one with a complaint to eBay for selling fradulant items. He called me a F***er. LOL